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Game of September 8, 2012 at 17:06, 3 players
1. 279 pts jimbo
2. 134 pts PoppyJ
3. 67 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dfopst   H8    26    26   spoof
 2. acelnnt  12H    20    46   facet
 3. aaeilot   M9    23    69   talea
 4. ?eilorr   8A    74   143   loriners
 5. aeegnny   N8    30   173   gay
 6. deeiirs   O7    43   216   eiders
 7. aaegltv  14J    40   256   valeta
 8. acefmnt   C7    30   286   cremant
 9. eiorssu   E4    78   364   resinous
10. ahiknou  D11    38   402   haiku
11. egilnny   H8    39   441   spoofing
12. bginowy   A2    71   512   bowingly
13. abeimtz   D1    58   570   zibet
14. ahnouvx  15N    56   626   ox
15. elnotuw   1D    48   674   zonulet
16. deeimrw   B1    43   717   mewed
17. hinoqru  G13    44   761   qi
18. adnooru   2I    24   785   nardoo
19. fhijnuv   1M    41   826   jin
20. dfhpruv   M1    42   868   jodhpur

Remaining tiles: fv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6272 Filejimbo       1  9:18  -589  279     1.7255 dannyboy    1  1:02  -801   67 
  2.5461 FilePoppyJ      0  7:11  -734  134            Group: intermediate
  3.7255 Filedannyboy    1  1:02  -801   67     1.6272 jimbo       1  9:18  -589  279 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5461 PoppyJ      0  7:11  -734  134 

On 1st draw, SP(O)OF H8 26 --- SPOOF to ridicule in fun [v]
Other tops: F(L)OPS H4 26, SPO(O)F H8 26
Other moves: FO(I)DS H4 24, FO(L)DS H4 24, FO(N)DS H4 24, FO(O)DS H4 24, FO(R)DS H4 24

On 2nd draw, FACET 12H 20 --- FACET to cut small plane surfaces on [v]
Other tops: FECAL 12H 20
Other moves: ALENCON 11C 18, CONNATE 11G 18, ENACT I10 18, FANNEL 12H 18, LACTONE 11D 18

On 3rd draw, TALEA M9 23 --- TALEA a recurring rhythmic pattern [n]
Other moves: TELIA M11 21, TELOI M11 21, ILEA M10 19, LEAT M11 19, OLEA M10 19

On 4th draw, LORI(N)ERS 8A 74 --- LORINER a maker of implements for harnesses and saddles [n]
Other tops: LORI(M)ERS 8A 74, (B)ROILERS 8A 74
Other moves: LORRIE(S) 13B 73, LORI(M)ER 14H 72, LORI(N)ER 14H 72, LORRIE(S) 14H 72, ROIL(I)ER 14H 72

On 5th draw, GAY N8 30 --- GAY a homosexual [n] --- GAY merry [adj]
Other tops: GEY N8 30
Other moves: NAY N8 29, AY N9 28, YA N10 28, YALE 11K 26, AYE 13G 24
GAY N8 30 dannyboy

On 6th draw, EIDERS O7 43 --- EIDER a large sea duck [n]
Other moves: IDEES O8 40, IRIDES O6 40, RESIDE O5 40, DESIRE O5 39, IRISED O6 39
RESIDE O5 40 jimbo
RIDES O7 37 dannyboy

On 7th draw, VALETA 14J 40 --- VALETA a dance in waltz time [n]
Other moves: VALET 14J 38, GAVEL 14J 32, GALEA 14J 26, LAVAGE 14H 24, AGLET 14J 22
GLOVE B6 15 jimbo

On 8th draw, CREMANT C7 30 --- CREMANT of wine, moderately sparkling [adj]
Other moves: FACEMAN K9 28, AM 15N 26, EM 15N 26, FANTOM 11D 26, RAFTMEN C8 26
AM 15N 26 jimbo

On 9th draw, RESI(N)OUS E4 78 --- RESINOUS resembling resin [adj]
Other moves: (N)EUROSIS E8 64, SOILURES A5 59, SP(O)OFERS H8 36, URI(N)OSE E5 24, ROUSE 13E 20
SIRS 13E 15 jimbo

On 10th draw, HAIKU D11 38 --- HAIKU a Japanese poem [n]
Other moves: KOHA D1 36, HAIK D11 34, HAKU D1 34, HOIK D11 34, HOIK F10 34
HANK 12A 30 jimbo

On 11th draw, SP(O)OFING H8 39 --- SPOOF to ridicule in fun [v] --- SPOOFING an act of spoofing [n]
Other moves: GUYLINE 15C 33, LUNGYI 15C 30, LINEY D1 27, LUNYIE 15C 27, GLEY D2 25
RELYING 4E 15 jimbo

On 12th draw, BOWINGLY A2 71 --- BOWINGLY in a bowing manner [adv]
Other moves: OW 15N 32, OY 15N 32, BROWNY 4D 30, SWINGBY 6E 30, SWINGY 6E 29
OY 15N 32 PoppyJ
BORING 4C 22 jimbo

On 13th draw, ZIBET D1 58 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: BRAIZE 4D 54, ZIBET B1 51, ZETA D1 50, ZITE D1 50, MAZUT 15A 48
AM 15N 26 PoppyJ

On 14th draw, OX 15N 56 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 15N 56
Other moves: AXON B2 46, HOX B1 43, VOX B1 43, NOX B1 37, NIX 13G 36
OH 15N 32 PoppyJ

On 15th draw, ZONULET 1D 48 --- ZONULET a small belt or girdle [n]
Other moves: ZONULE 1D 45, ZLOTE 1D 42, LOWE B1 32, OWE B2 30, LEW B1 25
SWOT 6E 15 PoppyJ
WON 14F 14 jimbo

On 16th draw, MEWED B1 43 --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other moves: REWED B1 39, RIMED B1 36, WIRED B1 36, MERED B1 34, MIRED B1 34
TWEED J1 17 jimbo
WIN 14F 14 PoppyJ

On 17th draw, QI G13 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HOER F6 32, HOE F6 29, QUENA K10 28, QUINE K8 28, QUIRE K8 28
QI G13 44 jimbo
THIN J1 15 PoppyJ

On 18th draw, NARDOO 2I 24 --- NARDOO an Australian fern [n]
Other moves: ODA B10 23, ODEON F6 23, AROUND 2J 22, ANODE F4 21, AROUND 15A 21
DO F14 15 jimbo

On 19th draw, JIN 1M 41 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JIVE K9 28, JOHN M1 28, JUVE K9 28, HI F14 27, JIN 14F 26
JIN 14F 26 jimbo

On 20th draw, JODHPUR M1 42 --- JODHPUR a type of boot [n]
Other moves: EDH F8 31, UH B10 23, JOUR M1 22, PRUH G7 22, CHIRU 7C 21

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