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Game of September 18, 2012 at 18:16, 3 players
1. 60 pts EvilGrin
2. 39 pts susieq8182
3. 23 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeelmoy   H4    26    26   moyle
 2. ?ikortx   5E    40    66   drookit
 3. aenopqr   6G    29    95   pyoner
 4. ?bbcdei   9B    76   171   cribbed
 5. adfhoos   3H    99   270   shadoof
 6. aaeinry   2I    38   308   ayin
 7. aegmort   1H    38   346   marg
 8. acenrvz   4A    39   385   craze
 9. adeeosw   C7    74   459   oarweeds
10. deeilvw  12A    92   551   weeviled
11. eehlosv   O3    63   614   shelve
12. efinnos   B2    34   648   forinsec
13. aeltttx   C1    45   693   taxa
14. eilortu   N8    70   763   outlier
15. ajnpttu   8A    39   802   jeat
16. ainpqtu  13I    50   852   quinte
17. aginruu  A10    30   882   rawing
18. aginptu  14H    33   915   gip

Remaining tiles: aantuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.  -  FileEvilGrin    1  1:35  -855   60     1.7280 susieq8182  0  1:40  -876   39 
  2.7280 Filesusieq8182  0  1:40  -876   39     2.7065 argomearns  0  1:48  -892   23 
  3.7065 Fileargomearns  0  1:48  -892   23            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EvilGrin    1  1:35  -855   60 

On 1st draw, MOYLE H4 26 --- MOYLE to wet [v]
Other moves: MOYLE H8 22, MELEE H4 20, MOYLE H5 20, MOYLE H6 20, MOYLE H7 20

On 2nd draw, (D)ROOKIT 5E 40 --- DROOKIT drenched [adj]
Other moves: K(E)X I3 30, (S)IXTY 6D 30, IXOR(A) I2 29, ORIX(A) I2 29, M(A)TRIX 4H 28
(S)KIRT 9H 23 argomearns

On 3rd draw, PYONER 6G 29 --- PYONER a military pioneer [n]
Other moves: POKE I3 22, PAREO 4A 21, POAKE I2 21, PORAE 4A 21, PROKE I2 21

On 4th draw, C(R)IBBED 9B 76 --- CRIB to confine closely [v]
Other tops: C(H)IBBED 9B 76
Other moves: CEBID(S) 3C 34, B(A)BIED 4J 31, CEBID(S) M1 31, C(A)BBIE 4A 31, DIBB(S) M2 29

On 5th draw, SHADOOF 3H 99 --- SHADOOF a device used in Egypt for raising water for irrigation [n]
Other moves: SHADOOF M6 82, CHOOFS B9 44, CHADOS B9 40, HOOFED 8D 39, HOOFS M2 34

On 6th draw, AYIN 2I 38 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: AYRE 4K 36, AYE 10E 35, AYE 2I 35, NAY 10D 35, AERY 4K 33

On 7th draw, MARG 1H 38 --- MARG margarine [n]
Other moves: GOMER 1K 36, GRAM 4L 35, MART 1H 34, MORAE 1K 34, MORAT 1K 34

On 8th draw, CRAZE 4A 39 --- CRAZE to make insane [v]
Other moves: CZAR B9 35, BRAZEN E9 34, BRAZE E9 32, ZEBRA E7 32, REZ 4M 29

On 9th draw, OA(R)WEEDS C7 74 --- OARWEED a type of seaweed [n]
Other moves: DEAW 4L 39, OWSE O1 39, WASE O1 39, WEED 4L 39, WOAD 4L 39

On 10th draw, WEEVILED 12A 92 --- WEEVIL a small beetle [adj] --- WEEVILED infested with weevils [adj]
Other moves: WEEVILED 12B 82, WEEVILED 11A 80, WEEVILED 11B 80, SWIVELED 14C 77, WEEVILED 8G 71

On 11th draw, SHELVE O3 63 --- SHELVE to place on a shelf [v]
Other tops: SHOVEL O3 63
Other moves: LOSH O1 48, HOSEL O1 42, HOSE O1 39, VOWELS A10 36, HEEL 4L 35

On 12th draw, FORINSEC B2 34 --- FORINSEC owed to the feudal lord's superior [adj]
Other moves: SERIF B2 32, COIFS A4 30, CONFS A4 30, WIFE A12 30, WOFS A12 30

On 13th draw, TAXA C1 45 --- TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n]
Other moves: AXEL 13F 42, AXE 13F 40, TAX 13E 39, AX 13F 36, LATEX 11E 35
TAX 13E 39 susieq8182

On 14th draw, OUTLIER N8 70 --- OUTLIER some part detached from the main portion [n]
Other moves: OUTLIER 13H 69, OUTLIER 11H 67, LOWRIE A10 27, TOWIER A10 27, REALO 8A 25

On 15th draw, JEAT 8A 39 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: NEAP 8A 34, JAUNT 10J 28, PUNJI 12J 28, UPJET 13K 28, JAPE 13K 26

On 16th draw, QUINTE 13I 50 --- QUINTE an attacking fencing position [n]
Other tops: QAT 11E 50
Other moves: ANTIQUE 13H 37, ASQUINT 14B 36, QUIP 12L 36, QUINTA 10J 35, PIQUET 13J 34

On 17th draw, RAWING A10 30 --- RAWING a second mowing of grass [n]
Other tops: UNRIG 14F 30
Other moves: AWING A11 27, GRAIN 14F 27, RIG 14H 26, AGRIN 14F 25, GIRN 14H 24
GRAIN 14F 27 EvilGrin

On 18th draw, GIP 14H 33 --- GIP to swindle [v]
Other moves: NIP 14H 32, TIP 14H 32, TAPING 11E 31, PATIN 14F 30, PATIN 11E 29
GIP 14H 33 EvilGrin

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