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Game sheet of GLOBEMAN (file), Game of August 31, 2012 at 14:50

Word find
Word played
1 BEGILRW             BEWIG H4 28 28  
2 MORSTTU             MISTUTOR 7G 65 93  
3 AAEGNOS             GEASON O4 38 131  
4 ADDIPTZ ZAP G3 32 -5 32 3/3 DARZI N5 37 168 3/5
5 ABEFIRY FAIRY M9 40   72 2/4 FAYRE M9   208 3/5
6 CEGILPT EPIC L12 30   102 1/4       238 3/6
7 ?EEINOO DARZI(S) N5 16 -43 118 4/4 O(P)TIONEE J5 59 297 3/6
8 AEEORSW WEISE 14J 44   162 1/4       341 3/6
9 ILNORTT INTO 15G 17 -51 179 3/4 TROTLINE 12C 68 409 2/6
10 ?EIJLNU J(A) 11E 35 -43 214 2/4 JULIEN(N)E 5A 78 487 2/6
11 AACHILT JACAL A5 42 -3 256 1/4 JHALA A5 45 532 2/6
12 DEFGIRU FE 15N 20 -18 276 5/5 FRIDGE 15E 38 570 2/7
13 AELRSTX AXE 4C 42   318 3/5 RETAX K1   612 2/7
14 AEKORSY YORKERS 1F 45 -43 363 1/5 ROKELAYS C1 88 700 2/7
15 ABDNOTV BOARD 1H 30 -7 393 3/5 BONITA D2 37 737 2/7
16 AIIPQUV QUINA F2 36 -7 429 2/4 QUEP 11H 43 780 2/7
17 ACDIMUV MAUD 11B 24 -16 453 3/5 CADI O12 40 820 2/7
18 DHINOUV DOH L2 29 -7 482 2/5 RHINO 1K 36 856 2/7

Total: 482/856 or -374 for 56.30%
Rank: 7238

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