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Game sheet of argomearns (file), Game of September 14, 2012 at 15:38

Word find
Word played
1 EGORRSW             REGROWS H7 80 80  
2 ?DEIRTU             (S)UITORED 11D 82 162  
3 ABEGNUX             BEAUX 10J 49 211  
4 AEJPRRS             JUPES M9 44 255  
5 AACINOT             RAINCOAT 7H 62 317  
6 ?AGHIIS             GHAST(S) O3 39 356  
7 ELNOOTY             OYS 6M 29 385  
8 IKOORTZ             RITZ L12 52 437  
9 AEGKMST ZEST 15L 39 -12 39 2/2 ZEKS 15L 51 488 3/3
10 CGIILMO MIR 10F 23 -61 62 2/2 LOGICISM 13B 84 572 3/3
11 ADEFHIL FAH 5K 24 -17 86 2/2 FILCH L4 41 613 3/3
12 DILNOPR DROP K2 27 -2 113 1/2 OXID N9 29 642 2/3
13 ABDEVWY WAY 14A 27 -15 140 1/2 YAWLED B10 42 684 2/3
14 AENNOOT             TENNO A8 31 715 2/4
15 ADENORV             ADORNED 15A 30 745 2/4
16 AEILNOT             ELATION(S) D4 66 811 2/4
17 ABEFILP             FLIP K2 31 842 2/4
18 BENQRTU BRUNT 3C 24 -13 164 2/2 EQUANT 6A 37 879 2/4
19 ABEMRVV BREAM 3C 32   196 1/1       911 2/4

Total: 196/911 or -715 for 21.51%
Rank: 6922

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