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Game of September 5, 2012 at 12:54, 4 players
1. 497 pts naomiari
2. 228 pts JennyB
3. 136 pts nudelily

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegghin   H4    28    28   haeing
 2. ?aeoost   8A    74   102   teaspoon
 3. aefglmp   F2    80   182   megaflop
 4. ?iiiisx   G1    39   221   six
 5. deinqst  10D    33   254   qis
 6. aeinnpr   D1    76   330   panniers
 7. ?aeflty   B3    73   403   facetely
 8. aceeint  A10    32   435   anetic
 9. aejlnst   1G    42   477   sejant
10. deorrsw  15A   104   581   crowders
11. ilooruu   2F    24   605   milor
12. degloot   A1    34   639   good
13. adehkmu  14C    38   677   haem
14. ceinoru  13A    32   709   torc
15. aentuuv   4H    22   731   haven
16. bdeilou   L3    64   795   unilobed
17. dekruuw   K4    35   830   eked
18. ittuuwy   M6    33   863   twit
19. biruvyz   K9    47   910   vizy

Remaining tiles: biruuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6369 Filenaomiari    1 23:27  -413  497     1.7241 nudelily    2  4:50  -774  136 
  2.6056 FileJennyB      2  8:48  -682  228            Group: intermediate
  3.7241 Filenudelily    2  4:50  -774  136     1.6369 naomiari    1 23:27  -413  497 
  4.6438 Fileraggedy01   0  4:44  -821   89     2.6056 JennyB      2  8:48  -682  228 
                                             3.6438 raggedy01   0  4:44  -821   89 

On 1st draw, HAEING H4 28 --- HAE to have [v]
Other moves: ANIGH H8 26, HANGI H4 26, HINGE H4 26, NEIGH H8 26, GIGHE H4 24
HINGE H4 26 naomiari

On 2nd draw, TEAS(P)OON 8A 74 --- TEASPOON a small spoon [n]
Other moves: TOHE(R)OAS 4F 70, SEA(B)OOT G7 68, OSTEO(M)A I9 62, (F)OOTAGES 9C 60, (R)OOTAGES 9C 60
STE(P) G4 13 naomiari

On 3rd draw, MEGAFLOP F2 80 --- MEGAFLOP a measure of computing speed in terms of number of floating point operations per second [n]
Other moves: AFLAME C8 30, ALEF I4 29, PHLEGM 4G 28, FAME G3 24, FAME I3 24
FLAME I2 22 naomiari

On 4th draw, SIX G1 39 --- SIX a number [n]
Other moves: SI(L)EX 3C 38, (F)IX G1 38, (M)IX G1 38, (N)IX G1 38, (P)IX G1 38
SIX G1 39 JennyB, naomiari

On 5th draw, QIS 10D 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: IDENTS 10A 32, NAIADES 5E 32, TEINDS I3 32, DENIS 10B 31, DENTS 10B 31
QIS 10D 33 JennyB
QANATS 5E 30 naomiari

On 6th draw, PANNIERS D1 76 --- PANNIER a large basket [n]
Other moves: RAPE E3 38, RAP E3 31, RANI E3 30, SPANNER 1G 30, SPINNER 1G 30
SPINNER 1G 30 naomiari
SPANNER 1G 30 JennyB

On 7th draw, FA(C)ETELY B3 73 --- FACETE witty [adv] --- FACETELY in a witty manner [adv]
Other moves: FA(C)ETELY B5 67, FLATTE(R)Y A4 67, FLATTE(R)Y A5 67, SAFELY 1G 48, SAFETY 1G 48
SAFETY 1G 48 JennyB
FLAP 1A 27 naomiari

On 8th draw, ANETIC A10 32 --- ANETIC soothing [adj]
Other tops: ACETIN A10 32
Other moves: CAIN A1 29, SCIENT 1G 27, SEANCE 1G 27, SECANT 1G 27, SENECA 1G 27
CAIN A1 29 JennyB
SCANT 1G 21 naomiari

On 9th draw, SEJANT 1G 42 --- SEJANT represented in a sitting position -- used of a heraldic animal [adj]
Other tops: JASPE 1A 42
Other moves: JA C2 39, JASP 1A 39, JANES I3 33, JEANS I3 33, JEATS I3 33
JA C2 39 naomiari
SLANTS 1G 21 JennyB

On 10th draw, CROWDERS 15A 104 --- CROWDER one that crowds [n]
Other moves: OWED A1 40, OWE 2I 38, DEW C2 35, DOW C2 35, OW 2I 35
OWE 2I 38 naomiari
TWOS L1 14 JennyB

On 11th draw, MILOR 2F 24 --- MILOR a term of address [n]
Other tops: ULU C1 24
Other moves: ROIL A1 23, LOIR 14C 20, LOOR 14C 20, IO 11D 19, OI C3 19
LOO A1 14 JennyB
ROO 14F 13 naomiari

On 12th draw, GOOD A1 34 --- GOOD having positive or desirable properties [adj] --- GOOD something that is good [n]
Other tops: GLED A1 34
Other moves: TOED A1 31, GOOD 14C 28, ODE C1 27, DOOL A1 26, GOEL A1 26
GED 3I 23 naomiari

On 13th draw, HAEM 14C 38 --- HAEM a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other moves: HAEM 14F 34, KAED 14C 34, HAED 14F 33, HAUD 14F 33, HEAD 14F 33
HAKE F12 21 naomiari

On 14th draw, TORC 13A 32 --- TORC a metal collar or necklace [n]
Other tops: RECOIN 3I 32
Other moves: RECON 3I 30, TERN 13A 26, TORN 13A 26, TRON 13A 26, TURN 13A 26
OR 13C 22 naomiari

On 15th draw, HAVEN 4H 22 --- HAVEN to shelter [v]
Other moves: ETNA 3I 19, AVAUNT 5F 18, AVAUNT 5H 18, ETA 3I 18, TEA 3I 18
TEN 3I 18 naomiari

On 16th draw, UNILOBED L3 64 --- UNILOBED having one lobe [adj]
Other moves: UNBOILED L3 62, BID 11C 29, BIO 11C 25, LID 11C 25, DOBIE 5K 24
DOBIE 5K 24 nudelily
BUILD 3K 22 naomiari
HAVENED 4H 14 raggedy01

On 17th draw, EKED K4 35 --- EKE to supplement with great effort [v]
Other moves: WED M7 31, BERK 8L 30, BUKE 8L 30, BURK 8L 30, EKE K4 28
EKED K4 35 nudelily
BUKE 8L 30 naomiari, raggedy01

On 18th draw, TWIT M6 33 --- TWIT to ridicule [v]
Other moves: WITTY K9 30, WIT M7 29, WIT 11C 27, TIT 11C 21, WIT K9 20
WITTY K9 30 raggedy01, nudelily
WIT 11C 27 naomiari

On 19th draw, VIZY K9 47 --- VIZY to look at closely [v]
Other moves: BIZ K9 36, RIZ K9 30, RUBY 3K 28, IVY K10 21, RUB 3K 20
VIZY K9 47 nudelily
BIZ K9 36 naomiari
BI 11C 15 raggedy01

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