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Game of September 6, 2012 at 13:29, 3 players
1. 409 pts PoppyJ
2. 238 pts jimbo
3. 162 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deenory   H4    28    28   yonder
 2. ?abenor   8A    86   114   seaborne
 3. deefinv   C8    24   138   advene
 4. ?aegimo   A1    80   218   camogies
 5. aeinost   1A    74   292   canoeist
 6. aenrruy  D11    32   324   renay
 7. demopst  10H    79   403   stomped
 8. aceistu   K3    74   477   autecism
 9. bceiikn   8J    51   528   bickie
10. adfistz   L1    52   580   zits
11. aeginrx  15D    51   631   yexing
12. adejlpr   E6    44   675   jeopard
13. ahiltuv   1L    39   714   zila
14. filqtuw   B5    29   743   if
15. agilrtw   2A    32   775   await
16. aghlouw   F7    34   809   arow
17. ghlorru  L10    32   841   plough
18. loqrtuv   O4    25   866   quoter
19. fhllruv   N6    29   895   hui

Remaining tiles: fllrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5385 FilePoppyJ      1 19:55  -486  409     1.6377 jimbo       0  8:38  -657  238 
  2.6377 Filejimbo       0  8:38  -657  238     2.6430 raggedy01   0 11:35  -733  162 
  3.6430 Fileraggedy01   0 11:35  -733  162            Group: novice
                                             1.5385 PoppyJ      1 19:55  -486  409 

On 1st draw, YONDER H4 28 --- YONDER over there [adv] --- YONDER the distance [n]
Other tops: REDENY H7 28
Other moves: DRONY H8 26, NEEDY H8 26, NERDY H8 26, REEDY H8 26, ONERY H8 24
NEEDY H4 20 PoppyJ

On 2nd draw, (S)EABORNE 8A 86 --- SEABORNE carried on or over the sea [adj]
Other moves: AN(A)EROBE 8A 80, BARE(B)ONE 8A 80, (A)NAEROBE 8A 80, (B)AREBONE 8A 80, BORANE(S) 10B 76
BRAN(D)Y 4C 20 PoppyJ
BARE I3 18 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, ADVENE C8 24 --- ADVENE to be added over and above [v]
Other tops: DEIF 9B 24, DEIFY 4D 24, EDIFY 4D 24, FEED 9B 24, FENDY 4D 24
Other moves: DEF 9C 23, DIF 9C 23, ENFIRED F4 23, FERVID F6 23, REFINED F8 23
DEFINE 6D 18 raggedy01
DRIVEN F7 18 PoppyJ

On 4th draw, (C)AMOGIE(S) A1 80 --- CAMOGIE a type of game [n]
Other tops: GO(R)AMIE(S) A1 80, O(O)GAMIE(S) A1 80, (O)OGAMIE(S) A1 80
Other moves: NO(N)IMAGE 12C 72, (N)ONIMAGE 12A 72, AMI(D)OGEN 6A 70, GORAMIE(S) F6 70, OOGAMIE(S) 5G 70
MANGE 12A 22 raggedy01
IMAGE B4 10 PoppyJ

On 5th draw, (C)ANOEIST 1A 74 --- CANOEIST one who canoes [n]
Other moves: SONATINE 12A 70, ENATIONS 12B 68, ENATIONS G7 68, ARSONITE 9G 64, ANOESTRI F2 62
VAINEST 10C 23 PoppyJ
ASTONY 4C 18 raggedy01

On 6th draw, RENAY D11 32 --- RENAY to renounce [v]
Other moves: AERY D12 28, AYRE D11 28, EYRA D11 28, YARE D12 28, YARN D12 28
MEANY 3A 20 PoppyJ
NARY B11 20 raggedy01

On 7th draw, STOMPED 10H 79 --- STOMP to tread heavily [v]
Other moves: STOMPED 2F 78, SPOOMED 5E 48, YOMPED 15D 42, ADEPTS 2A 40, ADOPTS 2A 40
YOMPED 15D 42 jimbo
STOMPED 10H 29 PoppyJ
PED E10 22 raggedy01

On 8th draw, AUTECISM K3 74 --- AUTECISM the development of the entire life cycle of a parasitic fungus on a single host [n]
Other moves: SURICATE F6 68, CYTASE 15C 33, SOCIATE E7 30, YUCAS 15D 30, SUITE 11J 29
YEAST 15D 24 jimbo, raggedy01
PACT L10 16 PoppyJ

On 9th draw, BICKIE 8J 51 --- BICKIE (colloquial) a biscuit [n]
Other tops: BIKINI 8J 51
Other moves: ICKY 15A 39, BOINK E7 36, INKY 15A 33, BECKE M9 32, BUCKIE 4J 30
DICKIE N10 26 jimbo
BICKER F3 24 PoppyJ

On 10th draw, ZITS L1 52 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: SIZY 15A 48, SIF 11K 47, SADI 11K 46, SADZA 14C 46, SIDA 11K 46
ZEST 6J 33 jimbo
FISTED O4 14 PoppyJ

On 11th draw, YEXING 15D 51 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: GAZIER 1J 48, RAZING 1J 48, AXE B1 42, AZINE 1K 42, NIXY 15A 42
ZING 1L 42 jimbo
AXE B1 42 PoppyJ
AX 2C 20 raggedy01

On 12th draw, JEOPARD E6 44 --- JEOPARD to imperil [v]
Other moves: JAP J4 40, JAPE E10 40, JARPED J1 39, ZEAL 1L 39, JADE E10 37
ZEAL 1L 39 PoppyJ
AD 14F 19 jimbo

On 13th draw, ZILA 1L 39 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other tops: ZATI 1L 39
Other moves: RAH F8 31, AH J5 28, UH J5 28, AHA B1 26, AHI 14F 26
AH J5 28 jimbo
PATH L10 18 PoppyJ

On 14th draw, IF B5 29 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: IF J5 28, WIFTY 4D 28, ALIF B1 27, QI 14G 24, QUITE O4 24
QUITE O4 24 PoppyJ
FINED 12A 13 jimbo

On 15th draw, AWAIT 2A 32 --- AWAIT to wait for [v]
Other moves: RAW F8 31, AW J5 28, AWA B1 26, AWA 14D 24, AWA 2A 24
DRAWL N10 18 PoppyJ
AX F14 11 jimbo

On 16th draw, AROW F7 34 --- AROW in a row [adv]
Other tops: MAW 3A 34
Other moves: PLOUGH L10 32, RAH F8 31, RAW F8 31, ROW F8 31, WHATA 3I 30
WHALE O4 15 PoppyJ

On 17th draw, PLOUGH L10 32 --- PLOUGH to turn soil with a farm implement [v]
Other moves: UH J5 28, OUGHLY 4C 26, ROUGHY 4C 26, HOUR J3 24, HOURLY 4C 24
OH 14F 23 PoppyJ

On 18th draw, QUOTER O4 25 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other moves: QUOTE O4 24, THURL 15K 24, QUAT 3I 23, VROU J2 23, SUQ G1 22
QUOTER O4 25 PoppyJ

On 19th draw, HUI N6 29 --- HUI a Maori gathering [n]
Other moves: UH J5 28, FULLY 4D 22, HULLY 4D 22, HURLY 4D 22, UH M12 22
FLAT 3I 11 PoppyJ

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