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Game of September 14, 2012 at 02:59, 1 player
1. 45 pts naneru

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abcgls   H4    24    24   cables
 2. aelnttu   5E    28    52   tetanal
 3. aeprtwx   6A    60   112   pretax
 4. acemprs   K4    78   190   clampers
 5. eenortu   A3    83   273   outpreen
 6. bddikou   4C    37   310   buik
 7. agnnors   8J    30   340   sprang
 8. aghiouv   L1    44   384   vugh
 9. fgiinos   J3    37   421   goaf
10. aeeeity   B8    31   452   tay
11. adiisvw   1J    39   491   vivdas
12. efiilmt  11E    76   567   filmiest
13. einnoru   C9    76   643   reunion
14. ?deilow  14A    76   719   woodpile
15. deehoyz  15H    63   782   heedy
16. aaejnoz  12A    67   849   zanja
17. deinoor  14J    37   886   dinero
18. eiiooqw  15A    38   924   own

Remaining tiles: eiiooq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5215 Filenaneru      0  3:41  -879   45     1.5215 naneru      0  3:41  -879   45 

On 1st draw, CABL(E)S H4 24 --- CABLE to fasten with a cable (a heavy rope) [v]
Other tops: BLAC(K)S H4 24, CAB(A)LS H4 24, C(A)BALS H4 24
Other moves: BAC(H)S H4 22, BAC(K)S H4 22, BAG(E)LS H4 22, BAS(I)C H4 22, BAS(I)C H8 22

On 2nd draw, TETANAL 5E 28 --- TETANAL pertaining to tetanus [adj]
Other tops: TALAUNT 5E 28
Other moves: LEANT I5 20, CANTLET 4H 18, CANTLE 4H 16, CATTLE 4H 16, CAUTEL 4H 16

On 3rd draw, PRETAX 6A 60 --- PRETAX existing before provision for taxes [adj]
Other tops: REWAX 6B 60
Other moves: RETAX 6B 57, APEX 6C 56, PREX 6C 56, WAX 6D 56, WEX 6D 56

On 4th draw, CLAMPERS K4 78 --- CLAMPER a device worn on shoes to prevent slipping on ice [n]

On 5th draw, OUTPREEN A3 83 --- OUTPREEN to surpass in preening [v]
Other moves: CONCRETE 4H 30, OUTPEER A3 30, NEUTER 4A 27, OPENER 8J 27, REOPEN A3 27

On 6th draw, BUIK 4C 37 --- BUIK a book [n]
Other tops: BOUK 4C 37
Other moves: DOUK 4C 35, BOBAK 6H 31, OIK 4D 31, OUK 4D 31, KID 4D 30
KO B2 14 naneru

On 7th draw, SPRANG 8J 30 --- SPRANG a weaving technique to form an openwork mesh [n]
Other tops: SPRONG 8J 30
Other moves: APRONS 8J 27, PANGS 8K 27, PARGO 8K 27, PONGA 8K 27, PONGS 8K 27
NAGS 10A 7 naneru

On 8th draw, VUGH L1 44 --- VUGH a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: COUGH 4K 30, MOHUA 7K 30, COACH 4H 28, HAG 6J 28, UGH L2 28
HOI 9M 24 naneru

On 9th draw, GOAF J3 37 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: OAF J4 35, GANOFS 6J 29, GANOF 6J 28, VIGS 1L 24, BOGANS 6H 22

On 10th draw, TAY B8 31 --- TAY tea [n]
Other moves: TYEE B9 30, AYE B9 29, EYE B9 29, TYE B9 29, AY B9 28

On 11th draw, VIVDAS 1J 39 --- VIVDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: VAVS 1L 30, VAWS 1L 30, VIVA 1L 30, VIDS 1L 24, WAI 9M 24

On 12th draw, FILMIEST 11E 76 --- FILMY resembling or covered with film; hazy [adj]
Other moves: FIMBLE C1 26, FUEL 2K 26, TERF L6 22, FREMIT 10J 21, FE 7C 20

On 13th draw, REUNION C9 76 --- REUNION a reuniting of persons after separation [n]
Other moves: MINER H11 24, MINOR H11 24, MOIRE H11 24, MONER H11 24, MONIE H11 24

On 14th draw, WOOD(P)ILE 14A 76 --- WOODPILE a pile of wood [n]
Other tops: WOODLI(C)E 14A 76, WOODLI(C)E 14B 76
Other moves: WOOD(P)ILE 14B 72, WILLO(W)ED G8 69, (B)ILLOWED G8 69, (P)ILLOWED G8 69, (W)ILLOWED G8 69

On 15th draw, HEEDY 15H 63 --- HEEDY careful [adj]
Other moves: DOZY 15H 60, DZHO 15H 60, HEYED 15H 57, HOYED 15H 57, OYEZ 12L 56

On 16th draw, ZANJA 12A 67 --- ZANJA an irrigation canal [n]
Other moves: ZONAE 12A 53, MAZE 7K 50, MOZE 7K 50, ZEA 7M 48, ZOA 7M 48

On 17th draw, DINERO 14J 37 --- DINERO a former Peruvian silver coin [n]
Other moves: DINER 14J 35, DONER 14J 35, DONOR 14J 35, DOORN 14J 35, DRIED M1 31

On 18th draw, OWN 15A 38 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other moves: OWRIE 10I 33, OWRE 10I 32, QI F10 31, OWE 13L 30, EON 15A 26

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