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Game of August 30, 2012 at 15:58, 6 players
1. 656 pts PIThompson
2. 509 pts raggedy01
3. 483 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afgpru   H4    26    26   frape
 2. ehlrsuw   4H    26    52   flusher
 3. deginoz   6H    73   125   agonized
 4. abdeiot   M3    34   159   teazed
 5. aabesst   O1    45   204   abased
 6. eiilnsv   J6    63   267   olivines
 7. ceoorst   8A    80   347   creosote
 8. dehnoox   9A    47   394   hex
 9. bdeioty   E5    48   442   obesity
10. ?aaginw  13C    78   520   wanigans
11. ceeprwy   F2    48   568   weepy
12. aacejnt  H12    57   625   jane
13. aaceint  10G    62   687   actiniae
14. dfkloot   D1    42   729   kloof
15. addrrtu   1A    27   756   dark
16. dgimruv   7C    29   785   vie
17. dgilmtu  10B    23   808   it
18. dnortuu  14B    28   836   donut
19. gilmoqr  15A    36   872   qi
20. glmoruu   3C    22   894   golem

Remaining tiles: morruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7801 FilePIThompson 10 15:45  -238  656     1.7801 PIThompson 10 15:45  -238  656 
  2.6419 Fileraggedy01   2 26:04  -385  509     2.7321 dannyboy    1  1:19  -795   99 
  3.6601 FileSQUAW1      4 12:29  -411  483     3.7369 musdrive    1  0:55  -868   26 
  4.4067 Fileginie       2 13:45  -570  324            Group: intermediate
  5.7321 Filedannyboy    1  1:19  -795   99     1.6419 raggedy01   2 26:04  -385  509 
  6.7369 Filemusdrive    1  0:55  -868   26     2.6601 SQUAW1      4 12:29  -411  483 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4067 ginie       2 13:45  -570  324 

On 1st draw, FRAP(E) H4 26 --- FRAPE (Dial.) tightly bound [adj]
Other tops: ARGUF(Y) H8 26, FRAP(S) H4 26, FRUGA(L) H4 26, FRU(M)P H4 26
Other moves: FAUG(H) H4 24, FRAG(S) H4 24, FRUG(S) H4 24, FRU(M)P H8 24, FUGA(L) H4 24
FRAP(S) H4 26 PIThompson, musdrive
FRAP(E) H4 26 ginie

On 2nd draw, FLUSHER 4H 26 --- FLUSHER someone who flushes sewers [n]
Other moves: WELSH I6 24, WERSH I6 24, WHALERS 6F 23, FLESH 4H 22, FLEWS 4H 22
FLUSHER 4H 26 PIThompson
WHARE 6F 21 raggedy01
WHA 6F 17 ginie

On 3rd draw, AGONIZED 6H 73 --- AGONIZE to suffer extreme pain [v]
Other moves: DORIZE N2 72, ZEROING N2 38, ADZING 6H 37, GINZO I6 35, GRIZE N3 35
ZEROING N2 38 PIThompson
RIZ N4 32 ginie
ZO G6 28 raggedy01

On 4th draw, TEAZED M3 34 --- TEAZE to make fun of [v]
Other moves: BORIDE 5F 32, IODATE 7J 32, RADIO 5H 32, BRIDE 5G 30, TEAZE M3 30
TEAZED M3 34 PIThompson
BETA 7J 27 raggedy01
DEBIT O6 24 SQUAW1, ginie

On 5th draw, ABASED O1 45 --- ABASE to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem [v]
Other tops: BASSED O1 45
Other moves: TSADES O3 39, ABAS O1 36, BAAS O1 36, BASS O1 36, BATS O1 36
BASSED O1 45 PIThompson
ATES O1 30 ginie
DEBTS O6 24 raggedy01

On 6th draw, OLIVINES J6 63 --- OLIVINE a mineral [n]
Other moves: VENDIS 8J 33, EVILS L8 22, IVIES L8 22, DEV 8M 21, DIV 8M 21
EVILS L8 22 PIThompson
DEL 8M 12 ginie

On 7th draw, CREOSOT(E) 8A 80 --- CREOSOTE to treat with a wood preservative [v]
Other moves: CREOSOTE 12H 78, SCOOTERS 13C 74, CREOSOTE 12C 72, CORONETS 11F 70, CEROONS 11E 36
SCOOTERS 13C 74 raggedy01
SCOOTERS 13C 24 PIThompson
CORNS 11G 14 ginie

On 8th draw, HEX 9A 47 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: EXO 9B 39, DEX K10 38, EXON K11 37, EX 9B 36, EXO K11 35
HEX 9A 47 PIThompson, SQUAW1
DEX K10 38 raggedy01

On 9th draw, OBESITY E5 48 --- OBESITY the state or condition of being obese [n]
Other moves: BOYED 10B 42, YBET 7C 38, BODY 10B 37, BOITE 10B 36, BOY 10B 35
BOYED 10B 42 PIThompson
EXITED C8 28 raggedy01
BOYS 13G 16 ginie

On 10th draw, WA(N)IGANS 13C 78 --- WANIGAN a supply chest used in a logging camp [n]
Other tops: AWA(K)INGS 13C 78
Other moves: AWA(K)ING N8 77, A(D)AWING N8 77, AWA(K)ING L8 76, A(D)AWING L8 76, WANIGA(N)S 13C 76
W(O)NT 10B 37 SQUAW1, PIThompson
CHAWING A8 17 raggedy01
WING 11H 16 ginie

On 11th draw, WEEPY F2 48 --- WEEPY tending to weep [adj]
Other tops: YAWP H12 48
Other moves: CREPY F2 45, CREEPY F1 42, PACY H12 42, WARY H12 42, PEERY F2 41
WARY H12 42 dannyboy, PIThompson, raggedy01
DRY 8M 21 ginie

On 12th draw, JANE H12 57 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JACANA H10 54, JEAN 12A 47, JEAT 12A 47, TAJ 12B 43, AJEE 12G 41
JANE H12 57 PIThompson, SQUAW1, ginie, dannyboy, raggedy01

On 13th draw, ACTINIAE 10G 62 --- ACTINIA a marine animal [n]
Other moves: ACETA D2 27, AIT 7A 26, EAT 7A 26, ACTA D3 25, CENTIARE B2 24
NEAT 12A 19 PIThompson
AT 7B 17 ginie
CHANCE A8 16 raggedy01

On 14th draw, KLOOF D1 42 --- KLOOF a ravine [n]
Other moves: DOOK 12A 39, FOOT 10B 39, FOOD 12A 35, LOOK 12A 35, TOOK 12A 35
DOOK 12A 39 PIThompson
FOOLED 3B 24 raggedy01
TREK B7 18 ginie

On 15th draw, DARK 1A 27 --- DARK having little or no light [adj] --- DARK to darken [v]
Other tops: DRAD 12A 27, DUAD 12A 27
Other moves: RARK 1A 24, TURK 1A 24, AD 10A 23, DRAT 12A 23, TRAD 12A 23
DARK 1A 27 PIThompson, raggedy01
TURK 1A 24 ginie

On 16th draw, VIE 7C 29 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other moves: ERUVIM 12J 28, IRIDIUM L6 28, GROVED 3B 26, MOVED 3C 26, ID 10A 23
VIE 7C 29 PIThompson
VIRED B6 21 raggedy01

On 17th draw, IT 10B 23 --- IT the 3d person sing. neuter pronoun [pron]
Other tops: ID 10A 23, MIAUL D11 23
Other moves: GOLEM 3C 22, MUD 14D 22, GAUM D12 20, ILIUM L8 20, LOMED 3C 20
ID 10A 23 PIThompson
DIM 8M 18 raggedy01

On 18th draw, DONUT 14B 28 --- DONUT doughnut [n] --- DONUT to surround a parliamentary orator to impress TV audiences [v]
Other moves: TROD 12A 23, AROUND B1 22, UDON 12A 21, UDON 14E 20, NOD 12B 19
TROD 12A 23 PIThompson
ON I12 12 raggedy01

On 19th draw, QI 15A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MIG 15A 28, MOG 15A 28, GOLEM 3C 22, LIG 15A 22, LOG 15A 22
QI 15A 36 SQUAW1, PIThompson
MI 15A 15 raggedy01

On 20th draw, GOLEM 3C 22 --- GOLEM a legendary creature [n]
Other moves: ORANG D11 21, MO N1 20, ROM G1 20, MOAN D11 19, OM 2A 19
ROM G1 20 PIThompson, raggedy01

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