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Game of September 18, 2012 at 15:57, 7 players
1. 524 pts naomiari
2. 511 pts iwhist
3. 485 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. orrstyz   H8    24    24   stroy
 2. ?adillo  11E    82   106   poloidal
 3. aaemosu   L6    72   178   mausolea
 4. inorstu  13B    75   253   nitrous
 5. ?abelpv  14J    40   293   venal
 6. cemnopt   F4    72   365   contempo
 7. cdegjot   8K    42   407   judge
 8. abdequy  B10    68   475   quena
 9. abeehst  15A    42   517   ashet
10. deeknrw  13K    45   562   waked
11. gilnory   N1    80   642   glorying
12. acintuz  12A    52   694   zeta
13. aefinot   1H    45   739   antifog
14. adehiir   K5    41   780   hadji
15. egnnpru   8A    30   810   pugree
16. ceiinrr   J4    29   839   rec
17. eeinrvw   M3    29   868   wen
18. bbeirvx  14E    53   921   ex
19. befinov   O4    28   949   fen
20. bbiiorv   5A    22   971   vibrio

Remaining tiles: biio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6392 Filenaomiari    3 21:18  -447  524     1.7021 argomearns  2  9:19  -651  320 
  2.6581 Fileiwhist      4 14:24  -460  511     2.7319 susieq8182  1  3:09  -921   50 
  3.6406 FileGrace_Tjie  5  9:55  -486  485            Group: intermediate
  4.6444 Fileraggedy01   1 13:40  -615  356     1.6392 naomiari    3 21:18  -447  524 
  5.7021 Fileargomearns  2  9:19  -651  320     2.6581 iwhist      4 14:24  -460  511 
  6.7319 Filesusieq8182  1  3:09  -921   50     3.6406 Grace_Tjie  5  9:55  -486  485 
  7.4477 Fileginie       0  1:54  -961   10     4.6444 raggedy01   1 13:40  -615  356 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4477 ginie       0  1:54  -961   10 

On 1st draw, STROY H8 24 --- STROY to destroy [v]
Other tops: RORTY H8 24, SORRY H8 24, STORY H8 24, ZOS H6 24, ZOS H7 24, ZOS H8 24
Other moves: ZO H7 22, ZO H8 22, RORTY H4 18, ROYST H4 18, ROYST H8 18
ZOS H7 24 iwhist
ZOS H6 24 naomiari

On 2nd draw, (P)OLOIDAL 11E 82 --- POLOIDAL of a magnetic field [adj]
Other moves: S(P)ADILLO 8H 77, (C)ODILLAS 8A 77, DI(S)LOYAL 12C 72, (P)OLOIDAL 11G 66, (A)LLODIA G3 65
LAID(S) 13D 15 iwhist
DAIL(Y) G11 14 naomiari

On 3rd draw, MAUSOLEA L6 72 --- MAUSOLEA large, stately tombs [n] --- MAUSOLEUM a large, stately tomb [n]
Other moves: MARAE 10F 34, MARSE 10F 34, OMERS 10E 28, MARA 10F 26, MARS 10F 26
OMERS 10E 28 iwhist
SAME 13H 16 naomiari

On 4th draw, NITROUS 13B 75 --- NITROUS containing nitrogen [adj]
Other tops: TURIONS 13B 75, TURIONS M2 75
Other moves: NITROUS M1 73, TURIONS 14G 70, NITROUS G3 65, STURNOID J4 63, TURDIONS J8 63
RUNTS 8K 15 iwhist
SIT 13H 13 naomiari

On 5th draw, VE(N)AL 14J 40 --- VENAL open to bribery [adj]
Other moves: PARLE 10F 34, PA(N)EL 14J 34, PE(N)AL 14J 34, V(I)BE 12A 33, BAR(B)E 10F 32
PAR 10F 23 iwhist
LEAV(E) 13J 14 naomiari

On 6th draw, CONTEMPO F4 72 --- CONTEMPO following the latest fad [adj]
Other moves: CONTEMPT 9A 68, PENTOMIC C7 68, COEMPT M4 34, COMPT M5 33, POTMEN M3 33
MOPE 12A 32 Grace_Tjie
POUNCE 8J 30 argomearns
COMER 10D 28 iwhist, naomiari

On 7th draw, JUDGE 8K 42 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v]
Other tops: JOE E5 42
Other moves: TAJ 13K 40, JO E5 38, CODE 12A 29, COTED M3 29, G*DJ* K10 29
JOE E5 42 Grace_Tjie, naomiari, raggedy01, argomearns
JUDGE 8K 42 iwhist

On 8th draw, QUENA B10 68 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other moves: QUA 12C 41, QUAY M3 39, QUEY M3 39, BAYED 13K 38, QUEYN 6B 37
QUA 12C 41 raggedy01
QUAY M3 39 naomiari, Grace_Tjie
QUOD 5D 28 iwhist
QUA 12A 26 argomearns

On 9th draw, ASHET 15A 42 --- ASHET a large plate [n]
Other moves: BEATH E5 41, HASTE E5 36, BASH E5 35, H*B* 12A 34, ASH 15A 33
ASHET 15A 42 argomearns
ASH 15A 33 naomiari
BEACHES 4C 30 raggedy01
BAH 13K 30 iwhist
HE A14 20 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, WAKED 13K 45 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: WAKEN 13K 43, WAKER 13K 43, WAKE 13K 41, DAKER 13K 37, NAKED 13K 36
WAKER 13K 43 argomearns
WRECKED 4C 36 raggedy01
WEED E5 33 Grace_Tjie
KNOWER 5D 26 naomiari
WAD M13 24 iwhist

On 11th draw, GLORYING N1 80 --- GLORY to rejoice proudly [v]
Other moves: GROYNE 8A 42, OY 14E 29, CLOYING 4F 28, YOGIN C7 28, GIRLOND M2 27
OY 14E 29 iwhist, Grace_Tjie, argomearns
GLORY M2 25 naomiari
RIG C9 19 raggedy01

On 12th draw, ZETA 12A 52 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZA E5 46, ZA M3 46, AZOIC 10J 40, AZONIC 10J 37, AZOTIC 10J 37
ZA M3 46 iwhist, Grace_Tjie, argomearns, naomiari
ZA E5 46 raggedy01

On 13th draw, ANTIFOG 1H 45 --- ANTIFOG preventing the buildup of moisture on a surface [adj]
Other moves: FEATING 1H 36, FIGO 1L 36, OAF O1 34, AFT 14E 32, EFT 14E 32
FIGO 1L 36 Grace_Tjie
OFT 14E 32 iwhist
IF 14E 29 naomiari
FA 15N 21 raggedy01, argomearns

On 14th draw, HADJI K5 41 --- HADJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: HADJ K5 37, ADHERE 8A 33, HAED E5 33, HEAD E5 33, HEID E5 33
HEAD E5 33 Grace_Tjie
AH 14E 29 iwhist
HA M3 22 argomearns
HEARD 4K 22 raggedy01
HI C9 20 naomiari

On 15th draw, PUGREE 8A 30 --- PUGREE a cloth band wrapped around a hat [n]
Other tops: GUP J4 30
Other moves: NEP J4 29, REP J4 29, UP J5 28, PUER E5 26, PEG J4 25
GUP J4 30 iwhist, Grace_Tjie
REP J4 29 naomiari
UP J5 28 raggedy01
PER J4 19 argomearns

On 16th draw, REC J4 29 --- REC recreation [n]
Other moves: TINIER J1 22, CERING C3 20, ICER J3 20, RICING C3 20, CERCI 4C 18
REC J4 29 Grace_Tjie, susieq8182
RICER 4D 16 raggedy01
CRONE 5D 14 naomiari
CAM 6J 13 iwhist

On 17th draw, WEN M3 29 --- WEN a benign tumor of the skin [n]
Other moves: INWOVE 5C 24, REEVING C2 24, REWOVE 5C 24, VEERING C2 24, VIEWER D3 24
WEN M3 29 Grace_Tjie
WE E5 22 iwhist
WIVER D4 22 raggedy01, naomiari

On 18th draw, EX 14E 53 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: VIBEX 2D 32, VEX 2F 30, IBEX 2E 28, NIXER I1 28, XERIC 4B 28
EX 14E 53 Grace_Tjie, iwhist, naomiari

On 19th draw, FEN O4 28 --- FEN a marsh [n]
Other moves: EF O3 25, FE O4 25, OF O3 25, BONFIRE D3 24, VERB 4L 24
VERB 4L 24 raggedy01
FE 15N 21 susieq8182
FINE 2F 19 naomiari
FOE 2F 16 Grace_Tjie

On 20th draw, VIBRIO 5A 22 --- VIBRIO any of a genus of bacteria shaped like a comma [n]
Other moves: VIBRIO 2D 21, BI E5 18, BO E5 18, BORIC 4B 18, VOR I3 18
BO E5 18 naomiari, Grace_Tjie
BIO 5D 10 ginie
KAB M13 9 raggedy01

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