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Game of September 6, 2012 at 14:59, 7 players
1. 642 pts PIThompson
2. 484 pts SQUAW1
3. 464 pts pandora1._

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egoruw   H6    78    78   outgrew
 2. aelnrwy   7H    66   144   unwarely
 3. efikpss   O3    48   192   pikeys
 4. dinorsv   K4    98   290   virandos
 5. adeiirt   J7    27   317   waide
 6. aefntuy   N6    42   359   fluey
 7. ?innptt   M9    29   388   patin
 8. adiilnt   9A    62   450   dilating
 9. beimors   A4    98   548   bromides
10. aeelrxz   8D    61   609   zax
11. enrtttu   D8    28   637   zante
12. chioqtu  L12    52   689   quit
13. bdejnot  15H    42   731   objet
14. acegort   E1    74   805   greatcoat
15. ceglmos   1B    39   844   coggles
16. defmnot   3B    84   928   fomented
17. ahloruv   2I    37   965   ovular
18. aaaehhi   1M    34   999   hah

Remaining tiles: aaei

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7745 FilePIThompson  9 16:06  -357  642     1.7745 PIThompson  9 16:06  -357  642 
  2.6702 FileSQUAW1      3 17:43  -515  484     2.7302 musdrive    0  0:20  -975   24 
  3.6457 Filepandora1._  1 17:34  -535  464            Group: intermediate
  4.6200 FileGrace_Tjie  3 12:38  -579  420     1.6702 SQUAW1      3 17:43  -515  484 
  5.6408 Fileraggedy01   3 11:14  -723  276     2.6457 pandora1._  1 17:34  -535  464 
  6.5381 FilePoppyJ      1 15:05  -735  264     3.6200 Grace_Tjie  3 12:38  -579  420 
  7.7302 Filemusdrive    0  0:20  -975   24     4.6408 raggedy01   3 11:14  -723  276 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5381 PoppyJ      1 15:05  -735  264 

On 1st draw, OU(T)GREW H6 78 --- OUTGROW to grow too large for [v]
Other moves: OU(T)GREW H3 72, OU(T)GREW H4 72, OU(T)GREW H7 72, OU(T)GREW H8 72, OU(T)GREW H2 70
WRO(N)G H4 24 musdrive
W(A)GER H4 24 pandora1._
WO(D)GE H4 24 PIThompson
GROW(N) H4 20 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, UNWARELY 7H 66 --- UNWARELY unwarily [adv]
Other moves: RENEWAL 11E 40, WANLY G3 30, WYE G6 28, LAWNY G3 27, NEWLY G3 27
WANLY G3 30 PIThompson
WAY G11 23 pandora1._

On 3rd draw, PIKEYS O3 48 --- PIKEY derogatory word for a gypsy or vagrant [n]
Other moves: FYKES O6 45, SKYFS O5 45, FYKE O6 42, KYPES O6 42, SKYF O5 42
KYPES O6 42 pandora1._
FIE 8M 40 PIThompson

On 4th draw, VIRANDOS K4 98 --- VIRANDO a type of porch [n]
Other moves: DROVINGS 9B 66, DINEROS 11E 32, DVORNIK 5I 30, ENVIROS M7 28, VOIDERS M3 24
DIVERS 11E 20 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie
ROD N2 15 pandora1._

On 5th draw, WAIDE J7 27 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: TARDIVE 4F 24, WAID J7 24, WEID J7 24, WAITED J7 23, DATIVE 4G 22
WAIDE J7 27 PIThompson
DATER J10 21 Grace_Tjie
TIRADE J10 19 pandora1._

On 6th draw, FLUEY N6 42 --- FLUEY infected with the flu [adj]
Other tops: FLUTY N6 42
Other moves: FLAUNTY N6 38, FLUTEY N6 37, FLUYT N6 36, FLAUNE N6 34, FLAUNT N6 34
FLUTY N6 42 PIThompson
FAY G11 23 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie
TAY L11 15 pandora1._

On 7th draw, P(A)TIN M9 29 --- PATIN a plate [n]
Other tops: P(A)INT M9 29, P(O)INT M9 29, P(O)TIN M9 29
Other moves: TIT(U)P L11 21, PT(U)I L10 19, P(A)IN M9 19, P(A)NT M9 19, P(O)NT M9 19
P(A)INT M9 29 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie, PIThompson

On 8th draw, DILATING 9A 62 --- DILATE to make wider or larger [v]
Other moves: DITAL 14J 27, INLAID 14J 25, TINDAL 14I 25, ILIAD 14J 23, NIDAL 14J 23
DITAL 14J 27 PIThompson
DANT L12 20 Grace_Tjie, SQUAW1
LAID L12 20 pandora1._
LIVID 4I 18 PoppyJ
AID L12 14 raggedy01

On 9th draw, BROMIDES A4 98 --- BROMIDE a bromine compound [n]
Other moves: BROMISED A2 92, BROMISE 14H 83, BIRAMOSE D6 76, EMBROILS C3 76, BROMISE 14G 74
BORMED A4 42 PIThompson
BROSE 14J 33 raggedy01
MOBS L12 28 Grace_Tjie
BORED A5 24 pandora1._
MARES D8 20 PoppyJ

On 10th draw, ZAX 8D 61 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZEX 8D 61
Other moves: EXALTER E5 56, EX B5 52, ZEA 8D 47, ZEL 8D 47, ZAX 14L 45
ZAX 8D 61 PIThompson
ZEX 8D 61 raggedy01
EX B5 52 pandora1._
LAZE L12 34 Grace_Tjie
TAXER E9 24 PoppyJ
XI 12L 18 SQUAW1

On 11th draw, ZANTE D8 28 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: RETINT B6 26, NUTTER 14I 23, RUTIN B6 23, TUNER 14J 21, UTTER 14J 21
ZANTE D8 28 PIThompson
TUNE L12 16 Grace_Tjie
BUTTER 4A 16 PoppyJ
EXIT F7 13 SQUAW1, raggedy01
VET 4K 12 pandora1._

On 12th draw, QUIT L12 52 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QI L12 46, HUIC L12 36, HIOI B6 34, OUCH L12 32, TICH L12 32
QUIT L12 52 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie, pandora1._
QI L12 46 SQUAW1
BUTCH 4A 24 PoppyJ

On 13th draw, OBJET 15H 42 --- OBJET an object [n]
Other tops: JOTTED 15J 42
Other moves: BETID B6 41, JETTON 15J 39, BONIE B6 35, JOB N2 32, BENJ C12 30
JOTTED 15J 42 PIThompson, raggedy01
JOB N2 32 Grace_Tjie
BONED 4A 16 PoppyJ
TOED 15L 15 pandora1._

On 14th draw, GREATCOAT E1 74 --- GREATCOAT [n]
Other moves: CORVET 4H 28, OCTAVE 4G 28, CARVE 4H 26, CRAVE 4H 26, BROCAGE 4A 24
CORVET 4H 28 PIThompson
CRAVE 4H 26 pandora1._, PoppyJ
CAGE B1 18 raggedy01

On 15th draw, COGGLES 1B 39 --- COGGLE to wobble [v]
Other moves: COGGLES 1C 36, COGGLE 1C 33, COMS 13A 31, MOCS 13A 31, CLEOMES 3C 30
COGGLES 1B 39 PIThompson, raggedy01
COMS 13A 31 Grace_Tjie
CLOVES 4H 28 PoppyJ
GOLES 1E 18 pandora1._

On 16th draw, FOMENTED 3B 84 --- FOMENT to promote the development of [v]
Other moves: METIF B6 53, MOTIF B6 53, FETID B6 47, DENIM B6 41, EMODIN B5 40
FETID B6 47 PIThompson, pandora1._
FE B6 30 Grace_Tjie
FOAMED 4C 28 PoppyJ
FEM C12 21 raggedy01

On 17th draw, OVULAR 2I 37 --- OVULAR pertaining to the ovule [adj] --- OVULE a rudimentary seed [adj]
Other moves: AH F5 30, HA B6 30, HO B6 30, OH F5 30, LOUVAR 4H 26
HA B6 30 PIThompson, pandora1._, PoppyJ
AH F5 30 Grace_Tjie, SQUAW1
TRAVE 11D 16 raggedy01

On 18th draw, HAH 1M 34 --- HAH a cry of ha [n]
Other tops: HEH 1M 34
Other moves: AH F5 30, EH F5 30, HA B6 30, HE B6 30, HI B6 30
HAH 1M 34 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie, SQUAW1, PoppyJ
HE B6 30 pandora1._
AHA C11 19 raggedy01

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