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Game of September 9, 2012 at 19:02, 6 players
1. 677 pts PIThompson
2. 431 pts argomearns
3. 342 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afmstz   H4    52    52   zarfs
 2. ?cdefin   5D   102   154   defiance
 3. ahilotu   8A    86   240   halitous
 4. aeggpst   L1    36   276   peags
 5. abenort   4A    35   311   borane
 6. eiopstt   C7    78   389   plotties
 7. cemnort  12C    80   469   intercom
 8. aeelmty  15A    50   519   maty
 9. deeghnr  13I    43   562   hedger
10. aekloow  14B    53   615   askew
11. eioosuw  14J    60   675   woose
12. aijllnr  15H    46   721   jill
13. abdeeno   J2    71   792   beaconed
14. dirrtuv   A1    27   819   turbid
15. aeqrvxy   1L    39   858   prex
16. ailnnoq  E10    24   882   qat
17. iilnouv   F8    25   907   ovine
18. aiilruv   L8    30   937   viliago
19. ginoruu   8J    27   964   enviro

Remaining tiles: guuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7672 FilePIThompson  8 14:30  -287  677     1.7672 PIThompson  8 14:30  -287  677 
  2.7064 Fileargomearns  2 11:12  -533  431     2.7064 argomearns  2 11:12  -533  431 
  3.6420 Fileraggedy01   1 14:52  -622  342     3.7294 musdrive    0  0:18  -924   40 
  4.5404 FilePoppyJ      0  8:38  -744  220            Group: intermediate
  5.6337 Filejimbo       0  3:12  -923   41     1.6420 raggedy01   1 14:52  -622  342 
  6.7294 Filemusdrive    0  0:18  -924   40     2.6337 jimbo       0  3:12  -923   41 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5404 PoppyJ      0  8:38  -744  220 

On 1st draw, ZA(R)FS H4 52 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other moves: ZAT(I)S H4 46, Z(E)TAS H4 46, FAZ(E)S H4 40, MATZ(A)S H4 38, MATZ(O)S H4 38
ZA(R)FS H4 52 PIThompson
FAZ(E)S H4 40 musdrive, argomearns
TZA(R)S H4 28 PoppyJ

On 2nd draw, DEFIANC(E) 5D 102 --- DEFIANCE a bold opposition [n]
Other tops: DEFACIN(G) 5E 102, D(E)FIANCE 5D 102, FINA(N)CED 5E 102, FI(N)ANCED 5E 102
Other moves: C(O)NFIDES 8A 101, F(A)CIENDS 8A 92, CANFIE(L)D 5G 76, FACIEND(S) 5G 76, C(O)FFINED 7F 72
DEFACIN(G) 5E 52 PoppyJ
Z(O)NED 4H 28 PIThompson
F(O)NE I3 23 argomearns

On 3rd draw, HALITOUS 8A 86 --- HALITOUS vaporous [adj]
Other moves: HAULT 6J 34, HUTIA 4A 32, HAIL 6J 31, HALO 6J 31, HALT 6J 31
HAULT 6J 34 PIThompson
HALT 6J 31 argomearns
TOUCH J2 20 PoppyJ

On 4th draw, PEAGS L1 36 --- PEAG a form of currency once used by North American Indians [n]
Other tops: PAGES L1 36
Other moves: GAPES L1 34, PATES L1 34, PEATS L1 34, GAGES L1 32, GATES L1 30
PAGES L1 36 PIThompson, argomearns
SPANE I2 22 PoppyJ

On 5th draw, BORANE 4A 35 --- BORANE a non-metallic element [n]
Other tops: BORATE 4A 35
Other moves: REBATO 4A 31, BARON 4A 28, BATON 4A 28, BEENTO 2J 28, BETON 4A 28
BORANE 4A 35 PIThompson
BARONET 2G 11 PoppyJ

On 6th draw, PLOTTIES C7 78 --- PLOTTIE a spiced hot drink [n] --- PLOTTY a hot, spiced beverage [n]
Other moves: POLITEST C6 74, POTPIES 1I 33, TIPPETS 1I 33, TIPTOPS 1G 33, PIPETS 1J 30
TIPPETS 1I 33 PIThompson
POPS 1L 24 PoppyJ

On 7th draw, INTERCOM 12C 80 --- INTERCOM a type of communication system [n]
Other moves: COMPTER 1I 39, COEMPT 1H 36, COMBER A1 36, METRO 15A 35, MOTEN 15A 35
COMPTER 1I 39 PIThompson
COMBER A1 36 argomearns
TROMP 1H 27 PoppyJ
POEM 1L 24 raggedy01

On 8th draw, MATY 15A 50 --- MATY a a friend [n] --- MATY friendly [adj]
Other moves: TAMELY 15C 47, MATEY 15A 44, YEALM 13I 41, MEETLY 13I 39, MYCELE H10 39
YEALM 13I 41 PIThompson
CLAY H12 27 argomearns
CALM H12 24 PoppyJ
PALM 1L 24 raggedy01

On 9th draw, HEDGER 13I 43 --- HEDGER one that hedges [n]
Other moves: HEDER 3B 41, HEDGE 13I 41, HERDEN 13I 41, HEDER 13I 39, HENGE 13I 39
HEDGER 13I 43 PIThompson, argomearns
PEND 1L 21 raggedy01
HE 3B 19 jimbo
HEND F11 12 PoppyJ

On 10th draw, ASKEW 14B 53 --- ASKEW awry [adj] --- ASKEW to one side [adv]
Other moves: AWOKE 3C 50, KWELA 2J 44, ALOWE 14G 41, KOW 14H 40, LOWE 14H 40
LOWE 14H 40 PIThompson
WOOL 14J 39 raggedy01, argomearns

On 11th draw, WOOSE 14J 60 --- WOOSE a wimp [n]
Other moves: OWE 14I 39, WOOS 14J 39, SOW 14H 36, WOO 14J 36, WOOPIES 1I 36
WOOSE 14J 60 PIThompson
OWE 14I 39 argomearns
WOOS 14J 39 raggedy01

On 12th draw, JILL 15H 46 --- JILL a unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: JAIL 15G 42, JARL 15G 42, JILL 15G 42, JAR 3B 37, JA 3B 31
JILL 15H 46 PIThompson
JAR 3B 37 raggedy01, argomearns
RAJA 3K 22 jimbo

On 13th draw, BEACONED J2 71 --- BEACON to shine like a light on high [v]
Other moves: DEBONE 3B 42, ABODE 3C 38, ABODE 3A 36, ADOBE 3A 36, ABED 12L 34
NABBED A1 33 PIThompson, raggedy01
DOB 3B 25 argomearns

On 14th draw, TURBID A1 27 --- TURBID thick or opaque with roiled sediment [adj]
Other moves: DRIB A1 21, DRUB A1 21, DIVOT B1 18, PTUI 1L 18, PUIR 1L 18
DRUB A1 21 PIThompson
VIE F10 14 raggedy01

On 15th draw, PREX 1L 39 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: AX M2 38, EX M2 38, AXE M1 37, YEN I3 31, APERY 1K 30
EX M2 38 PIThompson
AX M2 38 argomearns
EXTRA 10A 28 raggedy01

On 16th draw, QAT E10 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: ANON I2 24
Other moves: EOLIAN 8J 21, EONIAN 8J 21, NON I3 19, NIQAB 2F 18, RIAL 3A 18
QAT E10 24 PIThompson, raggedy01
LI 2N 17 argomearns

On 17th draw, OVINE F8 25 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: VENAL 3I 24, NON I3 19, ROUL 3A 18, VULGO L10 18, LI 2N 17
OVINE F8 25 PIThompson
EVIL N1 14 raggedy01

On 18th draw, VILIAGO L8 30 --- VILIAGO a coward [n]
Other tops: ELUVIA 8J 30
Other moves: VELARIA 3I 28, ARIL 12L 24, VELAR 3I 24, ELUVIA N1 22, UVULAR 2A 22
VELARIA 3I 28 PIThompson
ARIL 12L 24 raggedy01

On 19th draw, ENVIRO 8J 27 --- ENVIRO an advocate for the preservation of the natural environment [n]
Other moves: VINO 8L 21, VROU 8L 21, GORI 3D 20, RONG 3D 20, NON I3 19
VINO 8L 21 raggedy01, PIThompson

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