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Game of September 20, 2012 at 00:09, 2 players
1. 197 pts dannyboy
2. 72 pts EvilGrin

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eistuuw   H4    24    24   wites
 2. aemorvw   8D    67    91   overswam
 3. ?biotty   K6    26   117   symbiot
 4. ?admnux  J10    50   167   xi
 5. iimnosu  13E    77   244   nimious
 6. adginns   4F    76   320   dawnings
 7. aaerstu  14B    80   400   aurates
 8. agnnotv  15G    41   441   tonnag
 9. defiotu   E5    44   485   outvied
10. ahiiopp   D1    34   519   hippo
11. abcclor   1C    33   552   choral
12. ceehlrv  10A    76   628   cheverel
13. aaeefgr   A6    33   661   reface
14. deeikot  12A    37   698   deke
15. aabdeiy   3J    29   727   baaed
16. egilryz   3D    49   776   prez
17. filnoqu  15A    35   811   qi
18. gilotuy   2I    28   839   logy
19. fijlntu   9A    24   863   auf

Remaining tiles: ijlnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7208 Filedannyboy    3  5:41  -666  197     1.7208 dannyboy    3  5:41  -666  197 
  2.7047 FileEvilGrin    1  1:44  -791   72     2.7047 EvilGrin    1  1:44  -791   72 

On 1st draw, WITES H4 24 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: WITES H8 18, WITES H5 16, WITES H6 16, WITES H7 16, EWTS H5 14
WITES H4 24 EvilGrin

On 2nd draw, OVERSWAM 8D 67 --- OVERSWIM to swim across [v]
Other moves: WOMERA G3 32, WAVER G7 30, VOMER G3 29, WAVE G7 29, WOMERA G7 29
MOWER I7 26 EvilGrin

On 3rd draw, (S)YMBIOT K6 26 --- SYMBIOT an organism living in close association with another [n]
Other tops: BRITT(L)Y G7 26, (A)MBITTY K7 26
Other moves: A(M)BITTY J8 25, BIOTY(P)E F2 25, BITTY 3E 24, BITTY 6F 24, BI(V)VY E5 24
WITTY 4H 22 EvilGrin

On 4th draw, X(I) J10 50 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: ADM(I)X L9 41, MAX(E)D L11 40, (E)AUX L12 38, (E)XAM 13K 37, AXM(E)N 13H 34

On 5th draw, NIMIOUS 13E 77 --- NIMIETY excess [adj] --- NIMIOUS relating to nimiety [adj]
Other moves: IONIUMS 13E 75, SIMI 13K 26, SOUM 13K 26, SUMO 13K 26, MINIS 13G 25

On 6th draw, DAWNINGS 4F 76 --- DAWNING daybreak [n]
Other moves: SDAINING 5C 70, AIDING H10 30, INDIGN H10 30, NIDING H10 30, SIDING H10 30

On 7th draw, AURATES 14B 80 --- AURATE a salt containing gold [n]
Other moves: AURATES 12B 77, SATURATE 6B 62, REATAS 3E 28, AURATE 14B 26, REATA 3E 25

On 8th draw, TONNAG 15G 41 --- TONNAG a shawl [n]
Other moves: AVISO H11 36, GOV 15G 36, OVIST H11 36, NOVA 15G 35, AGON 15F 33

On 9th draw, OUTVIED E5 44 --- OUTVIE to surpass in a competition [v]
Other moves: DEFT 3E 33, FOETID 3E 33, FOETID 3B 32, EFT 3F 31, OFT 3F 31

On 10th draw, HIPPO D1 34 --- HIPPO a hippopotamus [n]
Other moves: PAH 15A 31, DOH F4 30, HAP 15A 30, HIP 15A 30, HIPPO D2 30

On 11th draw, CHORAL 1C 33 --- CHORAL a hymn that is sung in unison [n]
Other tops: BACH 1A 33, COCH 1A 33
Other moves: *B* C1 27, ARCH 1A 27, BLAH 1A 27, LOCH 1A 27, RACH 1A 27

On 12th draw, CHEVEREL 10A 76 --- CHEVEREL a kid [n]
Other moves: CHEVRE M10 36, HERE 15A 31, HELVE M11 30, HE F10 29, CERE 15A 28

On 13th draw, REFACE A6 33 --- REFACE to repair the outer surface of [v]
Other tops: FACER A8 33
Other moves: AGREE 15A 32, RAGEE 15A 32, FARE 15A 31, FERE 15A 31, FARCE A7 30
FACER A8 33 dannyboy

On 14th draw, DEKE 12A 37 --- DEKE to feint in hockey, pr p DEKING, DEKEING [v]
Other tops: DEEK 12A 37, DIKE 12A 37, DOEK 12A 37
Other moves: KETE 15A 34, KITE 15A 34, DEET 12A 29, DIET 12A 29, DITE 12A 29
DIKE 12A 37 dannyboy

On 15th draw, BAAED 3J 29 --- BAA to cry like a sheep [v]
Other moves: APAID 3C 28, BYDE M12 28, ABYE M12 26, BAYE M12 26, BY 15A 26
BY 15A 26 dannyboy

On 16th draw, PREZ 3D 49 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other moves: ZIG 15A 44, GRIZE B2 38, GRIZE M11 38, GYRE 15A 37, GYRE 2K 36
ZIG 15A 44 dannyboy

On 17th draw, QI 15A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FOIL 2L 30, FOIN 2L 30, QUIP 4A 25, QUOP 4A 25, AUF 9A 24
QI 15A 35 dannyboy

On 18th draw, LOGY 2I 28 --- LOGY sluggish [adj]
Other moves: GLIT 2L 24, YOU 2M 24, YO 2M 22, LOY 2M 21, TOIL 2L 21

On 19th draw, AUF 9A 24 --- AUF an elf's child [n]
Other moves: JUD N1 22, LID 11C 17, ZATI G3 17, IF 2N 16, FITT 7C 15
JUD N1 22 dannyboy

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