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Game of September 19, 2012 at 01:10, 1 player
1. 19 pts Megaj64

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. addeelv   H3    30    30   evaded
 2. ?aefilo   8A    86   116   forelaid
 3. aeinprr   E5    36   152   praline
 4. beklnno   5E    30   182   pokable
 5. acdijtw   J3    31   213   wilja
 6. allnosy   F8    33   246   asyla
 7. aeflnpt   B4    67   313   pantofle
 8. abdeisz  A11    77   390   azide
 9. eimnotw  14A    82   472   downtime
10. ?emostx  15G   129   601   exotism
11. aceiort  13G    88   689   erotica
12. acorsty   8J    43   732   scrota
13. degnoru   H1    39   771   unevaded
14. beghnoq   A1    29   800   bego
15. dggstuu  12E    21   821   sad
16. egnoqru   N8    34   855   toque
17. hnnrtuy  O12    42   897   hurt
18. ghiinrv   3J    26   923   wiving
19. ghinruy   O1    45   968   hugy

Remaining tiles: ginrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileMegaj64     0  3:07  -949   19     1.  -  Megaj64     0  3:07  -949   19 

On 1st draw, EVADED H3 30 --- EVADE to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit [v]
Other moves: VADED H4 28, VEALED H4 28, DEAVED H4 26, DEAVED H7 26, DELVED H4 26

On 2nd draw, FO(R)ELAID 8A 86 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other tops: FOLIA(G)ED 8A 86, FOLIA(T)ED 8A 86
Other moves: FOLIA(G)E G7 77, FOLIA(G)E I7 77, FOLIA(T)E G7 77, FOLIA(T)E I7 77, FO(R)ELAID 6A 65

On 3rd draw, PRALINE E5 36 --- PRALINE a confection made of nuts cooked in sugar [n]
Other moves: PEREIRA 3G 26, PERINEA 3G 26, REPINER 3G 26, REAPER 7D 25, EPEIRA 3H 22

On 4th draw, POKABLE 5E 30 --- POKABLE able to be poked [adj] --- POKE to push or prod [adj]
Other moves: ALKENE 7E 29, BLOKE D11 28, KEB 7G 28, KENNEL 7G 27, KEENO 7G 26

On 5th draw, WILJA J3 31 --- WILJA an Aboriginal shelter [n]
Other moves: JAIL J2 27, JATO F2 27, JIAO F2 27, KIWI G5 27, JAW G1 26

On 6th draw, ASYLA F8 33 --- ASYLUM an institution for the care of the mentally ill [n]
Other moves: SNARY 6B 31, VAINLY 4H 30, ANY F8 29, LORY 6C 28, NARY 6C 28

On 7th draw, PANTOFLE B4 67 --- PANTOFLE a slipper [n]
Other moves: TERF 6C 28, ARF 6D 27, ERF 6D 27, FEAL K4 23, FEAT K4 23

On 8th draw, AZIDE A11 77 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: BEDAZES D7 64, BEDAZE D7 62, BEDAZE 3C 56, BAIZE A11 55, BIZES A11 55

On 9th draw, DOWNTIME 14A 82 --- DOWNTIME the time when a machine or a factory is inactive [n]
Other moves: TIMON A1 31, WINO A1 29, EMOTE D8 28, KIWI G5 27, MEOW C2 27

On 10th draw, EXOT(I)SM 15G 129 --- EXOTISM an exotic [n]
Other moves: EXOT(I)SM 15H 101, EXOT(I)SM 13H 98, EXOT(I)SM K7 82, EXOT(I)SM I9 81, EXOM(I)S 15G 76

On 11th draw, EROTICA 13G 88 --- EROTICA literature or art dealing with sexual love [n]
Other moves: EROTICA K7 70, OCTANE D10 29, RECOAT 13H 28, TERCIO 13H 28, ARCO A1 26

On 12th draw, SCROTA 8J 43 --- SCROTUM the pouch of skin that contains the testes [n]
Other moves: STROY A1 37, SCROTA A1 36, ASTONY D10 35, CARNY D11 33, CORNY D11 33

On 13th draw, UNEVADED H1 39 --- EVADE to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit [adj] --- UNEVADED not evaded [adj]
Other moves: UNGOD A1 32, ERGON A1 28, ORGUE A1 28, REDON A1 28, ROGUE A1 28

On 14th draw, BEGO A1 29 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other moves: HOB 9M 27, BOH 9M 25, BOH C3 25, HOG 9M 25, ENGOBE 3C 24

On 15th draw, SAD 12E 21 --- SAD to express sadness [v] --- SAD unhappy [adj]
Other moves: US N14 20, DEGS D7 19, SAT 12E 19, STUNG D11 19, WUDUS 3J 18

On 16th draw, TOQUE N8 34 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: ROQUE M7 25, QUENA O4 24, REGO C3 20, GENU C3 19, GONER C1 19

On 17th draw, HURT O12 42 --- HURT to injure [v]
Other tops: HUNT O12 42
Other moves: HOY 9M 27, RUTH O12 27, THRU O12 27, TRY 6D 27, TUNY O12 27
BURNT 1A 8 Megaj64

On 18th draw, WIVING 3J 26 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: CHIV K8 24, HOG 9M 23, AHI O8 22, WHIG 3J 22, HIVING 2D 21

On 19th draw, HUGY O1 45 --- HUGY large [adj]
Other tops: HUGGY O1 45
Other moves: HUNGRY N1 42, NIGH O1 36, RUGGY O1 36, HOY 9M 27, URGING O1 27
HINGE 3D 11 Megaj64

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