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Game of September 17, 2012 at 14:08, 2 players
1. 425 pts JennyB
2. 52 pts nudelily

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaefors   H3    26    26   afears
 2. abbenot   G3    30    56   bento
 3. ?adegns   8A    91   147   agedness
 4. aeilrvw   C7    88   235   reviewal
 5. adeelny  14C    74   309   leadenly
 6. ?ciiopu   E5    94   403   opinicus
 7. abdgior  H10    36   439   robing
 8. aeiotuw  D12    31   470   awee
 9. cdeiisy   D1    31   501   dicey
10. eiiorst   1D    77   578   diorites
11. elorstz   A5    68   646   zelators
12. ehnottx   B4    65   711   hox
13. eiklntu  15J    38   749   unlike
14. adehmtt   2B    51   800   meith
15. ajnottu   1A    31   831   ja
16. adgmorv   2J    35   866   dogma
17. afintuu   O1    37   903   unfit
18. anoqrtu  N11    36   939   quonk

Remaining tiles: aprtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6081 FileJennyB      2 15:44  -514  425     1.7241 nudelily    0  4:20  -887   52 
  2.7241 Filenudelily    0  4:20  -887   52            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6081 JennyB      2 15:44  -514  425 

On 1st draw, AFEARS H3 26 --- AFEAR to frighten [v]
Other moves: FARES H4 24, FAROS H4 24, FARSE H4 24, FEARS H4 24, FORES H4 24

On 2nd draw, BENTO G3 30 --- BENTO a Japanese meal packed in a box [n]
Other tops: BEANO G3 30
Other moves: BOAB G3 29, BOBA G3 29, NABOB G1 28, ONBEAT G1 27, ONBEAT I1 27
BOB I1 17 JennyB

On 3rd draw, AGEDN(E)SS 8A 91 --- AGEDNESS oldness [n]
Other tops: AG(E)DNESS 8A 91, G(L)ADNESS 8A 91
Other moves: S(O)NDAGES 8H 80, BAD(I)NAGES 3G 78, BANDAGE(R)S 3G 76, (H)EADBANGS 3C 76, A(U)GENDS F5 71
GAD I1 15 JennyB

On 4th draw, REVIEWAL C7 88 --- REVIEWAL the act of reviewing [n]
Other moves: LIVEWARE C1 80, LAWGIVER B5 75, LIVEWARE C5 72, REVIEWAL C4 69, LAWNIER E5 40
WORE 7F 12 JennyB

On 5th draw, LEADENLY 14C 74 --- LEADEN oppressively heavy [adv] --- LEADEN to make dull or sluggish [adv] --- LEADENLY in a leaden manner [adv]
Other moves: DELAY D11 43, DENAY D11 43, ALLEYED 14B 38, LEADEN B10 36, LEANED B10 35
YAWLED 12A 34 JennyB

On 6th draw, OPINICU(S) E5 94 --- OPINICUS a heraldic hybrid beast [n]
Other moves: UPCOI(L) 15J 41, COPIN(G) H10 36, PICIN(E) H10 36, PICON(G) H10 36, OI(L)CUP 15J 32
CUP(S) I1 25 nudelily
PON(Y) H12 24 JennyB

On 7th draw, ROBING H10 36 --- ROBE to cover with a robe (a long, loose outer garment) [v] --- ROBING the putting on of clothes [n]
Other tops: BODING H10 36, ORBING H10 36, RIBAND H10 36, ROBAND H10 36
Other moves: BIRO 15E 33, BORA 15E 33, BRAD B10 33, BROD B10 33, OBANG H11 33
BRAG 13J 21 JennyB
BO D4 10 nudelily

On 8th draw, AWEE D12 31 --- AWEE awhile [adv]
Other moves: WAWE(S) 12A 28, AWE D12 27, OWE D12 27, TWAE B10 25, WAT F2 25
W*G B6 17 JennyB
WAG B6 17 nudelily

On 9th draw, DICEY D1 31 --- DICEY dangerous [adj]
Other moves: DEYS I1 30, SEY 15C 26, CEDIS D1 24, CIDES D1 24, ICY I1 24
RICES 10H 13 JennyB

On 10th draw, DIORITES 1D 77 --- DIORITE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: RIOTRIES 10H 62, RESET 15A 32, ROSET 15A 32, RISE 15A 27, ROSE 15A 27
RISE 15A 27 JennyB

On 11th draw, ZELATORS A5 68 --- ZELATOR a nun who oversees the behaviour of other nuns [n]
Other moves: ROZETS 2J 40, ROZITS 2A 40, ROZET 2J 38, TOZES 2J 38, ZLOTYS J10 38
ZO G11 26 JennyB

On 12th draw, HOX B4 65 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: NOX B4 62, OX B5 61, EXON 2I 56, EXO 2I 55, EX 2I 52
HOX B4 65 JennyB

On 13th draw, UNLIKE 15J 38 --- LIKE possessing the same or almost the same characteristics [adj] --- UNLIKE not alike [adj] --- UNLIKE someone or something which is unlike [n]
Other moves: TINKLE 2J 30, BATLIKE 3G 28, LIKEN 2J 28, KNELT 13J 27, UNTILE 15J 26
KILN 13J 25 JennyB

On 14th draw, MEITH 2B 51 --- MEITH a landmark [n]
Other moves: HM F10 34, THEMA 2J 33, (E)DH F8 32, BATHMAT 3G 30, (E)TH F8 30
SHAMED K1 24 JennyB

On 15th draw, JA 1A 31 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO 1A 31
Other moves: JAUK N12 30, JOUK N12 30, JUNK N12 30, BANJO 12H 28, JAK N13 28
JO 1A 31 JennyB

On 16th draw, DOGMA 2J 35 --- DOGMA a principle or belief put forth as authoritative [n]
Other moves: DAME G11 24, DOME G11 24, GAME G11 24, MOD 2J 24, MOG 2J 24
MOD 2J 24 JennyB

On 17th draw, UNFIT O1 37 --- UNFIT not fit [adj] --- UNFIT to make unsuitable [v]
Other moves: AFT 1M 27, TUINA 3K 26, AFT I3 25, ANTI O1 25, UNAI O1 25
FA 1N 20 JennyB

On 18th draw, QUONK N11 36 --- QUONK to make an accidental disturbing noise [v]
Other tops: QUARK N11 36
Other moves: BURQA 12H 32, QUARTO N4 30, QUANT N4 29, QUART N4 29, QUOTA N4 29
QUARTO N4 30 JennyB

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