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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of September 7, 2012 at 22:02

Word find
Word played
1 ABEORTU BOATER H4 22   22 1/1 BORATE H4   22 1/1
2 EEFRTUV REFT I7 26 -2 48 1/1 REFUTE I7 28 50 1/1
3 ?AEGILM MI(R)AGE J10 31 -50 79 1/1 LAMIGE(R) 13C 81 131 1/1
4 ABEINTV BENT H12 34   113 1/1 BENE H12   165 1/1
5 CDIRSTU DUNS 14F 29 -33 142 1/1 CURDIEST 15C 62 227 1/1
6 EELNPTV PEN J10 28 -8 170 1/1 VEEP 12A 36 263 1/1
7 AKLNORT TAK G7 35 -37 205 1/2 LAKEFRONT 9E 72 335 1/2
8 AILNTVY YA 10F 32 -20 237 1/2 VITALLY E5 52 387 1/2
9 ?EEGHII HIVI(N)G A10 36 -27 273 1/1 EIGHTIE(S) M5 63 450 1/2
10 EFIMNSW FIE N6 35 -13 308 1/1 WINSOME K5 48 498 1/2
11 EFNORTU FRONT N10 48   356 1/1       546 1/2
12 ADEHIUW HUED O12 49   405 1/1 WAID O12   595 1/2
13 EHIJNOU NOH J4 32 -28 437 1/1 OUIJA 8A 60 655 1/2
14 GHNOSUX HOX J4 59   496 1/1       714 1/2
15 AGNOSYZ ZAGS L2 35 -28 531 1/1 GYOZAS O5 63 777 1/2
16 CENNOPS COPES L1 31 -6 562 1/1 PONCE N3 37 814 1/2
17 AADENRS RAVENS A10 27 -47 589 1/2 ARANEIDS C3 74 888 1/3
18 ADILOQU QUA O1 40   629 1/2       928 1/3

Total: 629/928 or -299 for 67.78%
Rank: 7360

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