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Game of September 7, 2012 at 18:56, 3 players
1. 577 pts PIThompson
2. 180 pts argomearns
3. 106 pts PoppyJ

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acennsw   H4    24    24   wanes
 2. ?aeilot   8A    74    98   isolates
 3. einnors   B1    68   166   ironness
 4. ilostuw   D3    72   238   outwills
 5. ?aeikos   F7    73   311   stokesia
 6. abccmor   A1    48   359   boma
 7. aagmnoo   C1    29   388   gan
 8. adeehtu   6G    68   456   unheated
 9. bdeilrt   L2    74   530   brittled
10. aeggntv  11E    44   574   ventage
11. acdimno  12I    89   663   nomadic
12. cegpryy   8J    39   702   creepy
13. aefipqr   2J    36   738   fibre
14. aeglprt   1F    34   772   parget
15. eilovxy  O12    48   820   coxy
16. eflouvz  N10    52   872   voile
17. fhiqruz   K4    39   911   qua
18. dfhiiru   O2    23   934   duh

Remaining tiles: fiijrz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7728 FilePIThompson  5 12:38  -357  577     1.7728 PIThompson  5 12:38  -357  577 
  2.7106 Fileargomearns  0  5:28  -754  180     2.7106 argomearns  0  5:28  -754  180 
  3.5430 FilePoppyJ      1  4:24  -828  106            Group: novice
                                             1.5430 PoppyJ      1  4:24  -828  106 

On 1st draw, WANES H4 24 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other tops: WEANS H4 24
Other moves: CANES H4 20, CANNS H4 20, CAWS H5 18, CAWS H6 18, CAWS H7 18
WANES H4 24 PoppyJ

On 2nd draw, I(S)OLATES 8A 74 --- ISOLATE to set apart from others [v]
Other tops: ALOETI(C)S 8A 74, ELATIO(N)S 8A 74, LATI(G)OES 8A 74, OTAL(G)IES 8A 74, SO(C)IETAL 8H 74, SO(D)ALITE 8H 74, S(P)OLIATE 8H 74, (F)OLIATES 8A 74, (K)EITLOAS 8A 74, (V)IOLATES 8A 74
Other moves: ELATIO(N) I4 72, (V)IOLATE G2 72, I(S)OLATE G2 71, SOLI(D)ATE 8H 71, SOTE(R)IAL 8H 71
ELATIO(N) I4 22 PIThompson
(B)ETA I3 12 PoppyJ

On 3rd draw, IRONNES(S) B1 68 --- IRONNESS the state of being iron [n]
Other tops: IRONNE(S)S B2 68
SIREN 9C 19 PIThompson

On 4th draw, OUTWILLS D3 72 --- OUTWILL to surpass in willpower [v]
Other tops: OUTWILLS D2 72
Other moves: LOW A1 31, SOW A1 31, TOW A1 31, LOTI A1 28, SOLI A1 28
TOW A1 31 PIThompson
LOWEST G5 27 PoppyJ

On 5th draw, (S)TOKESIA F7 73 --- STOKESIA a perennial herb [n]
Other tops: STOKE(S)IA F7 73
Other moves: KEIT(L)OAS F5 65, S(T)OKESIA 10D 65, KAIE A1 52, OAKIE(R) A1 50, SAKIE(H) A1 50
KAIE A1 52 PIThompson
KAS A1 43 PoppyJ
SI(C)KO 1A 39 argomearns

On 6th draw, BOMA A1 48 --- BOMA a fenced enclosure [n]
Other moves: BAM A1 39, MOB A1 39, CAMBRIC 13A 36, CIRCA 1A 36, BOMA E11 32
BOMA A1 48 PIThompson
BAM A1 39 argomearns

On 7th draw, GAN C1 29 --- GAN to go, GANNED, GANNING, GANS nir past tense of GIN (to begin) [v] --- GAN to go [v] --- GIN to begin [v]
Other moves: AMONG G10 27, OGAM I4 27, MOAN E11 26, MOON E11 26, NGOMA E1 26
GAN C1 29 PIThompson

On 8th draw, UNHEATED 6G 68 --- HEAT to make hot [adj] --- UNHEATED not heated [adj]
Other moves: HATED E11 34, HADE E11 33, HEAD E11 33, AHED G6 30, DEATH E11 30
HATED E11 34 argomearns
AHED G6 30 PIThompson

On 9th draw, BRITTLED L2 74 --- BRITTLE to become brittle [v]
Other tops: BRISTLED 12C 74, BRITTLED L3 74
Other moves: LIBRATED 14B 72, LIBRATED K2 72, BALDIER K5 40, RAILBED K5 40, TABLIER K5 36
BIDET 5K 32 PIThompson, argomearns

On 10th draw, VENTAGE 11E 44 --- VENTAGE a small opening [n]
Other moves: AVENGE 8J 30, VEGANS 12A 28, VEGAN 8K 27, VENGE 8K 27, NATIVE 13C 26
AVENGE 8J 30 PIThompson

On 11th draw, NOMADIC 12I 89 --- NOMAD a wanderer [adj] --- NOMADIC pertaining to a nomad [adj]
Other tops: MONADIC 12I 89
Other moves: MONACID 12I 87, MANDIOC M8 84, MONACID M8 84, MONADIC M8 84, NOMADIC M8 82
CABIN 2J 30 PIThompson

On 12th draw, CREEPY 8J 39 --- CREEPY rather eerie [adj]
Other tops: CREPEY 8J 39
Other moves: PRICEY N10 38, CYBER 2J 36, PRICY N10 36, GRIPEY N10 32, PYRE 13H 32
PRICEY N10 38 PIThompson
PRICY N10 36 argomearns

On 13th draw, FIBRE 2J 36 --- FIBRE a threadlike cell or filament [n]
Other tops: FAQIR 13C 36, FIBER 2J 36
Other moves: PRIEF N10 32, QIS 10B 32, PACIER O10 30, PREIF 13C 28, QADI M10 28
FIBRE 2J 36 PIThompson

On 14th draw, PARGET 1F 34 --- PARGET to cover with plaster [v]
Other moves: GRAPLE 1E 32, PAIGLE N10 30, GRAPE 1F 29, PAGLE 1F 29, PARGE 1F 29
PLATE 1F 26 PIThompson

On 15th draw, COXY O12 48 --- COXY self-important [adj]
Other moves: EXON G8 42, EXO 13K 40, IVY 10H 40, VEILY N10 38, EX G8 34
COXY O12 48 PIThompson

On 16th draw, VOILE N10 52 --- VOILE a sheer fabric [n]
Other moves: ZEX 14M 38, EF N14 36, FUZIL 13C 36, OF N14 36, ZUFOLI 13A 36
VOILE N10 52 PIThompson

On 17th draw, QUA K4 39 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QIS 10B 32, QUIZ 13D 32, FIZ G13 30, FRIZ 13D 26, PHIZ F1 26
QUIZ 13D 32 PIThompson

On 18th draw, DUH O2 23 --- DUH used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious [interj]
Other tops: DIF O2 23
Other moves: DUH 13J 22, FID G13 22, FIR G13 21, ID O1 21, HAIRIF 14E 20
FID G13 22 PIThompson

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