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Game sheet of raggedy01 (file), Game of September 18, 2012 at 13:37

Word find
Word played
1 AAEEFOR             FEARE H4 24 24  
2 AEGHIPR             HIREAGE 5E 44 68  
3 AAEHKST             TAKAHES 9B 75 143  
4 ELNOPRS             PERSONAL C3 72 215  
5 ?GJMNOO             JOMO(S) L1 53 268  
6 AAINRSV             SAVARIN 11C 81 349  
7 ?BEIINO             EBIONI(S)E 8H 80 429  
8 CDDEESU             DEDUCES 12F 88 517  
9 AEENOXY             JAXY 1L 63 580  
10 EGNORTV             GROVET 13D 37 617  
11 DEILNRU             UNDERLIE O5 60 677  
12 ABGLPTU BLOG 2J 16 -12 16 2/2 TOLU 2K 28 705 2/2
13 AEGIMOT GAME 3J 22 -6 38 1/1 OGAM D1 28 733 2/2
14 EINOOTT TOME 3J 20 -2 58 1/2 KIANG D9 22 755 2/2
15 DILPTUW WIMP 3J 34   92 1/2       789 2/2
16 DEIOOUW WIN 8A 20 -10 112 2/2 WOODIE 1C 30 819 2/2
17 ABNTTUY BAY 11K 26   138 1/1 BATTY N11   845 1/2
18 CLNOTUZ OU O14 23 -16 161 1/1 OCTYL 15K 39 884 1/2
19 EFINQUZ QUIZ F3 42   203 1/1       926 1/2

Total: 203/926 or -723 for 21.92%
Rank: 8152

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