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Game sheet of EvilGrin (file), Game of September 19, 2012 at 02:40

Word find
Word played
1 ?BIKLVW             K(E)VIL H4 32 32  
2 ADDEFIR             FADDIER I7 80 112  
3 FINOSTT             FISTNOTE 12B 74 186  
4 ABEIMTU             MUFTI B10 32 218  
5 AEIMSTY             YSAME 15A 50 268  
6 ADEENRS DRAKES 4E 11 -71 11 2/2 SER(E)NADE 5E 82 350 2/2
7 ?BIIOOR BORRO(W) 13G 19 -11 30 1/1 BOR(Z)OI 6J 30 380 1/2
8 EEGORSW WERE A7 25 -12 55 1/2 REWOKE 4D 37 417 1/2
9 AEGLLOZ GLAZE A6 49 -21 104 1/1 ZOOGLEAL N5 70 487 1/2
10 AEIINRT             INERTIA A4 78 565 1/2
11 AAHITUU UH B5 28 -11 132 1/1 THAGI 8K 39 604 1/2
12 DEIJSUV DJINS F9 29 -8 161 1/1 JEDIS M11 37 641 1/2
13 ACEGOPU COUPES 15H 33 -6 194 1/1 AUCEPS 15H 39 680 1/2
14 CEHNOPT POTCH 3I 38 -2 232 1/1 POTCHE 3I 40 720 1/2
15 BENOQVW VOW 2H 36   268 1/2       756 1/2
16 ABGLNOQ QAT E10 24 -11 292 1/1 GOBAN 3C 35 791 1/2
17 AEGLRUY AYE 2M 27 -20 319 1/2 AERY O1 47 838 1/2
18 GLNNUUX EX 6A 25 -2 344 1/2 EXUL 6A 27 865 1/2

Total: 344/865 or -521 for 39.76%
Rank: 7188

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