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Game of September 18, 2012 at 14:23, 4 players
1. 541 pts raggedy01
2. 200 pts ginie
3. 168 pts JennyB

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cennrt   H4    72    72   centner
 2. aadgiow  10F    22    94   waragi
 3. aaeilor   K5    28   122   olearia
 4. aehktuv   8J    54   176   takahe
 5. delmruz   7M    52   228   zed
 6. aioptuv   9K    31   259   rip
 7. ?ainouv   O1    98   357   unavoided
 8. aeeinot   M7    36   393   zapateo
 9. bghinos  N10    55   448   hosing
10. defiosu  15J    45   493   defogs
11. egimrry   L1    31   524   merry
12. cenoort  11A    75   599   coronet
13. djosuuy  B10    64   663   joyous
14. aaefmnq  12D    41   704   fame
15. abeirtv   1E    95   799   verbatim
16. deilntu  14E    70   869   untiled
17. bdequwx  A14    42   911   xu
18. egilqsw  H12    38   949   swig
19. deiillp   N6    24   973   peh
20. bdeiill   5A    72  1045   elidible

Remaining tiles: iq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6468 Fileraggedy01   4 20:01  -504  541     1.7084 sunshine12  0  1:14 -1031   14 
  2.4431 Fileginie       1 11:24  -845  200            Group: intermediate
  3.6094 FileJennyB      0  9:49  -877  168     1.6468 raggedy01   4 20:01  -504  541 
  4.7084 Filesunshine12  0  1:14 -1031   14     2.6094 JennyB      0  9:49  -877  168 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4431 ginie       1 11:24  -845  200 

On 1st draw, CENTN(E)R H4 72 --- CENTNER a unit of weight [n]
Other tops: C(E)NTNER H4 72
Other moves: CENTN(E)R H2 68, CENTN(E)R H3 68, CENTN(E)R H6 68, CENTN(E)R H8 68, C(E)NTNER H2 68
CENT(E)R H4 20 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, WARAGI 10F 22 --- WARAGI a Ugandan alcoholic drink made from bananas [n]
Other tops: AWA G8 22, WADI G9 22, WAID G9 22, WOAD G9 22
Other moves: WAD G9 21, WAG G9 21, WARDOG 10F 21, W*G G9 21, ADAWING 6C 20
WAID G9 22 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, OLEARIA K5 28 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: ACEROLA 4G 18, CALORIE 4H 18, CARIOLE 4H 18, COALIER 4H 18, LORICAE 4D 18
LIER 11D 15 raggedy01

On 4th draw, TAKAHE 8J 54 --- TAKAHE a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: KVETCH 4D 36, AK(E)E 9F 32, KUEH 11D 32, HAK(E) 9E 31, KHAT L4 31
HAK(E) 9E 31 raggedy01

On 5th draw, ZED 7M 52 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: Z(E)D 9G 50, LeZ 9G 46, Z(E)E 9G 46, Z(E)L 9G 46, ZED 11E 34
ZED 7M 52 raggedy01

On 6th draw, RIP 9K 31 --- RIP to tear or cut apart roughly [v]
Other tops: RAP 9K 31
Other moves: PI 6N 28, PO 6N 28, PIVOT 11C 27, P(E)TAR 9G 24, PATIO L1 22
RIP 9K 31 raggedy01

On 7th draw, UNAVOIDE(D) O1 98 --- UNAVOIDED
Other moves: UNIVOCA(L) 4C 74, AVION(S) 11C 31, KI(S)AN L8 28, VI(C)UNA L1 28, VI(S)ON L1 24
OV(E)N 11D 18 raggedy01

On 8th draw, ZAPATEO M7 36 --- ZAPATEO a Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: ANOETIC 4B 18, ENATION 2I 18, AINEE 11C 17, EATEN 11C 17, EAT(E)N 9E 17
NOTICE 4D 16 raggedy01
NOT N1 14 sunshine12

On 9th draw, HOSING N10 55 --- HOSE to spray with water [v]
Other moves: GIBSON 14J 45, BISON N10 42, BISH 14K 37, BOHS 11E 37, BOSH 14K 37
SHOWING F7 14 raggedy01
GHOST 7D 10 ginie

On 10th draw, DEFOGS 15J 45 --- DEFOG to remove fog from [v]
Other moves: FEGS 15L 36, FIGO 15L 36, FIGS 15L 36, FOGS 15L 36, FUGS 15L 36
DEFOGS 15J 45 raggedy01
FOGS 15L 36 ginie

On 11th draw, MERRY L1 31 --- MERRY cheerful [adj] --- MERRY the European wild cherry [n]
Other tops: GERMY L1 31, GRIMY L1 31
Other moves: GERMIN 2J 26, GEY N1 26, GREY 11D 26, IMAGERY G8 25, GEY 11E 24
GRIME 14H 24 raggedy01
MY L4 19 ginie

On 12th draw, CORONET 11A 75 --- CORONET a small crown [n]
Other moves: CORONET 14E 70, CORNETTO 7B 63, ONCOME 1H 30, CORNETT J2 29, CONTE J2 25
COOTER 11B 23 raggedy01
REST 12L 10 ginie

On 13th draw, JOYOUS B10 64 --- JOYOUS joyful [adj]
Other moves: JOY 10B 61, JUD 10B 57, JUS 10B 55, JO 10B 52, JOYOUS D8 48
JOY 10B 61 raggedy01
JOYS D10 28 ginie
CENTN(E)RS H4 19 JennyB

On 14th draw, FAME 12D 41 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other moves: MARAE C9 38, FEM 12D 36, FANE 12D 35, F(E)M 9G 31, MANE 12D 31
FARE C9 25 raggedy01
JAM 10B 18 JennyB
FACE 4F 9 ginie

On 15th draw, VERBATIM 1E 95 --- VERBATIM word for word [adv]
Other moves: VIBRATE 14F 84, BREVIATE 5A 76, VIBRATE 14D 75, BREVIATE 2E 67, BETRIM 1G 30
VIBRATE 14D 25 JennyB
BRAVE 14F 23 raggedy01
CAT A11 14 ginie

On 16th draw, UNTILED 14E 70 --- UNTILE to strip of tiles [v]
Other moves: DEIL H12 34, DELI H12 34, DELT H12 34, DENI H12 34, DENT H12 34
USED 15A 21 ginie, JennyB
VINTED E1 20 raggedy01

On 17th draw, XU A14 42 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: WEXED 5E 32, W(E)B 9G 32, XU N1 31, EXURB 3I 30, EXUDE F1 29
XU N1 31 raggedy01
SEX 15B 18 JennyB

On 18th draw, SWIG H12 38 --- SWIG to drink deeply or rapidly [v]
Other moves: QIS H13 36, SEIL H12 26, J*W 10B 24, WEIRS 3I 24, W(E)E 9G 24
SWIG H12 38 ginie
QIS H13 36 raggedy01, JennyB

On 19th draw, PEH N6 24 --- PEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: DEIL 2F 24, PI 6N 24, P(E)D 9G 24
Other moves: LEPT J5 22, DEI 2F 21, ELIDE 2H 21, L(E)P 9G 20, P(E)E 9G 20
PLIED 5E 16 raggedy01
PIN 6F 11 ginie
USED 15A 7 JennyB

On 20th draw, ELIDIBLE 5A 72 --- ELIDE to omit [adj] --- ELIDIBLE able to be elided [adj]
Other moves: ELIDIBLE F1 69, B(E)D 9G 24, DEBT J5 24, DEIL 2F 24, D(E)B 9G 24
B(E)D 9G 24 JennyB
BILLED 5D 18 raggedy01
EL F1 4 ginie

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