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Game of September 9, 2012 at 20:34, 3 players
1. 587 pts Davina
2. 560 pts tonikay
3. 481 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?hilqtt   H4    46    46   quilt
 2. ?adglvy   6D    69   115   gravidly
 3. aeimrrt   D4    74   189   ragtimer
 4. eeknost   K4   110   299   keystone
 5. elnnttu   4K    20   319   knelt
 6. abeensw  10H    73   392   bawneens
 7. aefgiou  H10    33   425   baguio
 8. egijmrt   O4    42   467   trijets
 9. cdeoors  13B    76   543   decorous
10. acehino   B9    38   581   echidna
11. eiilrsy  12K    34   615   slyer
12. adinrtu   A3    80   695   unitard
13. aehinop   B2    37   732   phone
14. abeioop  A14    26   758   op
15. abefivx   N1    95   853   biflex
16. afgimow   1K    33   886   gambo
17. adiiouv   I1    23   909   divi
18. aafouwz   9I    48   957   zoo

Remaining tiles: aafuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7043 FileDavina      3 17:33  -370  587     1.7043 Davina      3 17:33  -370  587 
  2.5760 Filetonikay     1 23:59  -397  560            Group: intermediate
  3.6768 FileGLOBEMAN    1 11:41  -476  481     1.6768 GLOBEMAN    1 11:41  -476  481 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5760 tonikay     1 23:59  -397  560 

On 1st draw, Q(U)ILT H4 46 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: Q(U)ILT H8 28, Q(U)ILT H5 26, Q(U)ILT H6 26, Q(U)ILT H7 26, Q(U)IT H5 24
Q(U)ILT H4 46 Davina, tonikay

On 2nd draw, G(R)AVIDLY 6D 69 --- GRAVID pregnant [adv] --- GRAVIDLY in a pregnant manner [adv]
Other moves: VAG(U)(E)LY 5E 48, Q(U)AYD 4H 34, (S)YLVA 9H 27, VAI(R)Y 6F 26, V(E)ILY 6F 26
DAY(S) 9E 24 Davina
Q(U)AD 4H 13 tonikay

On 3rd draw, RAGTIMER D4 74 --- RAGTIMER one who plays ragtime music [n]
Other moves: AMRIT 5J 30, AMIE 5J 28, AMIR 5J 28, EMIR 5J 28, EMIT 5J 28
MITRE 5K 28 Davina
MART 5K 26 tonikay

On 4th draw, KEYSTONE K4 110 --- KEYSTONE the central stone of an arch [n] --- KEYSTONE to cause a television picture to taper [v]
Other tops: KEYNOTES K4 110
Other moves: KETONES C8 89, SKELETON J3 64, SNOEK 12D 52, STEEK 12D 52, STONK 12D 52
KENS 12A 50 Davina
KEST 12B 40 tonikay

On 5th draw, KNELT 4K 20 --- KNEEL to rest on the knees [v]
Other tops: KLETT 4K 20, TULE E8 20, TUNE E8 20
Other moves: LUTITE 8A 18, LUTTEN J9 18, NUTLET J9 18, NUTLET L9 18, TUNNEL J9 18
TUNE E8 20 Davina
TENT J9 14 tonikay

On 6th draw, BAWNEENS 10H 73 --- BAWNEEN a type of Irish wool [n]
Other moves: WABS 12A 50, WEBS 12A 50, WAES 12A 46, WANS 12A 46, WEES 12A 46
WEBS 12A 50 tonikay, GLOBEMAN, Davina

On 7th draw, BAGUIO H10 33 --- BAGUIO a hurricane [n]
Other tops: FATIGUE O2 33
Other moves: BOUGIE H10 30, FEAGUE M9 28, FEAGUE L9 27, FIGOS O6 27, FOGIE 8A 27
FOGS O7 24 Davina
FAGS O7 24 tonikay

On 8th draw, TRIJETS O4 42 --- TRIJET a aeroplane powered by three jet engines [n]
Other moves: J*SM O8 39, JITTER O1 39, REJIG 8A 39, JIGS O7 36, JEST O8 33
JIGS O7 36 GLOBEMAN, tonikay
JEER 10B 27 Davina

On 9th draw, DECOROUS 13B 76 --- DECOROUS proper [adj]
Other moves: CORODIES 14C 65, DOORCASE F1 63, COOSER 12A 46, SCOOGED 12D 46, CODS 12A 44
COOSER 12A 46 tonikay
CODS 12A 44 Davina

On 10th draw, ECHIDNA B9 38 --- ECHIDNA the spiny anteater [n]
Other moves: HOIDEN B10 36, CHADO B10 34, CHIDE B10 34, CHODE B10 34, HONDA B10 34
HENCE M9 28 Davina
AHIND I2 25 tonikay

On 11th draw, SLYER 12K 34 --- SLY crafty [adj]
Other moves: EASY 15A 33, EASILY 15A 30, LAYERS 15A 30, RAYLES 15A 30, SLEY 12K 30
SLEY A6 26 Davina, tonikay

On 12th draw, UNITARD A3 80 --- UNITARD a leotard that also covers the legs [n]
Other moves: TRIDUAN A3 79, DRAUNT A4 29, DURANT A4 29, DURIAN A4 29, HARRIDAN 11B 26
TRIAD A5 21 tonikay, GLOBEMAN
RAND 15A 21 Davina

On 13th draw, PHONE B2 37 --- PHONE to telephone [v]
Other moves: HANAP 15A 33, AH A14 32, EH A14 32, OH A14 32, HOOP 9I 31
AH A14 32 Davina
OH A14 32 tonikay

On 14th draw, OP A14 26 --- OP a style of abstract art [n]
Other tops: AB A14 26, OB A14 26, PLEB N3 26
Other moves: BALOO N2 24, PILAO N2 24, PILEA N2 24, LAB N4 23, LAP N4 23
OB A14 26 Davina
PI I3 18 tonikay

On 15th draw, BIFLEX N1 95 --- BIFLEX bent in two places [adj]
Other moves: FLAX N3 57, FLEX N3 57, ILEX N3 54, LAX N4 53, LEX N4 53
FLAX N3 57 GLOBEMAN, tonikay
LAX N4 53 Davina

On 16th draw, GAMBO 1K 33 --- GAMBO a farm cart [n]
Other moves: IF O1 32, OF O1 32, AFF 3L 30, AMIE M1 30, IFF 3L 30
OF O1 32 tonikay, GLOBEMAN, Davina

On 17th draw, DIVI I1 23 --- DIVI short for dividend [n]
Other tops: OUD 13L 23
Other moves: AVID 2I 22, RIVA O12 21, RIVO O12 21, VID 2J 21, AD 13M 19
RIVA O12 21 Davina
OD 13M 19 tonikay

On 18th draw, ZOO 9I 48 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: FORZA F11 37, FIZ 2H 35, WIZ 2H 35, AFF 3L 30, FAZE M7 30
FIZ 2H 35 GLOBEMAN, Davina
WIZ 2H 35 tonikay

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