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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of September 6, 2012 at 12:43

Word find
Word played
1 ?BEEIST BETI(D)ES H4 22 -50 22 2/2 BE(A)STIE H4 72 72 2/2
2 AEGHORS ASHORE 11G 27 -54 49 2/2 GHERAOS 11B 81 153 2/2
3 AEEMOUV EME 12C 25 -9 74 1/2 VEHME C9 34 187 1/2
4 AAEIKTZ ZATI F10 33 -7 107 1/2 ZAKAT F10 40 227 1/2
5 DELMOSU MUSED 15D 52 -50 159 1/1 MOUSLED 15C 102 329 1/2
6 ?CGPQRU QU(A)C(K) 6F 34 -2 193 1/1 GRECQU(E) 5F 36 365 1/2
7 CDEORTY DEY D10 31 -4 224 1/1 YGOE B10 35 400 1/2
8 AEEGIOT GEO G9 23 -5 247 1/2 OGEE A12 28 428 1/3
9 DEHINTU HINTED A5 37   284 1/2 HUNTED A5   465 1/3
10 AAEILOT ITA 6J 21   305 1/1       486 1/3
11 ABNORTU BARON B2 27 -4 332 1/2 RUBATO B2 31 517 1/3
12 AEILPRV PIE C3 28 -36 360 1/1 LIVETRAP 8D 64 581 1/3
13 ACFILLX FAX A1 50   410 1/2       631 1/3
14 AENOPRT TARP 4L 22 -61 432 1/2 OPERANT 14I 83 714 1/3
15 AIIJLNO JOTA O12 57   489 1/2 JATO O12   771 1/3
16 DIILNWY LAWNY 13E 30   519 1/2       801 1/3
17 ADILNOR LOAD 4L 18 -52 537 1/2 ORDALIAN M8 70 871 1/3
18 DFIINNS FINDS M1 37   574 1/2       908 1/3
19 CIIIINW ICING F1 14 -6 588 3/3 WINCE K10 20 928 1/4

Total: 588/928 or -340 for 63.36%
Rank: 7310

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