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Game sheet of ELCEE (file), Game of September 8, 2012 at 09:25

Word find
Word played
1 CDEOPSV             SCOPED H3 28 28  
2 ?IILNQS SEQ(U)IN 7G 25 -7 25 1/2 Q(U)INIC 4C 32 60 1/2
3 AIKLNST SILK E3 16 -60 41 1/1 LANTSKIP 6A 76 136 1/2
4 ?EELOTU (S)EEL I6 25 -52 66 1/1 E(V)OLUTED 8A 77 213 1/2
5 EGHMOPT HOME 9C 30   96 1/1       243 1/2
6 ADINRSU IDES G6 24 -51 120 1/1 SUNDARI 10D 75 318 1/2
7 EGHINOS SIGH K10 25 -57 145 1/1 SHOEINGS 3H 82 400 1/2
8 ADEGRRZ ZAG 2J 69 -9 214 1/1 DRAZEL A1 78 478 1/2
9 ADNOTUY AY 2I 31 -3 245 1/1 AGONY N2 34 512 1/2
10 EGLNOTW OWE O6 23 -41 268 1/1 TOWELING J5 64 576 1/2
11 AFORRTX FOX K6 32 -5 300 1/1 RETAX K2 37 613 1/2
12 ACEFRRT AFTER O6 29 -7 329 1/1 REFRACT 2A 36 649 1/2
13 BEEITUV EVE O6 23 -6 352 1/1 EVITE O6 29 678 1/2
14 BBDEOUV NUBBED 11J 32 -12 384 1/2 BUBOED N10 44 722 1/3
15 AGIJLPR JAI M13 43 -14 427 1/2 JASP O1 57 779 1/3
16 AEILORY LORDY 15K 30 -27 457 1/1 YORE O12 57 836 1/3
17 AFILMUV AM M12 26 -16 483 1/1 AIMFUL H10 42 878 1/3
18 AGIIRVW AW M12 30   513 1/1       908 1/3

Total: 513/908 or -395 for 56.49%
Rank: 6579

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