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Game of August 31, 2012 at 13:22, 2 players
1. 129 pts ginie
2. 88 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efiorty   H7    32    32   ferity
 2. ?ddeors   8H    80   112   endorsed
 3. abeorst  11D    90   202   abettors
 4. ajlotuw  12A    48   250   jowl
 5. efhilst  13B    50   300   fetish
 6. ?aeinno   O8    77   377   demonian
 7. aeglops  N11    33   410   golpe
 8. bddeils   N2    26   436   bedside
 9. aghopqx   O1    52   488   hox
10. aaimmnt   5H    74   562   mainmast
11. ainottz   M3    65   627   zoa
12. aailnpr   F4    64   691   airplane
13. aeeotuy  14A    24   715   ute
14. einrtuu  15C    28   743   triune
15. aciklrv   E2    34   777   calk
16. aegnqrv   8A    42   819   gravel
17. aeinoqu   B3    71   890   aequorin
18. ceiuvwy   A1    53   943   view

Remaining tiles: cguy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4454 Fileginie       0  9:32  -814  129     1.6444 raggedy01   0  2:47  -855   88 
  2.6444 Fileraggedy01   0  2:47  -855   88            Group: not rated
                                             1.4454 ginie       0  9:32  -814  129 

On 1st draw, FERITY H7 32 --- FERITY wildness [n]
Other tops: FERITY H4 32, FREITY H4 32, FREITY H7 32
Other moves: FIERY H4 30, FIERY H8 30, FORTY H4 30, FORTY H8 30, FOYER H4 30
FORTY H8 30 ginie

On 2nd draw, E(N)DORSED 8H 80 --- ENDORSE to sign the back of a negotiable document [v]
Other moves: DOR(I)SED G2 69, DOR(I)SED I2 69, DRO(W)SED G2 69, DRO(W)SED I2 69, SODD(I)ER G2 68
TODD(L)ERS 11H 68 raggedy01
DRE(S)SED 8F 10 ginie

On 3rd draw, ABETTORS 11D 90 --- ABETTOR one that abets [n]
Other tops: ABETTORS 11E 90, BATTEROS 11E 90
BREASTS M2 20 raggedy01
BEDS J6 13 ginie

On 4th draw, JOWL 12A 48 --- JOWL the fleshy part under the lower jaw [n] --- JOWL to bump [v]
Other moves: JAW 10D 47, JOW 10D 47, JOLT 12A 42, JOTA 12A 42, JOUAL D8 40
JET F10 26 ginie

On 5th draw, FETISH 13B 50 --- FETISH an object believed to have magical power [n]
Other moves: HEFTS 13B 43, HEFT 13B 41, FLOSH B10 38, LEFTISH M3 36, SELFISH M3 36

On 6th draw, DE(M)ONIAN O8 77 --- DEMONIAN characteristic of a demon [adj]
Other tops: ANOIN(T)ED O1 77, DE(V)ONIAN O8 77
Other moves: AN(G)INOSE M2 68, (B)ESONIAN M6 68, (C)ANONISE M2 68, ANOIN(T)ER L1 66, ENA(T)IONS M1 66

On 7th draw, GOLPE N11 33 --- GOLPE a purple roundel [n]
Other tops: PAISE 10F 33
Other moves: P**FS B10 32, PAGLE N11 31, GASP N11 29, GOLP N11 29, SAP 10D 29

On 8th draw, BEDSIDE N2 26 --- BEDSIDE the side of a bed [n]
Other moves: BIDDERS L3 22, BIELDS M3 22, DEID 10F 22, DIEBS 14E 22, DIEB 14E 21

On 9th draw, HOX O1 52 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other tops: HOAX M3 52
Other moves: PAX O1 49, POX O1 49, GOX O1 46, HOAX 14F 40, HOX 14F 39
AXE F9 26 ginie

On 10th draw, MAINMAST 5H 74 --- MAINMAST the principal mast of a vessel [n]
Other moves: MATAI M1 44, MAT M1 35, IMAM 10C 34, MAM 10D 33, AMTMAN 10A 32

On 11th draw, ZOA M3 65 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: NIZAM H1 51, ZEX 3M 38, ZONATE F6 37, NIZAM L1 34, TOAZE F7 34

On 12th draw, AIRPLANE F4 64 --- AIRPLANE a winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellers [n]
Other moves: PANIM H1 30, PRAAM H1 30, PAIL 10F 26, PAIN 10F 26, PARIAL 4D 25

On 13th draw, UTE 14A 24 --- UTE a utility vehicle [n]
Other tops: ATE 14A 24, TOEY 6I 24
Other moves: YAE E4 23, YOU E4 23, TE 14B 22, YATE E3 22, OYE 6J 21
YETI 5C 14 ginie

On 14th draw, TRIUNE 15C 28 --- TRIUNE a trinity [n]
Other tops: TUNIER 15C 28
Other moves: INERM H1 24, RUINATE 4B 21, URINATE 4B 21, ETUI 6I 18, IRATE 4D 17
NU 6J 10 ginie

On 15th draw, CALK E2 34 --- CALK to make the seams of a ship watertight [v]
Other moves: ILKA E3 32, CLAIM H1 30, ILK E3 28, ILKA E2 26, KA E5 26

On 16th draw, GRAVEL 8A 42 --- GRAVEL to pave with gravel (a mixture of rock fragments) [v]
Other moves: NERVAL 8A 39, VERNAL 8A 30, ENARM H1 24, REGNAL 8A 24, AGLARE 4C 21

On 17th draw, AEQUORIN B3 71 --- AEQUORIN a protein secreted by jellyfish [n]
Other moves: QUOINED J2 39, QUINCE 2A 38, QUOIN J2 36, QUAI J2 33, QUINOA C3 32

On 18th draw, VIEW A1 53 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: IVY A1 32, WEY A1 32, WYE C2 30, ICY A1 29, WYE A1 29

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