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Game sheet of GLOBEMAN (file), Game of September 19, 2012 at 18:09

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEIQTY             EQ(U)ITY H3 54 54  
2 ILMNORS             MISENROL 3E 62 116  
3 AEGIMOR             ARMIGERO J2 67 183  
4 AADIPPS             SAPID M3 42 225  
5 CEEFLRV             REFEL N4 38 263  
6 ABDEKOR             BRAKE O1 65 328  
7 ACNOTTU             OUTACTING 6B 70 398  
8 ACDEIST DUCTS C5 12 -77 12 5/5 ACIDEST O8 89 487 5/5
9 ?DJNNOT JO(E) 5B 21 -33 33 5/5 (I)NEQ(U)ITY H1 54 541 5/5
10 EEHNOVY             HOLY L1 50 591 5/5
11 ENORSVW WOES N12 25 -53 58 4/5 OVERSOWN B1 78 669 5/5
12 AEINOWZ ZOWIE 1A 54   112 3/5 AZIONE A8   723 5/5
13 ADEGILR GOLD 1A 24 -43 136 5/5 GLADIER I9 67 790 5/5
14 BEEIILP BELIER 15D 33   169 3/5 BOEP 1A   823 5/5
15 AEFILUV FIVER 15E 33 -9 202 4/5 FAILURE 15D 42 865 5/5
16 ADHOTTU DOTH 14C 36 -2 238 4/5 TAHOU N10 38 903 5/5
17 DGIJOUW JIG F2 27 -13 265 4/5 GJU M13 40 943 5/5
18 DEOTVWX EXON 2E 58   323 2/5       1001 5/5

Total: 323/1001 or -678 for 32.26%
Rank: 6609

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