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Game of August 30, 2012 at 15:12, 5 players
1. 596 pts PIThompson
2. 483 pts iwhist
3. 333 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdeilt   H7    74    74   dialect
 2. aenotuv  12H    24    98   centavo
 3. eegoosw  O12    38   136   swee
 4. ?eptuuv  14J    32   168   prevue
 5. afilmor   J5    67   235   formalin
 6. imnnrsu  14D    23   258   rimus
 7. aeklnrr   8J    39   297   marker
 8. aacders   G2    69   366   ascared
 9. beiistu   3G    76   442   subitise
10. abdeoqt   2J    67   509   qat
11. degllox  15A    48   557   loxed
12. aafinrt   4A    32   589   fanatic
13. bghinoo   A1    42   631   hoofing
14. adeglnr   O1    39   670   radge
15. beootwz  13C    43   713   zobo
16. eegjlno  11E    38   751   gleenie
17. hinoptw   B2    37   788   hwan
18. ijnopty   K1    36   824   patty
19. iijnouy   N2    41   865   jeu

Remaining tiles: iinoy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7797 FilePIThompson  7 12:19  -269  596     1.7797 PIThompson  7 12:19  -269  596 
  2.6596 Fileiwhist      2 16:46  -382  483     2.7306 dannyboy    1  9:55  -532  333 
  3.7306 Filedannyboy    1  9:55  -532  333            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Fileginie       0 13:10  -617  248     1.6596 iwhist      2 16:46  -382  483 
  5.6803 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:25  -847   18     2.6803 GLOBEMAN    0  1:25  -847   18 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ginie       0 13:10  -617  248 

On 1st draw, DI(A)LECT H7 74 --- DIALECT a regional variety of a language [n]
Other tops: CIT(A)DEL H4 74, CLI(F)TED H4 74, DELICT(S) H8 74, DELT(A)IC H6 74, D(U)CTILE H2 74, LIC(H)TED H2 74, TIC(K)LED H2 74
Other moves: CIT(A)DEL H8 72, CLI(F)TED H6 72, DELICT(S) H4 72, DELT(A)IC H4 72, DI(A)LECT H4 72
CITED H4 22 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, CENTAVO 12H 24 --- CENTAVO a coin of various Spanish-American nations [n]
Other moves: COVENT 12H 22, OCTAVE 12G 22, VAUNCE 12D 22, COVEN 12H 20, COVET 12H 20
VALET 10F 18 PIThompson
OVAL 10E 15 iwhist

On 3rd draw, SWEE O12 38 --- SWEE to sway [v]
Other moves: OGEES O8 35, SEGO O12 32, WOOSE N10 32, EWES 11H 25, EWES 14E 25
SWEE O12 38 PIThompson
WOOSE N10 32 iwhist

On 4th draw, P(R)EVUE 14J 32 --- PREVUE to preview [v]
Other tops: VE(D)UTE 14J 32, VE(R)TUE 14J 32
Other moves: PUTU(R)E 14J 26, PUT(T)EE 14J 26, PU(N)TEE 14J 26, PU(T)TEE 14J 26, VE(S)T 14F 23
VE(S)T 14F 23 PIThompson
PE G9 15 iwhist

On 5th draw, FORMALIN J5 67 --- FORMALIN a formic aldehyde used as an antiseptic [n]
Other moves: DI(A)LECTAL H7 33, ORA 13K 29, FERIAL 11G 28, FLORA 15F 28, FOLIA 15F 28
FRA 15H 22 iwhist

On 6th draw, RIMUS 14D 23 --- RIMU a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: MINT K9 22, MIST K9 22, MUNI 15G 22, UNFIRM 5H 22, ISM G7 21
OM 6J 4 iwhist

On 7th draw, MARKER 8J 39 --- MARKER one that marks [n]
Other moves: KA 13L 37, LANKER K1 32, LARKER K1 32, RANKER K1 32, ANKER K2 30
LAKE 15A 30 PIThompson
RAKE 13C 28 iwhist

On 8th draw, ASCARED G2 69 --- ASCARED afraid [adj]
Other moves: ARCADES G2 68, ACRED 15A 33, ARCED 15A 33, CAAED 15A 33, CARED 15A 33
CARED 15A 33 PIThompson
SACRED N4 15 iwhist

On 9th draw, SUBITISE 3G 76 --- SUBITISE to perceive [v]
Other moves: UBIETIES N2 74, SUBITISE 3A 70, BITES 15A 29, BUTES 15A 29, TUBES 15A 29
BITES 15A 29 PIThompson, iwhist
TUBES K2 26 ginie

On 10th draw, QAT 2J 67 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BATED 2J 50, QAID L1 48, QAT 2L 41, BADE O1 36, BODE O1 36
QAT 2J 67 PIThompson, iwhist, dannyboy
BED O1 30 ginie

On 11th draw, LOXED 15A 48 --- LOX to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v]
Other moves: EXO 4K 45, EX 4K 41, GOX 4L 41, LODGE O1 39, EX K5 37
LOXED 15A 48 PIThompson
EX 4K 41 dannyboy
EX K5 37 iwhist
LED O1 24 ginie

On 12th draw, FANATIC 4A 32 --- FANATIC a zealot [n]
Other tops: FRANTIC 4A 32
Other moves: FRACTI 4D 31, ANA 13K 29, FARINA 13A 29, INFARCT 4B 29, INFRACT 4B 29
ANA 13K 29 PIThompson
IF F1 26 dannyboy, iwhist
AFRAID E10 20 ginie

On 13th draw, HOOFING A1 42 --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other moves: BOOTH 13E 37, NEIGH N2 34, BOHO 5B 33, HOBO 5B 33, BOHO 13C 32
HOOFING A1 42 PIThompson, iwhist
OH F1 26 dannyboy, ginie

On 14th draw, RADGE O1 39 --- RADGE a bad temper [n] --- RADGE angry [adj]
Other moves: ALDERN O1 36, ALDER O1 33, GADE O1 33, LADEN O1 33, LADER O1 33
RADGE O1 39 PIThompson
GADE O1 33 dannyboy
LADEN O1 33 iwhist, ginie

On 15th draw, ZOBO 13C 43 --- ZOBO a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: TOWZE 11D 34, TOWZE E4 34, WOOTZ E1 34, BOZO 13A 33, ZOBO 13A 33
ZOBO 13C 43 PIThompson
ZOOT 13B 33 iwhist
ZOO N10 32 dannyboy
ZA 2F 31 ginie

On 16th draw, GLEENIE 11E 38 --- GLEENIE (English dialect) a guinea fowl [n]
Other moves: JEU H1 32, JAG 2F 30, JEEL N6 27, JEE N6 26, JOE N6 26
JAG 2F 30 PIThompson
JOE N6 26 dannyboy, iwhist
GORE D12 10 ginie

On 17th draw, HWAN B2 37 --- HWAN a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: WHAT B2 37
Other moves: PIANO B2 34, PHAT B2 33, WHA B2 33, OHIA B1 31, PING 4L 28
WHAT B2 37 PIThompson
OH F1 26 ginie, dannyboy

On 18th draw, PATTY K1 36 --- PATTY a small, flat cake of chopped food [n]
Other moves: JAY 2F 34, YOJAN 2D 33, NATTY K1 32, JOEY N6 30, JONTY E1 30
JAY 2F 34 PIThompson
JOE N6 26 dannyboy
JA 2F 25 iwhist
JOINED 7C 22 ginie

On 19th draw, JEU N2 41 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JAY 2F 34, YOJAN 2D 33, JOEY N6 30, JONTY E1 30, JOE N6 26
JAY 2F 34 PIThompson, iwhist
JOEY N6 30 dannyboy

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