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Game sheet of ZEHAVARON (file), Game of September 5, 2012 at 18:21

Word find
Word played
1 AIMOORV VIM H8 16 -14 16 1/1 MOORVA H8 30 30 1/1
2 ?DILMPW LAMP 13G 12 -67 28 1/1 WIMPL(E)D G3 79 109 1/1
3 ?AELNOT REAL 11H 8 -78 36 1/1 (S)ALMONET 5D 86 195 1/1
4 EHKPTUW KEPT J4 16 -16 52 1/2 HEW I7 32 227 1/2
5 EFIJNOR JAR 13G 19 -19 71 3/4 JONE(S) D1 38 265 1/4
6 AEIOTVY JOY 1D 13 -41 84 4/4 JIVEY 1D 54 319 2/4
7 DEIILSU USED 14G 21 -47 105 2/4 UTILISED K4 68 387 2/4
8 ELNORRT TROVE 12E 8 -15 113 4/4 TRONE J9 23 410 3/4
9 AEEIOPX AXE 13H 18 -32 131 5/5 EX J5 50 460 3/5
10 AINPQTT TAP L2 18 -12 149 6/6 QINTAR 11C 30 490 3/6
11 ENOPRST TOPS L2 30 -46 179 3/5 PERSONATE 13B 76 566 3/6
12 AEGGKRS IRKS 8K 9 -25 188 5/5 SKEGG 14J 34 600 3/6
13 ABILNSU             BUS 14F 35 635 3/6
14 DEIRRUZ QUEER C11 14 -30 202 5/5 ZED C2 44 679 4/6
15 ACDEINO             OCEANID 2H 79 758 4/6
16 AEFGILY LEAFY 7K 12 -36 214 5/5 YAGI B1 48 806 4/6
17 AEFIRTU QUEER C11 14 -62 228 4/4 FRUITAGE M8 76 882 5/6
18 AABIORT FAB 8M 24 -70 252 3/5 AIRBOAT 15A 94 976 5/6
19 ACEHLRU QUEER C11 14 -37 266 5/5 HALERU A4 51 1027 5/6

Total: 266/1027 or -761 for 25.90%
Rank: 3279

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