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Game of September 6, 2012 at 09:36, 3 players
1. 457 pts PoppyJ
2. 353 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 224 pts ZEHAVARON

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dflmou   H8    82    82   doomful
 2. ?egiirw   G3    74   156   periwig
 3. adloors  11H    72   228   malodors
 4. aeimnps  14B    78   306   impanels
 5. aalntuv   O5    30   336   avaunts
 6. inoostx   F5    58   394   oxo
 7. acegnst   5E    44   438   cornages
 8. aaeefhi  13A    34   472   fah
 9. deentyz   H1    37   509   zee
10. aeeijnu   L1    42   551   jaunse
11. eeilopt   1L    39   590   jeep
12. eghlnor  12K    29   619   hore
13. gilnost  15I    79   698   tiglons
14. abcenqr   3K    32   730   burqa
15. ceeitty  13L    30   760   yeti
16. abiiltv   E7    28   788   bivia
17. deilrtu   F9    26   814   edit
18. dekortw  12B    35   849   kow
19. deinrtu   7I    23   872   tendu
20. cilrrty   8A    24   896   cirri

Remaining tiles: lty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5323 FilePoppyJ      1 20:58  -439  457     1.6213 Grace_Tjie  3 11:08  -543  353 
  2.6213 FileGrace_Tjie  3 11:08  -543  353            Group: novice
  3.3981 FileZEHAVARON   1  7:48  -672  224     1.5323 PoppyJ      1 20:58  -439  457 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3981 ZEHAVARON   1  7:48  -672  224 

On 1st draw, DO(O)MFUL H8 82 --- DOOMFUL ominous [adj]
Other tops: D(O)OMFUL H8 82
Other moves: MUDFLO(W) H4 80, DO(O)MFUL H4 78, D(O)OMFUL H4 78, MUDFLO(W) H2 78, DO(O)MFUL H3 76
FLUM(E)D H4 30 PoppyJ

On 2nd draw, (P)ERIWIG G3 74 --- PERIWIG a wig [n]
Other moves: WIG(G)IER I3 72, WI(G)GIER I3 72, WI(N)GIER I3 72, WI(G)GIER I4 70, WI(N)GIER I4 70
FIG(U)RE 12H 18 PoppyJ

On 3rd draw, MALODORS 11H 72 --- MALODOR an offensive odor [n]
Other tops: LORDOMAS 11C 72
Other moves: SORORAL 5E 28, ALOD H1 27, LOAD H1 27, ODAL F5 27, ODOR F5 27
DOOR H1 22 PoppyJ
ODA F5 22 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, IMPANELS 14B 78 --- IMPANEL to enter on a list for jury duty [v]
Other moves: MANIPLES J6 74, IMPANELS J5 70, PANEGOISM 9C 68, MANIPLES 14C 66, ANIMES H1 45
IMPASSE O7 36 PoppyJ
PAM F4 29 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, AVAUNTS O5 30 --- AVAUNT to depart [v]
Other tops: VALUTAS O5 30
Other moves: LAVA F6 29, TAVA F6 29, AVAL H1 28, VALUATE 4A 28, VANDAL L8 28
VAUNTS O6 27 PoppyJ
VANS O8 21 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, OXO F5 58 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: NOX F4 55, OX F5 52, TOXOIDS L6 46, OXEN G12 41, OXES G12 41
OXO F5 58 Grace_Tjie
NOX F4 55 PoppyJ

On 7th draw, CORNAGES 5E 44 --- CORNAGE a feudal service [n]
Other moves: AGENTS H1 41, CORNAGE 5E 40, CORSAGE 5E 40, SORTANCE 5E 40, CORNEAS 5E 36
SCANT H1 31 PoppyJ
SEC E3 20 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, FAH 13A 34 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FAH 12K 34, FEH 12K 34
Other moves: HAAFS L1 30, HAAF 4K 29, AAH 13A 28, FAH 4K 27, FEH 4K 27
EF 15A 20 Grace_Tjie
AHA I9 16 PoppyJ

On 9th draw, ZEE H1 37 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other tops: (O)YEZ 10H 37
Other moves: ZED I7 36, ZESTED L3 36, DOZY M10 34, ZESTY L3 34, OYEZ M11 32
ZEE H1 37 Grace_Tjie
ZESTED L3 36 PoppyJ

On 10th draw, JAUNSE L1 42 --- JAUNSE to prance [v]
Other moves: JANE 4I 40, JANES L1 40, JEANS L1 40, JEUNE E7 37, AJEE F9 31
JEAN E7 24 PoppyJ

On 11th draw, JEEP 1L 39 --- JEEP to travel by a small type of motor vehicle [v]
Other moves: JEEL 1L 33, JETE 1L 33, JILT 1L 33, JOLE 1L 33, JOLT 1L 33
JEEP 1L 39 Grace_Tjie, ZEHAVARON, PoppyJ

On 12th draw, HORE 12K 29 --- HORE mouldy [adj]
Other tops: HONE 12K 29
Other moves: HOLDEN L8 28, HOLDER L8 28, HONDLE L8 28, LEGHORN M7 28, HOGEN E7 27
HOLDER L8 28 PoppyJ
HE 2N 24 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, TIGLONS 15I 79 --- TIGLON the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion [n]
Other tops: TOLINGS 15I 79
Other moves: TONSIL 13J 31, LOGS 13J 27, NOGS 13J 27, ONST 13K 27, TOGS 13J 27
GLITZ 1D 17 PoppyJ

On 14th draw, BURQA 3K 32 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other tops: CRANE 2J 32
Other moves: BAC 13L 31, BANC 13L 31, CAB 13L 31, ARC I1 28, QUARE 3K 28
BRAZEN 1E 17 PoppyJ

On 15th draw, YETI 13L 30 --- YETI the abominable snowman [n]
Other tops: YETT 13L 30
Other moves: YET 13L 28, CETE 13L 27, YETTIE E7 27, CEE 13L 25, ETIC 13L 25
YE 14M 19 Grace_Tjie
CITY E7 17 PoppyJ

On 16th draw, BIVIA E7 28 --- BIVIUM part of a starfish [n]
Other moves: VITAL E7 25, BALTI E7 22, BIALI E7 22, TIBIAL E7 22, VIA I9 22
BLITZ 1D 19 PoppyJ

On 17th draw, EDIT F9 26 --- EDIT to correct and prepare for publication [v]
Other tops: TRAILED I3 26
Other moves: TILDE 7I 23, TRIDE 7I 23, ED F9 22, DITA 7L 21, DURA 7L 21
DIT F10 17 Grace_Tjie
REAL I3 8 PoppyJ

On 18th draw, KOW 12B 35 --- KOW a branch of twigs [n]
Other moves: WOK 12B 34, KOR 12B 29, TWEAK I2 27, WORD 7I 27, REDOWA 7J 26
KOA 2J 21 Grace_Tjie
GROW J5 10 PoppyJ

On 19th draw, TENDU 7I 23 --- TENDU a position in ballet [n]
Other tops: TRIDE 7I 23
Other moves: DITA 7L 21, DURA 7L 21, INDRI 8A 21, IRED 7I 21, NERD 7I 21
DITZ 1E 14 Grace_Tjie
GRIN J5 7 PoppyJ

On 20th draw, CIRRI 8A 24 --- CIRRUS a tendril or similar part [n]
Other moves: CIRE 6I 22, YET G13 19, LIRE 6I 18, TIRE 6I 18, YE G13 18
ZIT 1H 12 Grace_Tjie

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