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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of August 31, 2012 at 12:36

Word find
Word played
1 EGNOPSS             SPONGES H3 76 76  
2 DIILORW             DISPONGES H1 39 115  
3 AAEEKLN             SKEANE 3H 30 145  
4 ?CEIOTV             CO(S)TIVE N1 98 243  
5 BEHIRTW             WICH 1L 48 291  
6 AEJOOPT             TAJ O7 32 323  
7 ?DITUUZ             DEUTZI(A) J2 40 363  
8 EIMNORS             MERSION M7 84 447  
9 ABELNTU             TUNEABLE 8A 83 530  
10 ABFINRU             BARF L12 36 566  
11 AAEIMRW             AMIA K3 31 597  
12 AELRSUY             LYASES 9E 40 637  
13 AEFOPTU PET 10E 25 -17 25 1/2 OFFPUT 15J 42 679 1/2
14 AAILNRU RUN 14H 9 -61 34 2/2 LUNARIAN C6 70 749 2/2
15 EEINORW ROW 14H 27 -62 61 1/1 IRONWEED 1A 89 838 1/2
16 AELOTVY LOVEY 14F 34 -52 95 1/1 OVATELY 14D 86 924 1/2
17 DEGOOQR GREED H11 24 -5 119 1/2 GOD 15F 29 953 1/3
18 EEGHIQR QI 11B 11 -20 130 1/1 EH 2E 31 984 1/3
19 CDEGORR GORED 3A 21 -23 151 1/1 DECALOG E5 44 1028 1/3

Total: 151/1028 or -877 for 14.68%
Rank: 4402

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