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Game of September 6, 2012 at 08:53, 4 players
1. 638 pts kellybelly
2. 484 pts jimbo
3. 469 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeghkp   H4    36    36   kheda
 2. ainswwy   7E    73   109   windways
 3. agnooqr   F6    31   140   qi
 4. beeintv   8A    41   181   nieve
 5. aacegnr   C3    78   259   carageen
 6. ?afgotz   B4    71   330   fez
 7. eeooprt   L1    78   408   proteose
 8. ?agiotx   2I    56   464   ixoras
 9. cdelrtu   1D    39   503   curled
10. adeillv  10B    66   569   anvilled
11. dhimnot  H10    39   608   ethion
12. adeortt  12G    74   682   throated
13. efinosu   3I    50   732   finos
14. aegimos  14H    80   812   oogamies
15. abelmno  15A    89   901   nobleman
16. begirru   D4    43   944   beg
17. jorrsuy  11K    49   993   juror
18. iipstuu  10L    29  1022   tip

Remaining tiles: istuuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7514 Filekellybelly  4 12:53  -384  638     1.7514 kellybelly  4 12:53  -384  638 
  2.6412 Filejimbo       2 14:33  -538  484            Group: intermediate
  3.5899 Filefatcat      1 18:17  -553  469     1.6412 jimbo       2 14:33  -538  484 
  4.5505 FilePoppyJ      0 17:07  -674  348            Group: novice
                                             1.5899 fatcat      1 18:17  -553  469 
                                             2.5505 PoppyJ      0 17:07  -674  348 

On 1st draw, KHEDA H4 36 --- KHEDA an enclosure for elephants [n]
Other moves: KHEDA H8 28, PHAGE H4 28, KAPH H5 26, KAPH H6 26, KAPH H7 26
PAGED H4 24 kellybelly
HAKE H8 22 fatcat
PEAK H5 20 jimbo

On 2nd draw, WINDWAYS 7E 73 --- WINDWAY a passage for air [n]
Other moves: SWANKY 4D 32, SWAY G5 30, SWAY 9H 28, WASHY 5E 28, WAWS 9E 28
SWANKY 4D 32 kellybelly
SWAY 9H 28 fatcat, jimbo

On 3rd draw, QI F6 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: AWRONG E6 20, EOAN 6H 20, KRANG 4H 20, NAG 6D 20, NOG 6D 20
QI F6 31 jimbo, fatcat
GRAY K4 16 kellybelly

On 4th draw, NIEVE 8A 41 --- NIEVE the fist or hand [n]
Other tops: NEIVE 8A 41
Other moves: EVITE 8A 32, VENITES L1 28, VIBEY K3 26, BEVY K4 24, KIEVE 4H 24
NIEVE 8A 41 kellybelly
VIBES L3 20 jimbo, fatcat
VAIN J6 15 PoppyJ

On 5th draw, CARAGEEN C3 78 --- CARAGEEN an edible seaweed [n]
Other moves: CARAGEEN C2 76, CANAIGRE B4 65, CHANGER 5G 26, ENGRACE C2 26, ACREAGE C2 24
CHARGE 5G 24 fatcat
CRANK 4D 22 PoppyJ
CAGEY K3 22 kellybelly
CAGERS L2 18 jimbo

On 6th draw, F(E)Z B4 71 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: ZOA 6J 70, ZO(E)A 6J 69, ZO(O)T 6J 69, Z(O)OT 6J 69, ZO(A) 6J 68
ZOA 6J 70 kellybelly, fatcat
ZA 6J 67 jimbo
FA(G)GOTS L1 28 PoppyJ

On 7th draw, PROTEOSE L1 78 --- PROTEOSE a water-soluble protein [n]
Other moves: REP D4 38, POOTER 6J 33, POORT 6J 32, POET 6J 29, POOR 6J 29
REP D4 38 kellybelly, PoppyJ
POETRY K2 22 fatcat
PETERS L2 16 jimbo

On 8th draw, IXORA(S) 2I 56 --- IXORA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: TAX D4 53, T(A)X D4 50, T(E)X D4 50, (P)AX D4 49, (R)AX D4 49
TAX D4 53 kellybelly
XI M3 38 jimbo
TAXI(N)G M8 30 PoppyJ
FAX 4B 26 fatcat

On 9th draw, CURLED 1D 39 --- CURL to form into ringlets [v]
Other moves: CURDLE 1E 38, CRUDE 1F 36, DULCET 1D 35, TRUCED 1D 33, CUTE 1G 29
CURLED 1D 39 jimbo
CRUDE 1F 36 kellybelly, fatcat
CURED 1E 27 PoppyJ

On 10th draw, ANVILLED 10B 66 --- ANVIL to shape on an anvil (a heavy iron block) [v]
Other moves: ANVILLED A7 63, HALVED 5H 26, HEAVED 5H 26, HELVED 5H 26, IDLY K4 26
WEAVED E7 26 kellybelly
EVIL 8L 21 fatcat, jimbo
AVAILED J7 13 PoppyJ

On 11th draw, ETHION H10 39 --- ETHION a pesticide [n]
Other tops: THYMI K5 39
Other moves: TIMON 3I 38, AHIND M2 35, HOOD 6J 34, MYTHOI K6 34, HOON 6J 33
HOOD 6J 34 jimbo
PHON 1L 33 kellybelly
MONTH 11H 27 PoppyJ
EMIT 8L 18 fatcat

On 12th draw, THROATED 12G 74 --- THROAT to utter in a hoarse voice [v]
Other tops: TERATOID 13B 74
Other moves: ROTATED M8 70, TROATED M8 70, ATTORNED 15C 60, OPTED 1K 29, DOATER 11E 27
DE D4 22 jimbo
DOOR 6J 21 kellybelly
VOTED D10 18 PoppyJ
HEARD 12H 18 fatcat

On 13th draw, FINOS 3I 50 --- FINO a very dry sherry [n]
Other moves: EFS D4 41, FOYNES K5 38, FOYNE K5 36, FIDOS N10 34, FENIS 11K 33
FINOS 3I 50 kellybelly
FUSE 9J 19 fatcat
NE D4 18 jimbo
VEINS D10 16 PoppyJ

On 14th draw, OOGAMIES 14H 80 --- OOGAMY the state of having dissimilar gametes [n]
Other moves: OOGAMIES 14G 76, GAS D4 36, AGS D4 35, SAG D4 35, SEG D4 35
SAG D4 35 kellybelly
MOOSE 6J 30 jimbo
MODES N10 28 fatcat
SEAMING 15C 11 PoppyJ

On 15th draw, NOBLEMAN 15A 89 --- NOBLEMAN a noble [n]
Other moves: BLAME 11J 35, BEMA 11K 33, MABE 11K 33, TOMB 11H 32, BEAM 11J 30
BOOM 6J 29 kellybelly
MOY K5 26 jimbo
VENOM D10 20 PoppyJ
MOB 11M 14 fatcat

On 16th draw, BEG D4 43 --- BEG to beseech [v]
Other moves: ERG D4 35, REG D4 35, BE D4 26, PRIG 1L 25, BUR 11K 22
BEG D4 43 kellybelly
REG D4 35 PoppyJ
GRUB C12 14 fatcat
BERG 5K 14 jimbo

On 17th draw, JUROR 11K 49 --- JUROR a member of a jury [n]
Other moves: JO 14B 40, JASY J6 30, JAYS J6 30, JERRY 5K 30, JOEYS 5J 30
JO 14B 40 fatcat, kellybelly
JAYS J6 30 jimbo
JERRY 5K 30 PoppyJ

On 18th draw, TIP 10L 29 --- TIP to tilt [v]
Other tops: TUP 10L 29
Other moves: UP 10M 25, UPSTIR O6 24, PTUI 1L 22, NIEVES 8A 21, PIS 10L 21
TUP 10L 29 kellybelly
SPUR O8 18 fatcat, PoppyJ
STIR O8 12 jimbo

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