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Game of September 20, 2012 at 23:53, 3 players
1. 137 pts iwhist
2. 86 pts Megaj64
3. 82 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeiit   H7    66    66   inedita
 2. abbdert  11D   102   168   rabbited
 3. acefloq  10J    36   204   fecal
 4. eegnort   8A    77   281   roentgen
 5. iloopsw   G6    32   313   spew
 6. deehswz   C3    70   383   wheezed
 7. eimnssu   I2    76   459   minuses
 8. ?ailqtu   A8   101   560   requital
 9. aefnrtt   B4    34   594   arf
10. ehinrtu  13G    82   676   haurient
11. egkmnpy   A1    56   732   gymp
12. ginosuy   D4    42   774   soy
13. deilorv   2E    74   848   overmild
14. aacgikn   1J    48   896   kainga
15. aeilort   H1    20   916   orle
16. aainouv  14D    20   936   nova
17. ceiijno  15G    46   982   join
18. aceooru  12C    22  1004   cero

Remaining tiles: aiotux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6618 Fileiwhist      0  5:36  -867  137     1.7298 dannyboy    1  4:15  -922   82 
  2.  -  FileMegaj64     0 11:11  -918   86            Group: intermediate
  3.7298 Filedannyboy    1  4:15  -922   82     1.6618 iwhist      0  5:36  -867  137 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Megaj64     0 11:11  -918   86 

On 1st draw, I(N)EDITA H7 66 --- INEDITA unpublished literary works [n]
Other tops: I(N)EDITA H2 66, I(N)EDITA H4 66, I(N)EDITA H6 66, I(N)EDITA H8 66
Other moves: I(N)EDITA H3 64, I(N)EDITA H5 64, AI(R)TED H7 16, DATI(V)E H4 16, DA(C)ITE H4 16

On 2nd draw, RABBITED 11D 102 --- RABBIT to hunt rabbits (rodent-like mammals) [v]
Other moves: BARBATED 13G 84, DRABBET G3 79, BARBATED 13D 67, DRABBET G1 67, DRABBET I1 67

On 3rd draw, FECAL 10J 36 --- FECAL pertaining to feces [adj]
Other tops: FOCAL 10J 36
Other moves: FACE 10J 33, FOLATE I7 32, FEAL 10J 31, FOAL 10J 31, DEF 10H 30

On 4th draw, ROENTGE(N) 8A 77 --- ROENTGEN a unit of radiation dosage [n]
Other moves: ROE(N)TGEN 8E 59, GENET 12A 22, GONER 12A 22, GREATEN M7 22, GREEN 12A 22

On 5th draw, SPEW G6 32 --- SPEW to vomit [v]
Other moves: PEW G7 31, SWOOP 12K 30, WOOPIES C3 28, PAWLS M9 26, PLEW G6 26

On 6th draw, WHEEZED C3 70 --- WHEEZE to breathe with a whistling sound [v]
Other moves: WHEEZES C3 66, WHEEZE C3 62, BEZES G11 49, BEZ G11 47, WHEEZED K5 46
ZED G13 44 iwhist

On 7th draw, MINUSES I2 76 --- MINUS a negative quantity [n]
Other moves: ANIMUSES 13H 72, EMULSINS N7 70, MINUSES I1 67, NEURISMS A5 61, SEISM D2 35
ROENTGE(N)S 8A 9 iwhist

On 8th draw, R(E)QUITAL A8 101 --- REQUITAL something given in return, compensation, or retaliation [n]
Other moves: QUALIT(I)ED K3 86, QUAL(I)TIED K3 86, T(E)QUILLA N4 86, T(O)QUILLA N4 86, ALIQUA(N)T 13C 84
QUAIL 5H 28 iwhist

On 9th draw, ARF B4 34 --- ARF a barking sound [n]
Other tops: ERF B4 34
Other moves: FATE H1 33, FETA H1 33, FEAR D2 31, FEAT D2 31, AFT D4 29

On 10th draw, HAURIENT 13G 82 --- HAURIENT in heraldry, rising for breath [adj]
Other moves: RUTHENIC L3 78, RUTH A1 46, UNETH J2 43, THEIN D1 38, INTER B10 37
HE 9M 20 iwhist

On 11th draw, GYMP A1 56 --- GYMP to trim with gimp [v]
Other tops: KEMP A1 56
Other moves: YMPE H1 49, KYNE J1 38, PYNE J1 36, KEP H1 35, KY J1 32

On 12th draw, SOY D4 42 --- SOY the soybean [n]
Other tops: SNY D4 42, YOGIN H1 42
Other moves: MYOSIN 2I 38, GIOS D1 37, YOGI H1 37, SOG D4 36, YOUS J2 36
YOUS J2 36 iwhist
SING 6I 7 Megaj64

On 13th draw, OVERMILD 2E 74 --- OVERMILD too mild [adj]
Other moves: VOLE H1 33, AVODIRE 14A 31, LODE H1 28, MIRVED 2I 28, REDO H1 28
LIVED 3H 9 Megaj64

On 14th draw, KAINGA 1J 48 --- KAINGA a Maori village [n]
Other moves: CRAIG H1 35, DACKING L2 34, NAIK 12L 34, GECK L12 32, AKIN 1L 31
LACKING K2 28 Megaj64

On 15th draw, ORLE H1 20 --- ORLE a heraldic border [n]
Other tops: ALOETIC L4 20, ARLE H1 20, ARTI H1 20, GLOATER N1 20, GOATIER N1 20, IDOLATER L1 20, TRAIL 14K 20
Other moves: IOTA 12F 19, IT B10 19, AERO 12C 18, GAITER N1 18, GALIOT N1 18
SAILOR 6I 10 Megaj64

On 16th draw, NOVA 14D 20 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other moves: AVA 14E 19, AVO 14E 19, IN B10 19, IOTA 12F 19, OVA 14E 19
IN B10 19 dannyboy
GAIN N1 10 Megaj64

On 17th draw, JOIN 15G 46 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other tops: JEON 15G 46
Other moves: JIN 15G 43, JOE 15G 43, JO 15G 40, CONJEED K5 34, SJOE 6I 27
JOIN 15G 46 dannyboy
GONE N1 10 Megaj64

On 18th draw, CERO 12C 22 --- CERO a large food fish [n]
Other moves: AERO 12C 18, CLOUTER N9 18, COENURE 4F 18, ROUE 12L 18, NACRE D8 17
OU B1 17 dannyboy
SAUCER 6I 12 Megaj64

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