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Game of September 21, 2012 at 00:37, 3 players
1. 229 pts Megaj64
2. 132 pts iwhist
3. 72 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehorsvw   H7    32    32   reshow
 2. ?alnrxy   9A    68   100   larynxes
 3. ?abekoz  11E    84   184   bazooka
 4. dersstu   L9    90   274   dusters
 5. adefint   A6    89   363   inflated
 6. aeilmpv   C8    80   443   primeval
 7. abejnty  15F    48   491   bejants
 8. acelnpy   A6    51   542   inflatedly
 9. adiiino  12F    30   572   downa
10. aaeginu  13G    35   607   ane
11. aimprsu   6H    31   638   pimas
12. efhortt   5K    34   672   forth
13. egilruu   O1    33   705   leugh
14. egiqruu   E4    30   735   requin
15. acdeoru   N3    72   807   outraced
16. cgiinot   F5    24   831   tig
17. ceiotvw   D1    33   864   civet
18. egiinow   1D    36   900   cowing

Remaining tiles: eeiioo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.3869 FileMegaj64     0 13:36  -671  229     1.7288 dannyboy    0  1:21  -828   72 
  2.6598 Fileiwhist      1  4:50  -768  132            Group: intermediate
  3.7288 Filedannyboy    0  1:21  -828   72     1.6598 iwhist      1  4:50  -768  132 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3869 Megaj64     0 13:36  -671  229 

On 1st draw, RESHOW H7 32 --- RESHOW to show again [v] --- SHOW to cause or permit to be seen [v]
Other tops: HOVERS H4 32, HOWRES H4 32, SHOVER H3 32, SHOWER H3 32, SHROVE H3 32, SHROVE H8 32, VOWERS H4 32, WHORES H3 32, WHORES H4 32
Other moves: HOVER H4 30, HOVES H4 30, HOWES H4 30, HOWRE H4 30, SHREW H8 30
WHORES H4 32 iwhist
SHOWER H4 26 Megaj64

On 2nd draw, LARYNX(E)S 9A 68 --- LARYNX an organ of the respiratory tract [n]
Other tops: LARYNXE(S) 8B 68
Other moves: XYLAN(S) 13C 44, LARYNX 13D 41, LA(R)YNX 13D 40, L(A)RYNX 13D 40, (L)ARYNX 13D 40
AX(E)L I10 29 iwhist

On 3rd draw, B(A)ZOOKA 11E 84 --- BAZOOKA a small rocket launcher [n]
Other tops: BAZOOK(A) 11E 84
Other moves: BAZO(O)KA B8 82, BAZ(O)OKA B8 82, BLA(I)ZE A8 78, BLO(W)ZE A8 78, ZO(O)EAL A4 72
(A)BLAZE A7 51 Megaj64
ZEAL A6 39 iwhist

On 4th draw, DUSTERS L9 90 --- DUSTER one that dusts [n]
Other tops: TRUSSED L7 90, TRUSSED L8 90
Other moves: DUSTERS 13B 81, DUSTERS L5 81, STRUDELS A3 80, DUSTERS 13F 73, TRUSSED 13D 73
STUD L11 32 iwhist

On 5th draw, INFLATED A6 89 --- INFLATE to cause to expand by filling with gas or air [v]
Other tops: DEFIANT 13C 89
Other moves: FAINTED I2 69, FETIAL A4 39, FEATED 8D 38, FIATED 8D 38, FARDEN 14J 36
DEFIANT B5 15 Megaj64

On 6th draw, PRIMEVAL C8 80 --- PRIMEVAL pertaining to the earliest ages [adj]
Other moves: PRIMEVAL 7G 70, AMELIA B9 45, IMPAVES 15F 42, IMPAVE 6F 38, VERMAL 14J 38
SAVE 15L 21 Megaj64

On 7th draw, BEJANTS 15F 48 --- BEJANT a freshman [n]
Other moves: JANTY 14B 46, JELAB 15A 45, ABLY 15A 39, BEJANT B1 38, JA B14 38
JANES 15H 36 dannyboy
JEANS 15H 36 Megaj64

On 8th draw, INFLATEDLY A6 51 --- INFLATEDLY
Other moves: PALY 15A 39, YEP B12 37, PEARLY 14I 36, YELP 15A 36, CLAYEY D4 35
YELP 15A 36 dannyboy

On 9th draw, DOWNA 12F 30 --- DOWNA cannot (no inflections) [v] --- DOWNA cannot [coll]
Other moves: ADOWN 12E 28, ANOW 12E 23, DAWN 12F 23, DOWN 12F 23, DANIO 13F 21

On 10th draw, ANE 13G 35 --- ANE one [n]
Other moves: AN 13G 29, GUANAY D4 27, EARING 14J 24, IGUANA B2 24, PAUA 8C 24
RING 14L 10 Megaj64

On 11th draw, PIMAS 6H 31 --- PIMA a strong, high-grade cotton [n]
Other tops: PUMAS 6H 31
Other moves: MAPS 6F 30, MIPS 6F 30, PAMS 6H 30, PIMA 6H 30, PUMA 6H 30
PRISM 7G 13 Megaj64

On 12th draw, FORTH 5K 34 --- FORTH onward in time, place, or order [adv]
Other moves: FROTHS L1 32, HEFT 5K 32, FEH 5K 30, FOH 5K 30, ORFE B4 30
THORN E5 16 Megaj64

On 13th draw, LEUGH O1 33 --- LAUCH to laugh [v]
Other moves: HUGER O5 27, HUGE O5 24, HEIL O5 21, HEIR O5 21, HERL O5 21
HIRE O5 21 Megaj64

On 14th draw, REQUIN E4 30 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: QUERN E5 28, QUEUE 2K 28, QUIRE 2K 28, QUEY D6 22, GUIROS L1 18

On 15th draw, OUTRACED N3 72 --- OUTRACE to run faster or farther than [v]
Other moves: COURED B1 33, ACRED B2 31, ARCED B2 31, CARED B2 31, CORED B2 31
RECORD 4A 20 Megaj64

On 16th draw, TIG F5 24 --- TIG to touch [v]
Other tops: COIGN B2 24, CONGOS L1 24
Other moves: CITO D1 22, CONTOS L1 22, CORING 4C 22, GIRONIC 4C 22, GROIN 7G 22

On 17th draw, CIVET D1 33 --- CIVET a catlike mammal [n]
Other tops: COVET D1 33
Other moves: WIVE D1 32, WOVE D1 32, VIE B12 31, VICE D1 30, VIEW D2 30

On 18th draw, COWING 1D 36 --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other moves: WINCE 1A 30, ONIE B11 29, WIGEON B1 28, COIGNE 1D 27, CONGII 1D 27

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