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Game sheet of argomearns (file), Game of September 6, 2012 at 19:27

Word find
Word played
1 AFLNOOR FLORA H4 24   24 3/3       24 3/3
2 ??EELOT FLO(R)ET 4H 16 -58 40 1/2 O(C)ELL(A)TE 5E 74 98 2/3
3 AEENOTU ATONE 9D 15 -43 55 1/2 OUTEATEN K3 58 156 1/3
4 EINRSTV             STRIVEN 9C 75 231 1/3
5 ABCDILU BEAD 6J 24 -54 79 1/2 COLUBRIAD E4 78 309 1/3
6 EOPRSTY PREYS 13A 35 -8 114 1/2 POSEY 13C 43 352 1/3
7 AFIINPV FAIN 14F 33 -1 147 1/2 FAP 14F 34 386 1/3
8 AESTTWW WASTE 15G 45 -9 192 2/2 WAWES 15G 54 440 1/3
9 EINRSYZ             RESIZE 6J 42 482 1/3
10 EEKNRUU KEENER O4 45   237 1/2       527 1/3
11 AHIIMOT MATH 14J 27 -5 264 2/2 UMIAK 4K 32 559 1/3
12 EGHORTT             HOTTER 14J 49 608 2/3
13 ADIJTUU             JIRD O12 60 668 2/3
14 ACEGGOR             COGGERS C3 24 692 2/4
15 AILNOQU QUAINT M9 50   314 1/1       742 1/4
16 ADGINOY             GONIDIA M1 28 770 1/5
17 ADIMNOV             AMOVING 1G 42 812 1/5
18 BDILUXY XI 14B 22 -14 336 1/1 DIXY 2D 36 848 1/5

Total: 336/848 or -512 for 39.62%
Rank: 7140

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