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Game of September 18, 2012 at 19:46, 7 players
1. 579 pts iwhist
2. 576 pts EvilGrin
3. 493 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadeilp   H4    24    24   paidle
 2. ?adgimt   5D    94   118   gradatim
 3. abemstx   6E    51   169   ex
 4. dehorsw  10H    80   249   shrowed
 5. aefrrrs   J1    65   314   farriers
 6. ?giootu   N7    68   382   outdoing
 7. alnoosy   O3    41   423   onlays
 8. eeimnrt  14G    63   486   metering
 9. cijortw   1J    42   528   fictor
10. aeenstv  15D    46   574   venae
11. aelnouy   D4    36   610   agley
12. ahnottu   M3    37   647   tuath
13. abceiow   8A    36   683   cowy
14. aeilnuv   7B    32   715   naeve
15. eiknpqs  13J    38   753   pekins
16. abbdelo  11K    27   780   bolo
17. adgijnn  13C    32   812   ninja
18. dfgioqu  12A    56   868   quid
19. befgiou  15K    26   894   ef

Remaining tiles: bgiouz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6528 Fileiwhist      6 17:34  -315  579     1.7025 argomearns  1  1:58  -843   51 
  2.  -  FileEvilGrin    2 27:27  -318  576            Group: intermediate
  3.6783 FileGLOBEMAN    4 16:05  -401  493     1.6528 iwhist      6 17:34  -315  579 
  4.6389 Filenaomiari    3 20:16  -410  484     2.6783 GLOBEMAN    4 16:05  -401  493 
  5.6071 Fileworsie      1 19:37  -435  459     3.6389 naomiari    3 20:16  -410  484 
  6.6954 FileSQUAW1      1  1:51  -824   70     4.6071 worsie      1 19:37  -435  459 
  7.7025 Fileargomearns  1  1:58  -843   51     5.6954 SQUAW1      1  1:51  -824   70 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EvilGrin    2 27:27  -318  576 

On 1st draw, PAIDLE H4 24 --- PAIDLE a sea fish, the lumpsucker [n]
Other tops: PLEIAD H4 24
Other moves: ALIPED H7 22, ELAPID H7 22, PADLE H4 22, PALED H4 22, PEDAL H4 22
PLIED H4 22 iwhist, EvilGrin

On 2nd draw, G(R)ADATIM 5D 94 --- GRADATIM step-by-step [adv]
Other moves: G(R)ADATIM 5F 72, DIGAMI(S)T 6C 65, DIGAMI(S)T 6G 65, GAM(B)ITED 9B 65, MIG(R)ATED 9B 65
M(E)AD G6 21 EvilGrin
MAG(S) 10E 17 iwhist

On 3rd draw, EX 6E 51 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: PAXES 4H 43, MAXES 10D 40, BEMIXT J2 39, AXES I8 38, BEMIX J2 38
EX 6E 51 naomiari, EvilGrin, iwhist, GLOBEMAN, argomearns
SEX 10H 36 worsie

On 4th draw, SHROWED 10H 80 --- SHROW to curse [v]
Other moves: RESHOWED 9B 72, SHOWERED 9B 72, SHROWED I9 72, SHOWERED 9D 70, RESHOWED 9G 68
HORSED 4J 33 EvilGrin
HERDS 7E 26 iwhist
SEW 10H 24 worsie
DEWS 4J 23 naomiari

On 5th draw, FARRIERS J1 65 --- FARRIER one that shoes horses [n]
Other moves: FARERS 6J 36, FARER 6J 35, FARES 6J 35, FARSE 6J 35, FEARS 6J 35
FEARS 6J 35 worsie, naomiari
FARES 6J 35 iwhist
FER 6J 31 EvilGrin

On 6th draw, OUTDOI(N)G N7 68 --- OUTDO to exceed in performance [v]
Other moves: FUGIO(S) 1J 33, FUG(A)TO 1J 33, (B)IGFOOT 1G 33, FOUG(H)T 1J 30, F(R)IGOT 1J 30
FOOTI(E) 1J 27 iwhist
GOOF 1G 24 worsie
GIFT 1H 24 naomiari
TOWI(N)G L8 20 EvilGrin

On 7th draw, ONLAYS O3 41 --- ONLAY something laid over something else [n]
Other moves: FLOOSY 1J 39, SAYON O4 35, SLANGY D1 35, LOONY M3 33, ONLAY M3 33
ONLAYS O3 41 iwhist, naomiari
FLOOSY 1J 39 EvilGrin, worsie

On 8th draw, METERING 14G 63 --- METER to measure by mechanical means [v]
Other moves: FREMIT 1J 36, INERM M3 31, RETEM M3 31, ENFIRE 1H 30, FEERIN 1J 30
FERINE 1J 30 worsie
REFINE 1H 30 EvilGrin
MENO 11K 27 iwhist
REEF 1G 21 naomiari

On 9th draw, FICTOR 1J 42 --- FICTOR a person who makes images from clay [n]
Other moves: JO M7 41, JOR 15F 40, JOT 15F 40, J*W H13 39, CREW H12 36
JO M7 41 EvilGrin
JOT 15F 40 worsie
J*W H13 39 GLOBEMAN, naomiari
CREW H12 36 iwhist

On 10th draw, VENAE 15D 46 --- VENA a vein [n]
Other tops: VANES 15D 46
Other moves: VEENAS 15E 41, ENATES 15G 40, NAEVES 15C 40, STEVEN 15C 40, VEENAS 15C 40
VANES 15D 46 GLOBEMAN, iwhist
VANES 15F 38 worsie
SEVEN 15D 37 EvilGrin
STANE 15E 27 naomiari

On 11th draw, AGLEY D4 36 --- AGLEY with a turn or twist to one side [adv]
Other moves: EULOGY D1 35, LOUNGY D1 35, ELOGY D2 31, LOGY D3 29, PURELY 4H 28
YE 11K 25 worsie, iwhist, EvilGrin
AY 2M 22 naomiari

On 12th draw, TUATH M3 37 --- TUATH a people (Irish history) [n]
Other moves: THUYA 8A 33, AHOY 8A 30, UH C6 29, HAUNT C7 27, HANT C7 26
AHOY 8A 30 GLOBEMAN, naomiari
HAUNT C7 27 iwhist
THO M6 26 EvilGrin
OATH M4 24 worsie

On 13th draw, COWY 8A 36 --- COWY suggestive of a cow [adj]
Other moves: BOWIE C7 29, WAB C7 29, WIPER 4F 28, BOW C7 27, OBEY 8A 27
COWY 8A 36 naomiari, worsie, GLOBEMAN, iwhist
WAB C7 29 EvilGrin

On 14th draw, NAEVE 7B 32 --- NAEVE a birthmark [n]
Other moves: AVINE 13G 29, VEINAL 13C 29, VENIAL 13C 29, VINEAL 13C 29, UNWIVE C6 28
EVE 7D 21 GLOBEMAN, naomiari, EvilGrin
AVENUE E10 18 worsie
VILE C1 16 iwhist

On 15th draw, PEKI(N)S 13J 38 --- PEKIN a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: PEKI(N) 13J 36, REQUIN 4J 34, PAWKS C6 32, PEKINS 13B 32, PAWK C6 31
PAWKS C6 32 EvilGrin
QUIN 4L 26 iwhist
SKIP L12 26 worsie
QIS 12M 13 naomiari

On 16th draw, BOLO 11K 27 --- BOLO a long-bladed knife [n]
Other moves: DOBLA 13C 24, DELO 11K 23, DABBLE E10 22, DOBBER K9 22, BE 11K 21
BLOB C1 20 EvilGrin
ED 15K 18 naomiari
BE 9B 17 iwhist
KID L13 10 worsie

On 17th draw, NINJA 13C 32 --- NINJA a feudal Japanese warrior [n]
Other moves: G*DJ* E11 28, JNANA 2F 28, DJIN C1 26, GAD 15J 26, AND 15J 24
JA I2 22 iwhist, naomiari, EvilGrin
AJEE H12 12 worsie

On 18th draw, QUID 12A 56 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUOD 12A 56
Other moves: QI 12D 46, FOID 12A 32, FOUD 12A 32, QUID C1 31, QUOD C1 31
QUID 12A 56 EvilGrin, iwhist, SQUAW1
QI 12D 46 naomiari
QUID C1 31 worsie

On 19th draw, EF 15K 26 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: FAW C6 23, FLEX 6C 23, EF G8 20, FIB C2 20, FOB C2 20
EF 15K 26 iwhist
EF G8 20 EvilGrin
OF C3 15 naomiari
QI A12 11 worsie

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