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Game of September 14, 2012 at 14:11, 6 players
1. 427 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 232 pts ginie
3. 153 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aekmorw   H8    34    34   awork
 2. abeinqt  11C    30    64   qintar
 3. ?aeiptu   C6    88   152   pratique
 4. degiilw   E5    76   228   wielding
 5. eefgnrs  14A    53   281   enserf
 6. degilmr  A10    36   317   midleg
 7. ?clnory   I2    68   385   lyricon
 8. anorrtu   5G    64   449   urinator
 9. adenrsx   L2    84   533   dextrans
10. acdeftt   H1    31   564   def
11. aeghilt   1A    95   659   alighted
12. bcijnot   K7    37   696   joint
13. behimst   O1    50   746   beths
14. abeimoz   3C    54   800   zombify
15. aeiosuy   N2    43   843   aiery
16. aeeeosv  I11    33   876   save
17. aceoopu   4A    41   917   coop
18. aeeouuv   A4    30   947   cuvee

Remaining tiles: aou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6426 FileGrace_Tjie  1 16:41  -520  427     1.7054 argomearns  1  3:12  -875   72 
  2.4306 Fileginie       1 12:13  -715  232            Group: intermediate
  3.6480 Fileraggedy01   1  8:41  -794  153     1.6426 Grace_Tjie  1 16:41  -520  427 
  4.  -  Filedindand     0  4:10  -870   77     2.6480 raggedy01   1  8:41  -794  153 
  5.7054 Fileargomearns  1  3:12  -875   72     3.6442 shanice     0  1:18  -900   47 
  6.6442 Fileshanice     0  1:18  -900   47            Group: not rated
                                             1.4306 ginie       1 12:13  -715  232 
                                             2.  -  dindand     0  4:10  -870   77 

On 1st draw, AWORK H8 34 --- AWORK at work [adv]
Other tops: WREAK H8 34
Other moves: KERMA H4 32, KORMA H4 32, WAKER H4 32, WREAK H4 32, WROKE H4 32
WREAK H8 34 raggedy01, ginie
WAKER H4 32 Grace_Tjie, dindand

On 2nd draw, QINTAR 11C 30 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 11G 28, BEATNIK 12B 26, QI I7 23, BATIK 12D 22, BINATE G6 22
QI I7 23 ginie
BANE I6 16 dindand
BRINE 11G 14 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, P(R)ATIQUE C6 88 --- PRATIQUE clearance given a ship by the health authority of a port [n]
Other moves: TAUPIE(S) I4 71, APTITU(D)E F7 63, PUTATI(V)E F7 63, PETU(N)IA G2 62, PETU(N)IA I2 62
EQUIP C10 32 raggedy01
QUITE C11 28 ginie

On 4th draw, WIELDING E5 76 --- WIELD to handle or use effectively [v]
Other moves: DEAW 8A 36, WIDGIE D1 34, DWALE 8A 30, WEALD 8A 30, GLADE 8A 27
WEAL 8A 24 raggedy01
DEW I8 22 Grace_Tjie
WIDE D3 20 ginie

On 5th draw, ENSERF 14A 53 --- ENSERF to make a serf of [v]
Other moves: FEENS I7 39, FEERS I7 39, FREES I7 39, REEFS I7 39, NEFS I8 37
REEFS F3 36 Grace_Tjie
EAGLE 8B 8 raggedy01

On 6th draw, MIDLEG A10 36 --- MIDLEG the middle of the leg [n]
Other moves: ELMIER A10 33, GERMED A10 33, GLIMED A10 33, GRIMED A10 33, LEDGIER A9 33
GRIMED A10 33 raggedy01
MEED A12 30 Grace_Tjie
LEG A13 12 ginie

On 7th draw, LYR(I)CON I2 68 --- LYRICON an electronic wind instrument [n]
Other tops: CORN(F)LY G2 68, CORN(F)LY I2 68, CORN(I)LY G2 68, CORN(I)LY I2 68, LYR(I)CON G2 68
Other moves: CAR(B)ONYL 8G 63, (F)ALCONRY 8G 63, CLOY(S) I7 41, CLON(S) I7 35, LOY(S) I8 35
YO(U)R 15F 26 Grace_Tjie
RYA 8A 18 ginie
FY F14 8 raggedy01

On 8th draw, UR(I)NATOR 5G 64 --- URINATOR one that urinates [n]
Other moves: ARNUT 15F 20, KORUNA 12H 20, KRONUR 12H 20, TORANA G6 19, KNAUR 12H 18
YAOURT 3I 18 ginie
ANT 15F 14 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, DEXTRANS L2 84 --- DEXTRAN a substance used as a blood plasma substitute [n]
Other moves: RAXES O1 47, AXED 15F 41, SAXE I11 41, SAXE O5 41, SAX I11 40
RAXES O1 47 shanice
AXED 15F 41 Grace_Tjie
AXES 15F 38 ginie

On 10th draw, DEF H1 31 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other moves: AFT F9 30, EFT F9 30, ACTED 15F 29, FETTA D1 29, FA F6 28
ACTED 15F 29 Grace_Tjie
ACED 15F 26 ginie

On 11th draw, ALIGHTED 1A 95 --- ALIGHT to come down from something [v]
Other moves: GILTHEAD 1A 92, THIRLAGE N2 78, HAGLET M9 37, ALIGHT 15F 35, HALITE M9 35
HAIL M7 26 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, JOINT K7 37 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: KINCOB 12H 28, JIN M1 27, JOT M1 27, BENJ 3K 26, INORB N2 26
JIN M1 27 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, BETHS O1 50 --- BETH second letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other tops: METHS O1 50
Other moves: STABLEMAN 8A 48, HIEMS O1 47, THEISM O1 44, BEMIST M7 42, BEMIST O1 41
BE M7 25 Grace_Tjie
BEST O3 15 ginie

On 14th draw, ZOMBIFY 3C 54 --- ZOMBIFY to turn into a zombie [v]
Other moves: MAIZE M9 46, AZO 15F 41, BEMA M7 40, BOMA M7 40, CABRIE 6I 40

On 15th draw, AIERY N2 43 --- AIERY the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: YEARS N2 37, YEAS 4A 37, SAY 4B 33, SOY 4B 33, SOYA I11 33
YE M7 29 dindand
OYE N1 28 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, SAVE I11 33 --- SAVE to rescue from danger, injury, or loss [v]
Other moves: SAV I11 32, SOV I11 32, AVOS 4A 31, EAVES 15E 31, EVOE 4A 31
EAVES 15E 31 argomearns
VOE 4B 27 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, COOP 4A 41 --- COOP to confine [v]
Other moves: CAP 4B 33, COP 4B 33, POO M7 31, OOP 4B 29, OP 4C 27
COOP 4A 41 Grace_Tjie, argomearns

On 18th draw, CUVEE A4 30 --- CUVEE a wine blended in casks [n]
Other moves: EAVE 15E 28, AVE 15F 23, AVO 15F 23, EVE 15F 23, EVO 15F 23
AVE 15F 23 Grace_Tjie

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