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Game of September 5, 2012 at 15:15, 1 player
1. 181 pts PoppyJ

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehlnors   H3    26    26   rhones
 2. ?dhinor   8A    95   121   dishorns
 3. aeooruz   6F    37   158   zonure
 4. aeefrwy   C1    90   248   freeways
 5. aailnqs   L4    40   288   qis
 6. aceiosu   A7    62   350   edacious
 7. adennop   D4    36   386   donah
 8. ?aeikrv   J5    74   460   vraicker
 9. adegnvw  11E    48   508   avenged
10. eginstt  13H    83   591   testing
11. bcdeill   M1    34   625   cebid
12. befotty   1A    54   679   toffy
13. aeeilpx   1K    66   745   excel
14. aagilru   2I    37   782   uglier
15. aailott  H10    21   803   anatto
16. eijlptu  14D    30   833   upjet
17. aabinow   2B    36   869   braai
18. ilmnopt  N10    28   897   pingo

Remaining tiles: llmmttw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FilePoppyJ      0 11:40  -716  181     1.  -  PoppyJ      0 11:40  -716  181 

On 1st draw, RHONES H3 26 --- RHONE a roof-gutter [n]
Other tops: HERONS H4 26, HONERS H4 26
Other moves: HELOS H4 24, HERLS H4 24, HERNS H4 24, HERON H4 24, HEROS H4 24

On 2nd draw, DI(S)HORNS 8A 95 --- DISHORN to deprive of horns [v]
Other moves: DI(S)HONOR 5D 94, (P)HORONID 5D 94, HORD(E)INS 8A 89, HORD(E)IN G7 77, HORD(E)IN I7 77

On 3rd draw, ZONURE 6F 37 --- ZONURE an African lizard [n]
Other moves: AZURN G4 36, HUZOOR 4H 36, HUZOOR D8 36, ZAIRE B6 36, ZONAE 6F 36

On 4th draw, FREEWAY(S) C1 90 --- FREEWAY an express highway [n]
Other moves: FREEWAY 3G 42, AWRY 5J 32, FAERY 5K 32, FAYER 5K 32, FAYRE 5K 32

On 5th draw, QIS L4 40 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FANALS 1C 30, FINALS 1C 30, LANAIS L1 30, LIANAS L1 30, NASIAL L4 30

On 6th draw, EDACIOUS A7 62 --- EDACIOUS gluttonous [adj]
Other moves: FACIES 1C 36, FASCIO 1C 36, FAUCES 1C 36, FIASCO 1C 36, FICOES 1C 36

On 7th draw, DONAH D4 36 --- DONAH a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: FANNED 1C 33, FONNED 1C 33, NEAP B3 31, DAP B4 30, DOP B4 30

On 8th draw, VRAI(C)KER J5 74 --- VRAICKER a seaweed gatherer [n]
Other moves: KEAVIE(S) K5 64, (B)EAKIER K5 42, (L)EAKIER K5 42, (P)EAKIER K5 42, FAIKE(D) 1C 39

On 9th draw, AVENGED 11E 48 --- AVENGE to exact retribution for [v]
Other moves: FAWNED 1C 42, INVADE 8J 42, DEFANG 1A 36, FANGED 1C 36, DOGVANE E7 31

On 10th draw, TESTING 13H 83 --- TEST to subject to an examination [v] --- TESTING the act of testing [n]
Other moves: SETTINGS 14A 72, FETTING 1C 36, FEIGNS 1C 33, FETING 1C 33, FEINTS 1C 30
STINGS 14A 18 PoppyJ

On 11th draw, CEBID M1 34 --- CEBID one of a family of monkeys [n]
Other moves: FILLED 1C 33, BILGED N10 32, BILGE N10 28, DEFI 1A 27, BID M3 26
FILLED 1C 33 PoppyJ

On 12th draw, TOFFY 1A 54 --- TOFFY a chewy candy [n] --- TOFFY stuck up [adj]
Other moves: BOFF 1A 48, FOREBY 2A 44, TEFF 1A 42, TOFF 1A 42, FYTTE B11 38
COY 1M 24 PoppyJ

On 13th draw, EXCEL 1K 66 --- EXCEL to surpass others [v]
Other moves: ALEXIC 1H 48, PIXEL 2J 40, XI N2 40, XI 12L 38, EXPEL 14E 34
AXE 2E 31 PoppyJ

On 14th draw, UGLIER 2I 37 --- UGLY displeasing to the sight [adj]
Other moves: GLUER 2J 35, GRUEL 2J 35, ARIEL 2J 29, GAUR 12L 23, GUAR 12L 23
RULING M9 8 PoppyJ

On 15th draw, ANATTO H10 21 --- ANATTO a yellowish red dye [n]
Other moves: ARIA 12I 20, ARIL 12I 20, LAARI 12G 20, OE K5 20, OTALGIA N9 20
OVAL F10 9 PoppyJ

On 16th draw, UPJET 14D 30 --- UPJET to spout up [v]
Other moves: JUTE 14F 29, UPJET 13A 28, JET 14F 26, JUT 14F 26, RIPE 12J 26
JET 14F 26 PoppyJ

On 17th draw, BRAAI 2B 36 --- BRAAI (South Africa) to grill or roast meat over open coals [v]
Other moves: WONGA N10 34, WONGI N10 34, BINGO N10 28, RIBA 12J 26, WENA 7G 25
BOWING N8 20 PoppyJ

On 18th draw, PINGO N10 28 --- PINGO a low mound of earth formed by expansion of underlying frost [n]
Other moves: TIMON B11 26, P*M 1G 25, TOPI B11 24, LIMP L12 22, MOP B13 22
MOLTING N7 12 PoppyJ

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