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Game of September 9, 2012 at 17:28, 2 players
1. 671 pts musdrive
2. 30 pts PoppyJ

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adddnu   H8    72    72   unadded
 2. beiirty  13H    28   100   ebriety
 3. aeersvy  14B    44   144   saveyed
 4. ?nrsttu   8H    74   218   untruest
 5. abhpstu   K5    44   262   upbrast
 6. adelnos  14K    28   290   snead
 7. aeghloo  15N    33   323   ho
 8. aeknoqr  12L    29   352   ka
 9. egoorrv   M1    80   432   regroove
10. aefiill   1L    33   465   frae
11. eehnotw   2J    47   512   wheen
12. aceeilr   9B    66   578   careline
13. ilmnott   1G    23   601   milo
14. acegilm   2B    36   637   malice
15. eeiloux   N5    52   689   ox
16. aeggiow   3G    32   721   wage
17. egilort   4C    28   749   regilt
18. fijootz  13A    62   811   jiz
19. finoopt  15A    41   852   fop
20. iinooqu  11B    34   886   quinoid

Remaining tiles: inot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7307 Filemusdrive    8 15:39  -215  671     1.7307 musdrive    8 15:39  -215  671 
  2.5422 FilePoppyJ      0  1:53  -856   30            Group: novice
                                             1.5422 PoppyJ      0  1:53  -856   30 

On 1st draw, UNADD(E)D H8 72 --- ADD to combine or join so as to bring about an increase [adj] --- UNADDED not added [adj]
Other tops: UNADD(E)D H6 72
Other moves: UNADD(E)D H2 70, UNADD(E)D H3 70, UNADD(E)D H4 70, UNADD(E)D H5 68, UNADD(E)D H7 68
UNADD(E)D H6 22 musdrive

On 2nd draw, (E)BRIETY 13H 28 --- EBRIETY drunkenness [n]
Other moves: TYRE I8 27, BEDIRTY 11F 26, BEDIRTY 12F 26, TRYE I7 25, YITIE G8 25
BREY I7 23 musdrive

On 3rd draw, SAVEYED 14B 44 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other tops: EVADERS 11E 44
Other moves: YEAR 12L 33, YEAS 12L 33, SEVERY L10 32, EVERY L11 30, VEERY L11 30
EVADERS 11E 44 musdrive

On 4th draw, UNTRU(E)ST 8H 74 --- UNTRUE not true [adj]
Other tops: UNTRUST(S) 8H 74, UNTRUST(Y) 8H 74, UNTRUT(H)S 8H 74, UNTRU(S)TS 8H 74, UN(I)TRUST 8H 74
Other moves: RUNT(I)EST L8 68, STRUNT(E)D 12A 68, T(A)UNTERS L8 68, UNTR(U)EST L8 68, STRUNTE(D) L7 66
TUNDR(A)S 11E 28 musdrive

On 5th draw, UPBRAST K5 44 --- UPBURST to burst upwards [v]
Other moves: HABU 12L 39, HUBS 12L 39, HUB 12L 35, PUBS 12L 35, HAUT 14L 31
HUBS 12L 39 musdrive

On 6th draw, SNEAD 14K 28 --- SNEAD the shaft of a scythe [n]
Other moves: ODEA 14K 27, SLOAN 14K 26, DAES 14L 25, DANS 12L 25, DEAL 12L 25
DEAN 14L 25 musdrive

On 7th draw, HO 15N 33 --- HO a prostitute -- usually taken to be offensive [n] --- HO to stop [v] --- HO used to express surprise [interj]
Other tops: HA 15N 33, HE 15N 33
Other moves: AGE 15M 31, AGO 15M 31, EGO 15M 31, GEO 15M 31, BOHEA 7K 28
HO 15N 33 musdrive

On 8th draw, KA 12L 29 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other moves: NEK 13A 28, OAK 13A 28, ROK 13A 28, KNAVE D11 26, RENK L12 26
ROK 13A 28 musdrive

On 9th draw, REGROOV(E) M1 80 --- GROOVE to form a groove (a long, narrow depression) [v] --- REGROOVE to groove again [v]
Other moves: GROOVERS N1 78, REGROOVE E7 74, GOVERNOR I3 71, GROOVERS B7 64, GROOVES N2 38
GROOVES N2 38 musdrive

On 10th draw, FRAE 1L 33 --- FRAE from [prep]
Other moves: FALLER 1H 30, FILLER 1H 30, EF N5 28, IF N5 28, LIEF N2 28
FALLER 1H 30 musdrive

On 11th draw, WHEEN 2J 47 --- WHEEN a fairly large amount [n]
Other moves: HOW 15A 34, TWEEN 2J 29, EH N5 28, OH N5 28, OW N5 28
HOW 15A 34 musdrive

On 12th draw, CARELINE 9B 66 --- CARELINE a telephone service set up by a business to supposedly care for customers [n]
Other moves: CERIA 1F 26, ERICA 1F 26, CLEAVE D10 24, CALVE D11 22, CARVE D11 22
CLEAVE D10 24 musdrive

On 13th draw, MILO 1G 23 --- MILO a cereal grass [n]
Other tops: LIMO 1G 23, MINO 1G 23, TOING 3I 23
Other moves: OM N5 22, LIMO 15I 21, NIM 15A 21, NOM 15A 21, T*M 15A 21
MINO 1G 23 musdrive

On 14th draw, MALICE 2B 36 --- MALICE a desire to injure another [n] --- MALICE to have ill-will towards another [v]
Other moves: MILAGE 2B 30, LIGGE 3J 28, MACLE 3G 26, MALEDICT 11D 26, CALMIER D3 24
MALICE 2B 36 musdrive

On 15th draw, OX N5 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX N5 52
Other moves: EXO 3B 44, LEX 3A 42, LOX 3A 42, LUX 3A 42, LOX 15A 41
OX N5 52 musdrive

On 16th draw, WAGE 3G 32 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other moves: WIG 15A 26, W*G 15A 26, ABOVE 7J 25, WAG 3G 25, WIG 3G 25
WAGE 3G 32 musdrive

On 17th draw, REGILT 4C 28 --- REGILD to gild once more [v]
Other moves: GOLE 1A 27, LEIR 4G 27, LEGIT 3A 26, LOTE 1A 24, ROLE 1A 24
GOLE 1A 27 musdrive

On 18th draw, JIZ 13A 62 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: FIZ 13A 54, FRITZ D8 42, ZIT 15A 40, ZO 1A 37, JOT 1A 36
JIZ 13A 62 musdrive

On 19th draw, FOP 15A 41 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: FOP 1A 32, OOP 15A 32, TOP 15A 32, OOF 1A 27, PROOF D8 26
FOP 15A 41 musdrive

On 20th draw, QUINOID 11B 34 --- QUINOID a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: SUQ N8 32, EQUINE E9 30, QUID 11E 28, QUOD 11E 28, QUAI C7 23
EQUINE E9 30 musdrive, PoppyJ

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