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Game of September 19, 2012 at 04:15, 2 players
1. 487 pts EvilGrin
2. 28 pts Megaj64

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehmotv   H4    32    32   vehme
 2. eijlrst   5D    28    60   jilters
 3. aefgnuy   I5    30    90   rayne
 4. aaeklpr   D2    28   118   lapje
 5. eeiirsy   2B    32   150   riley
 6. ?beooor   1E    30   180   bolero
 7. bknosux   2J    50   230   xu
 8. deeennt   3B    27   257   enate
 9. adinstw   1A    30   287   daw
10. aegilrs  10C    69   356   grailes
11. aikpsuw   3K    32   388   pawks
12. deiirtu   N1    30   418   tikied
13. aeeiltu   O3    29   447   steale
14. acfirtu   1L    33   480   fitt
15. cdeoqtu   N8   103   583   docquet
16. aimnoor  O12    38   621   main
17. acdinno   F7    63   684   conidian
18. aforsuu   7A    26   710   orfs
19. abgiouu   M7    22   732   gob
20. aginoor   C7    28   760   forgoing

Remaining tiles: ahuuvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6944 FileEvilGrin    3 21:45  -273  487     1.6944 EvilGrin    3 21:45  -273  487 
  2.  -  FileMegaj64     0  1:26  -732   28            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Megaj64     0  1:26  -732   28 

On 1st draw, VEHM(E) H4 32 --- VEHM a medieval German court [n]
Other tops: V(E)HME H4 32
Other moves: TH(R)OVE H3 30, TH(R)OVE H8 30, HOVE(A) H4 28, HOVE(D) H4 28, HOVE(L) H4 28
HOVE(S) H4 28 EvilGrin
MOT(I)VE H8 28 Megaj64

On 2nd draw, JILTERS 5D 28 --- JILTER one that jilts [n]
Other moves: EEJITS 5G 26, EEJITS 5H 26, JESTER 5D 26, JESTER 5G 26, JILTER 5D 26
JESTER 5G 26 EvilGrin

On 3rd draw, RAYNE I5 30 --- RAYNE a kingdom [n]
Other moves: FUGLY F2 28, GAUJE D2 26, RAY I5 26, YEAN 6B 26, YUAN 6B 26
YEN I7 23 EvilGrin

On 4th draw, LAPJE D2 28 --- LAPJE a rag [n]
Other moves: KEA 6B 26, RASP J3 26, ASP J4 25, APEAK 4J 24, EARLAP 4J 24
RAJA D3 22 EvilGrin

On 5th draw, RILEY 2B 32 --- RILEY angry [adj]
Other moves: EYERS 10E 25, EYRES 10E 25, SEY C1 24, EYES 7A 23, RYES 7A 23
SEY C1 24 EvilGrin

On 6th draw, BO(L)ERO 1E 30 --- BOLERO the Spanish national dance [n]
Other tops: BOOR(D)E 1E 30, BOO(G)ER 1E 30, BOO(K)ER 1E 30, BOO(M)ER 1E 30, BOO(N)ER 1E 30, BOO(Z)ER 1E 30
Other moves: BOOR(D)E 1F 28, BOO(G)ER 1F 28, BOO(K)ER 1F 28, BOO(M)ER 1F 28, BOO(N)ER 1F 28
BOO(K)ER 1E 30 EvilGrin

On 7th draw, XU 2J 50 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: BOX 1A 47, BUNKOS 2J 46, BONKS 2J 44, BOUKS 2J 44, BUNKO 2J 44
XU 2J 50 EvilGrin

On 8th draw, ENATE 3B 27 --- ENATE a relative in the mother's side [n]
Other tops: DATE 3C 27
Other moves: NANE 3C 23, TANE 3C 23, DAE 3C 19, DAN 3C 19, TAD 3C 18
TED 1A 17 EvilGrin

On 9th draw, DAW 1A 30 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other moves: WAD 1A 28, DAWS 7A 27, DIWANS 10D 27, NAW 1A 27, SAW 1A 27
TWINS 3K 18 EvilGrin

On 10th draw, GRAILES 10C 69 --- GRAILE gravel [n]
Other tops: GLAIRES 10C 69
Other moves: GLAIRES J8 67, GRAILES J8 67, GLAIRES G8 63, GRAILES G8 63, SAGIER A3 30
SILAGE A3 30 EvilGrin

On 11th draw, PAWKS 3K 32 --- PAWK a trick [n]
Other tops: WARKS D8 32
Other moves: KAWS 7A 30, PARKIS D8 30, PAWK 3K 30, RIPSAW D10 30, AUKS 7A 28
PAWS 3K 22 EvilGrin

On 12th draw, TIKIED N1 30 --- TIKI to take a scenic tour [v]
Other moves: DUSTIER O1 27, STUDIER O3 27, D*K**R N1 26, DEI 4L 25, DISEUR O1 24
RESID O1 21 EvilGrin

On 13th draw, STEALE O3 29 --- STEALE a handle [n]
Other moves: ELUATE H10 21, ELUATE O6 21, TELAE O5 20, TELIA O5 20, EGALITE C9 18
LATE O5 17 EvilGrin

On 14th draw, FITT 1L 33 --- FITT a song [n]
Other moves: FARCI D8 28, FURCA D8 28, FRACTUR D9 26, CURARI D8 22, FRACTI D9 22
FITT 1L 33 EvilGrin

On 15th draw, DOCQUET N8 103 --- DOCQUET to provide with an identifying statement [v]
Other moves: DOCQUET M5 81, CROQUET D9 38, COQUET M5 37, TOQUE N8 36, TORQUED D8 36
QUATE E8 28 EvilGrin

On 16th draw, MAIN O12 38 --- MAIN principal [adj] --- MAIN the principal part [n] --- MAIN to make lame [v]
Other tops: MAIR O12 38
Other moves: ENAMOR H10 27, MOAN 11E 26, MOON 11E 26, MOOR 11E 26, ISM J4 25
MOOR 11E 26 EvilGrin

On 17th draw, CONIDIAN F7 63 --- CONIDIAN relating to a conidium [adj] --- CONIDIUM a fungus spore [adj]
Other moves: ENCINA H10 33, CONIN M5 25, SOC J5 25, ANODIC L3 24, CARDIO D8 24
CARDIO D8 24 EvilGrin

On 18th draw, ORFS 7A 26 --- ORF a viral infection of sheep [n]
Other tops: ARFS 7A 26, AUFS 7A 26, FURORS D8 26, OAFS 7A 26
Other moves: FAROS D8 24, FUROR D8 24, FURRS D8 24, FARS 7A 23, FOUS 7A 23
FA G12 14 EvilGrin

On 19th draw, GOB M7 22 --- GOB to fill a mine pit with waste material [v]
Other tops: GIB M7 22
Other moves: AIGA E10 21, BIOG A5 21, GOBO A6 21, OB 4K 21, BIG M7 20
BOGAN 14B 16 EvilGrin

On 20th draw, FORGOING C7 28 --- FORGO to refrain from [v]
Other moves: OARING A7 27, OOGONIA A4 27, OOGONIA A6 27, OOGONIA A7 27, FORGING C7 26
AIRING 12C 18 EvilGrin

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