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Game sheet of PoppyJ (file), Game of September 5, 2012 at 23:40

Word find
Word played
1 AEHNPRW             WHARE H4 30 30  
2 ABIIMRT BAM G6 19 -7 19 2/2 MIHRAB 5F 26 56 2/2
3 ?DLNOTW             L(E)TDOWN I8 66 122 2/2
4 ?GILORV VIGOR(S) 15D 49 -25 68 1/2 OV(E)RGILD 11B 74 196 2/2
5 BDENOTU BONNET 14F 16 -68 84 2/2 UNBOOTED B8 84 280 2/2
6 ADEIOPT PAINTED 14F 18 -58 102 2/2 ANTIPODE 14H 76 356 2/2
7 ACELNRT             TREACLE O8 36 392 2/2
8 AADENOR ADORNED 15A 30 -36 132 2/2 OARED 15K 66 458 2/2
9 ACEHIST BATCHES K5 28 -64 160 2/2 AITCHES N2 92 550 2/2
10 EGIIINP PEN O1 19 -28 179 2/2 PENI A12 47 597 2/2
11 EFGIRSS             FRIGES 15D 59 656 2/2
12 AEIJNUY             JAY A6 54 710 2/2
13 EGINOSY             ISOGENY L4 88 798 2/2
14 EEFOOUX             EX 14E 52 850 2/2
15 AEIMOSU             MAISE J8 34 884 2/2
16 ELNNOUU             LENO O1 22 906 2/2
17 ANOQTUV             QUOTA B2 43 949 2/2
18 IKNUUVZ             ZONK 4A 54 1003 2/2

Total: 179/1003 or -824 for 17.84%
Rank: 4260

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