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Game of September 19, 2012 at 17:25, 4 players
1. 435 pts PIThompson
2. 424 pts argomearns
3. 65 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaegrux   H5    24    24   grex
 2. aacenot   5E    40    64   coagent
 3. eioopst   L4    81   145   isotope
 4. aeknsuw   G7    40   185   wakens
 5. deoopsz  H11    53   238   oozed
 6. dfinnsu   8K    27   265   fonds
 7. ?adiinu   O1    80   345   suidians
 8. ehimorr   E5    80   425   chromier
 9. erttuuy   6A    35   460   truthy
10. adellrw   N8    40   500   dawdler
11. ?fiilpt  15L    42   542   fist
12. cehnosu   A3    45   587   chutes
13. begmoqt   N1    39   626   embog
14. abeeilt   3A    76   702   celibate
15. aginorv   1H    39   741   viragoes
16. aeijnpv   2F    62   803   jean
17. aillnpu   D9    28   831   ulpan
18. aiilqvy  I12    31   862   vali

Remaining tiles: iqy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7680 FilePIThompson  1  9:35  -427  435     1.7680 PIThompson  1  9:35  -427  435 
  2.7021 Fileargomearns  1 13:01  -438  424     2.7021 argomearns  1 13:01  -438  424 
  3.6458 Fileraggedy01   0  3:31  -797   65            Group: intermediate
  4.6957 FileEvilGrin    0  3:46  -821   41     1.6458 raggedy01   0  3:31  -797   65 
                                             2.6957 EvilGrin    0  3:46  -821   41 

On 1st draw, GREX H5 24 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other tops: GREX H6 24, GREX H7 24, GREX H8 24
Other moves: EAUX H5 22, EAUX H6 22, EAUX H7 22, EAUX H8 22, AXE H6 20
AXE H7 20 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, COAGENT 5E 40 --- COAGENT a person, force, or other agent working together with another [n]
Other moves: ENACT G6 25, ATOC G6 24, TACAN G7 23, TACE G7 22, TACO G7 22
TACO G7 22 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, ISOTOPE L4 81 --- ISOTOPE a form of an element [n]
Other moves: ISOTOPE I8 72, ESTOP L4 31, PIETS L1 31, POETS L1 31, POOTS L1 31
POETS L1 31 argomearns
TOPES G7 23 raggedy01

On 4th draw, WAKENS G7 40 --- WAKEN to wake [v]
Other moves: AWOKEN 8J 39, KNOWES 8J 39, WAKEN G7 39, WAKES G7 39, WEKAS G7 39
AWOKEN 8J 39 argomearns

On 5th draw, OOZED H11 53 --- OOZE to flow or leak out slowly [v]
Other moves: DOZES F4 51, OOZES F4 50, OOZES H11 50, DOZES 8K 45, OOZE H12 45
OOZED H11 53 PIThompson
DOZES 8K 45 argomearns

On 6th draw, FONDS 8K 27 --- FOND to display affection [v]
Other tops: FOIDS 8K 27, FONDU 8K 27, FOUDS 8K 27, FOUND 8K 27
Other moves: FUNDIS K10 25, FUNDIS M10 25, FOINS 8K 24, FINDS K10 23, FINDS M10 23
FOUND 8K 27 argomearns
FINDS M10 23 PIThompson

On 7th draw, (S)UIDIANS O1 80 --- SUIDIAN a member of the pig family [n]
Other moves: I(G)UANIDS O1 77, SUIDIAN(S) O8 77, INDU(C)IAE 14A 70, INDU(V)IAE 14A 70, U(R)EDINIA 14F 62
D(E)AN I7 25 PIThompson
FUND K8 22 argomearns

On 8th draw, CHROMIER E5 80 --- CHROMY decorated with chrome [adj]
Other moves: HONORER 11E 40, IONOMER 11E 36, HOME I12 35, HIDER N6 34, HOI F10 33
HOME I12 35 PIThompson, argomearns

On 9th draw, TRUTHY 6A 35 --- TRUTHY truthful [adj]
Other tops: YETT I7 35
Other moves: YET I7 34, TYED N5 33, YE I7 32, RHY 6D 30, RUTTY D11 30
TYED N5 33 PIThompson
YE D8 22 argomearns

On 10th draw, DAWDLER N8 40 --- DAWDLER one that dawdles [n]
Other moves: TRAWLED A6 39, DEWAR I7 37, DWALE I11 37, WATER A4 36, WADE I12 33
TRAWLED A6 39 PIThompson
WATER A4 36 argomearns

On 11th draw, FI(S)T 15L 42 --- FIST to strike with the fist (the hand closed tightly) [v]
Other tops: PITIF(U)L A4 42
Other moves: P(E)LF N3 37, FITL(Y) A4 33, FITT(E) A4 33, FITT(S) A4 33, (U)PLIFT A1 33
FITT(E) A4 33 argomearns
(O)F N5 26 PIThompson

On 12th draw, CHUTES A3 45 --- CHUTE to convey by chute (a vertical passage) [v]
Other moves: COTHS A4 39, NOTCHES A4 39, TECHNOS A6 39, TOUCHES A6 39, UNSHOT A1 39
SHONE I11 35 argomearns

On 13th draw, EMBOG N1 39 --- EMBOG to bog [v]
Other moves: BEGOT I7 37, EMBOG D9 36, BEGO I7 33, TOMB N3 33, BEG I7 32
MOBE D8 28 PIThompson

On 14th draw, CELIBATE 3A 76 --- CELIBATE one who lives a life of celibacy [n]
Other tops: CITEABLE 3A 76
Other moves: BLATE I11 33, BEAT I7 31, BEET I7 31, BELT I7 31, BETA I7 31
BLATE I11 33 PIThompson
BALE I12 29 argomearns

On 15th draw, VIRAGOE(S) 1H 39 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other moves: ZINGARE 13H 36, VIRGA I9 33, IGNARO I10 32, INVAR I10 32, ARVO I10 29
VAN I12 27 PIThompson

On 16th draw, JEAN 2F 62 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JAI 2F 59, JA 2F 52, JAPE D8 48, JIVER 12A 46, JAP D8 45
JAI 2F 59 PIThompson
JIVER 12A 46 argomearns

On 17th draw, ULPAN D9 28 --- ULPAN a school in Israel for teaching Hebrew [n]
Other tops: PAULIN D10 28
Other moves: PAL I12 25, PAN I12 25, PULA D8 24, PULLI D11 24, HAIN 4A 22
PAN I12 25 PIThompson
PAL I12 25 EvilGrin

On 18th draw, VALI I12 31 --- VALI a governor [n]
Other moves: RAY 6H 29, ANY M7 26, VAIL C12 24, VALI C12 24, VIAL C12 24
RAY 6H 29 PIThompson
YA I12 24 argomearns
ALIVE 13J 16 EvilGrin

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