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Game of September 16, 2012 at 11:45, 4 players
1. 311 pts raggedy01
2. 77 pts worsie
3. 61 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiilor   H3    64    64   liriope
 2. ?enqtvz   6F    63   127   quinze
 3. adhlosw   L1    52   179   waldos
 4. afiprrt   9E    65   244   firetrap
 5. eeiorsv   1H   176   420   overwise
 6. dggiors   8K    29   449   doris
 7. abceino   3B    82   531   coinable
 8. aaeimtu   B1    32   563   aecium
 9. aglmnot   A4    38   601   among
10. ehnstxy   2I    56   657   ex
11. adhnopt   1A    39   696   path
12. deeintu  10A    25   721   united
13. aacelow  11E    36   757   weal
14. cekorst   O8   107   864   stockers
15. aelottu  15H    77   941   toluates
16. dehjnuy   2D    35   976   uey
17. aabijnv  12H    35  1011   ajiva
18. bdfghny   7G    34  1045   hoy

Remaining tiles: bdfggnn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6453 Fileraggedy01   4 11:19  -734  311     1.7241 nudelily    0  1:56 -1007   38 
  2.6069 Fileworsie      0  4:40  -968   77            Group: intermediate
  3.6391 FileGrace_Tjie  0  2:03  -984   61     1.6453 raggedy01   4 11:19  -734  311 
  4.7241 Filenudelily    0  1:56 -1007   38     2.6069 worsie      0  4:40  -968   77 
                                             3.6391 Grace_Tjie  0  2:03  -984   61 

On 1st draw, LIRIO(P)E H3 64 --- LIRIOPE a stemless Asian herb [n]
Other tops: LIRIO(P)E H2 64, LIRIO(P)E H4 64, LIRIO(P)E H6 64, LIRIO(P)E H8 64, RILIE(V)O H2 64, RILIE(V)O H3 64, RILIE(V)O H4 64, RILIE(V)O H6 64, RILIE(V)O H8 64, ROILIE(R) H2 64, ROILIE(R) H3 64, ROILIE(R) H4 64, ROILIE(R) H7 64, ROILIE(R) H8 64, (R)OILIER H2 64, (R)OILIER H3 64, (R)OILIER H6 64, (R)OILIER H7 64, (R)OILIER H8 64, (S)OILIER H2 64, (S)OILIER H3 64, (S)OILIER H6 64, (S)OILIER H7 64, (S)OILIER H8 64
Other moves: LIRIO(P)E H5 62, LIRIO(P)E H7 62, RILIE(V)O H5 62, RILIE(V)O H7 62, ROILIE(R) H5 62

On 2nd draw, Q(U)INZE 6F 63 --- QUINZE a card game [n]
Other moves: Z(O)NE G7 47, Q(U)IZ 6F 41, Z(O) G7 41, ZE(S)T 10F 38, (S)EZ 10H 37
ZE(S)T 10F 38 nudelily

On 3rd draw, WALDOS L1 52 --- WALDO a gadget for manipulating objects remotel or WALDOES [n]
Other tops: WOALDS L1 52
Other moves: DHOWS L2 48, DOWLAS L1 48, AHOLDS L1 46, HOWLS L2 46, HAWS L3 44

On 4th draw, FIRETRAP 9E 65 --- FIRETRAP a building that is likely to catch on fire [n]
Other moves: FRATI 2J 32, TWIRP 1K 30, WAFT 1L 30, WAIF 1L 30, WARP 1L 27

On 5th draw, OVERWISE 1H 176 --- OVERWISE too wise [adj]
Other moves: REIVES 8A 46, RIEVES 8A 46, REIVE 8A 41, RIEVE 8A 41, SERVE 8A 41
REWOVE 1J 36 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, DORIS 8K 29 --- DORIS (slang) a woman [n]
Other moves: ORDS 8L 23, DEGRAS K5 22, DIS M7 22, DOGGO 5K 22, DOS M7 22

On 7th draw, COINABLE 3B 82 --- COIN to make coins (metal currency) [adj] --- COINABLE able to be coined [adj]
Other moves: BANCO 8A 41, BONCE 8A 41, BINOCLE 3C 30, BEANO 8A 29, BONIE 8A 29
BONE 5K 20 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, AECIUM B1 32 --- AECIUM a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: AMATE 8A 29, MATAI 8A 29, ITEM 2C 28, AMA 2E 27, AM 2I 26

On 9th draw, AMONG A4 38 --- AMONG in the midst of [prep]
Other moves: MANGO 8A 35, TOMAN A4 35, MANGAL 1A 33, TAGMA 1A 33, MAGOT A5 32

On 10th draw, EX 2I 56 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: HEAST 2J 53, HOXES 5K 40, TAXES 1A 39, NEATH 2J 38, HEY 2D 37
EX 2I 56 raggedy01

On 11th draw, PATH 1A 39 --- PATH a trodden way or track [n] --- PATH to go a certain way [v]
Other moves: PAH 2D 35, POH 2D 35, DAH 2D 33, DOH 2D 33, EPHOD 2B 33
PATH 1A 39 raggedy01

On 12th draw, UNITED 10A 25 --- UNITE to bring together so as to form a whole [v]
Other tops: UNTIED 10A 25
Other moves: TINED 10B 24, TUNED 10B 24, FEINTED E9 22, SEINED N1 22, SENTED N1 22
UNITED 10A 25 raggedy01

On 13th draw, WEAL 11E 36 --- WEAL a mark left by a whip lash [n]
Other tops: AWE 11D 36, OWE 11D 36
Other moves: WE 11E 32, AW 11D 30, OW 11D 30, WILCO C9 28, AWE K4 25
OWE 11D 36 raggedy01

On 14th draw, STOCKERS O8 107 --- STOCKER a young animal suitable for being fattened for market [n]
Other moves: STOCKER 12F 88, ROCKETS 12G 83, ROCKIEST N4 72, STOCKIER N3 72, RESTOCKS O6 69
STOCKERS O8 57 raggedy01

On 15th draw, TOLUATES 15H 77 --- TOLUATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: TOLUATE 12G 71, OUTTALK 12I 22, TELOI 4D 22, TOEA 7G 22, ELT 10J 18
TEAK 12L 16 raggedy01
TEAS 15L 5 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, UEY 2D 35 --- UEY a U turn [n]
Other moves: HOY 7G 34, HOYED 5K 34, HONEY 5K 32, YODH 5K 32, JUNK 12L 30
JUNK 12L 30 raggedy01
HOY 5K 28 worsie

On 17th draw, AJIVA 12H 35 --- AJIVA inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: BAJAN 14G 33, AJIVA L11 30, JINK 12L 30, JAI 14F 28, JAVA L12 28
JIVE 13L 28 raggedy01
JO 10N 25 worsie

On 18th draw, HOY 7G 34 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other moves: BENDAY K5 32, BOYF 5K 32, DINGHY C9 32, FOGY 5K 32, YODH 5K 32
DINGY C9 24 raggedy01
BOY 5K 24 worsie

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