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Game of September 8, 2012 at 07:53, 2 players
1. 68 pts babsbedi
2. 23 pts PoppyJ

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ablorrv   H4    26    26   bravo
 2. aeijpsw   6F    32    58   jaaps
 3. ceinotu   5G    26    84   trounce
 4. ?ainnoo   L5    70   154   conation
 5. aadehny   N2    51   205   handy
 6. ?aelntz   1H   110   315   zelants
 7. efilpru   K8    29   344   pulier
 8. deeorst   O6    85   429   oersted
 9. ceflosw  13I    34   463   worse
10. acnorst   2C    74   537   contras
11. eegmoru  N11    32   569   merge
12. adeeiir  14E    25   594   aeried
13. aegimoy  15H    45   639   omega
14. bfgiklu  15A    50   689   kulfi
15. adeilqv   C2    28   717   calved
16. bfittuw  O14    33   750   if
17. ghiqttu  F10    34   784   quite
18. bghiitw   B6    38   822   wight

Remaining tiles: biixy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6746 Filebabsbedi    1  0:59  -754   68     1.6746 babsbedi    1  0:59  -754   68 
  2.5430 FilePoppyJ      0  0:55  -799   23            Group: novice
                                             1.5430 PoppyJ      0  0:55  -799   23 

On 1st draw, BRAVO H4 26 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n] --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other moves: VALOR H4 24, VOLAR H4 24, BRAVO H8 22, BARRO H4 20, BOLAR H4 20

On 2nd draw, JAAPS 6F 32 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: JAPERS 5D 30, JASPER 5C 30, JAAP 6F 29, JASPE 9F 29, JAWS 9E 29

On 3rd draw, TROUNCE 5G 26 --- TROUNCE to beat severely [v]
Other moves: ROUNCE 5H 22, JOUNCE F6 21, BOUNCE 4H 20, ROUTINE 5H 20, BONCE 4H 18

On 4th draw, CONA(T)ION L5 70 --- CONATION the inclination to act purposefully [n]
Other tops: ANCONOI(D) L3 70
Other moves: NAIV(E) 7E 25, NAN(D)OO N2 23, AC(T)INON L4 18, NONACI(D) L1 18, NONCO(L)A L2 18

On 5th draw, HANDY N2 51 --- HANDY convenient for handling [adj]
Other tops: HEADY N2 51
Other moves: HEEDY M3 44, HYAENA K10 41, HYED K10 39, HYENA K10 39, HYNDE N2 39

On 6th draw, ZELANT(S) 1H 110 --- ZELANT a fanatic [n]
Other moves: ZEAL(A)NT K8 99, ZE(A)LANT K8 99, TEAZLIN(G) 10G 86, ENT(O)ZOAL 11G 82, ZEAL(A)NT G8 78

On 7th draw, PULIER K8 29 --- PULY sickly [adj]
Other moves: PELF K11 28, TEF M1 27, FERULA 3I 26, FARLE 8K 24, FEE M3 24

On 8th draw, OERSTED O6 85 --- OERSTED a unit of magnetic intensity [n]
Other moves: TEREDOS 2C 73, TEREDOS 9B 71, OERSTED G8 62, OERSTED I8 62, ROSETED I8 62

On 9th draw, WORSE 13I 34 --- WORSE something that is worse (bad in a greater degree) [n] --- WORSE to defeat [v]
Other moves: CORSE 13I 30, FOWLS N11 30, WOLFS N11 30, COWERS 13G 28, FLOE 2F 28

On 10th draw, CONTRAS 2C 74 --- CONTRA a Nicaraguan revolutionary [n]
Other moves: CANTORS 9B 72, CARTONS 9B 72, CONTRAS 9B 72, CRATONS 9B 72, CORANTOS 8B 61

On 11th draw, MERGE N11 32 --- MERGE to combine [v]
Other moves: MERE N11 28, MORE N11 28, GEM 14H 27, GREEBO 4D 26, REM 14H 26

On 12th draw, AERIED 14E 25 --- AERIE a bird's nest built high on a mountain or cliff [adj] --- AERIED pertaining to an aerie [adj]
Other moves: AERIED 15J 24, AIRED 14F 24, EARED 14F 24, ACIDIER C1 22, ARED M7 22

On 13th draw, OMEGA 15H 45 --- OMEGA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: GAMEY 15A 41, G*Y*M 15A 40, OYE 15H 37, GAMEY 15K 36, IMAGE 15A 32

On 14th draw, KULFI 15A 50 --- KULFI an Indian dessert made by freezing milk which has been concentrated by boiling away some of the water in it, and flavoured with nuts and cardamom seeds [n]
Other moves: IF O14 33, FOLK D1 30, KUE M3 28, BILK 13B 26, BOUK D1 26

On 15th draw, CALVED C2 28 --- CALVE to give birth to a calf [v]
Other tops: CAVILED C2 28
Other moves: VOLED D1 26, CLAVIE C2 24, VOID D1 24, VOILA D1 24, VOILE D1 24

On 16th draw, IF O14 33 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FIB B6 32, FITT B6 31, FIT B6 30, WIT B6 30, BITT B6 25

On 17th draw, QUITE F10 34 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other moves: HIT B6 30, HI B6 29, QUIT 13B 29, QUAG 3L 28, QUAI 3L 26
QUITE F10 34 babsbedi

On 18th draw, WIGHT B6 38 --- WIGHT a living being [n] --- WIGHT to blame [v]
Other moves: WHIG G8 34, WITH B6 34, BIGHT B6 32, WHIT G8 32, WIG B6 31
WITH B6 34 babsbedi
BIG G9 23 PoppyJ

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