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Game of September 21, 2012 at 01:21, 2 players
1. 144 pts Megaj64
2. 58 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. arstuux   H7    42    42   surtax
 2. aeehmot  G10    28    70   ahem
 3. degiorv  F12    31   101   dove
 4. ?cflosu   F4    70   171   floccus
 5. afhnnot  15D    45   216   foehn
 6. beinotu   5E    28   244   elution
 7. abnoprs  12B    34   278   spandex
 8. ?abelor  14H    80   358   albergo
 9. ailmsty   4I    87   445   myalist
10. eeginry   O2    33   478   retying
11. degijrt  11G    32   510   hadji
12. beinrtt   B5    64   574   bitterns
13. eegotww   6J    35   609   weet
14. aeegior   A4    36   645   ragee
15. adiopqv   2J    34   679   pavior
16. aceeinu   C1    25   704   unciae
17. adegilq   1B    54   758   quailed
18. dgioorw   2B    51   809   indoor

Remaining tiles: gkwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4091 FileMegaj64     0 15:55  -665  144     1.6598 iwhist      0  1:21  -751   58 
  2.6598 Fileiwhist      0  1:21  -751   58            Group: not rated
                                             1.4091 Megaj64     0 15:55  -665  144 

On 1st draw, SURTAX H7 42 --- SURTAX to assess with an extra tax [v]
Other moves: SURTAX H3 28, SURTAX H4 28, SURTAX H8 28, SURTAX H5 26, SURTAX H6 26

On 2nd draw, AHEM G10 28 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: MAHOE G11 27, HAME G11 26, HEME G11 26, HOMA G11 26, HOME G11 26

On 3rd draw, DOVE F12 31 --- DOVE a bird of the pigeon family [n] --- DOVE to stun [v]
Other moves: DERV F7 30, DEV F12 30, DOVER I11 30, DOVIE I11 30, DEV F8 29

On 4th draw, FLO(C)CUS F4 70 --- FLOCCUS a small tuft [n]
Other tops: FLOC(C)US F4 70
Other moves: CO(F)FLES 15A 45, CU(F)FLES 15A 45, CO(F)FLE 15A 42, CU(F)FLE 15A 42, FLEC(K)S 15D 42

On 5th draw, FOEHN 15D 45 --- FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n]
Other moves: HEFT 15E 30, FATHOM 13B 28, NOAH E3 28, AHENT 15D 27, ENFANT 15F 27
SHAFT 7H 15 Megaj64

On 6th draw, ELUTION 5E 28 --- ELUTION the act of eluting [n]
Other moves: NOETIC 8A 27, INDEX 12D 26, HABITUE 11G 24, BIEN E3 23, BOET E3 23
COUNT 8F 7 Megaj64

On 7th draw, SPANDEX 12B 34 --- SPANDEX a synthetic elastic fiber [n]
Other moves: BARPS L1 32, PROBS L1 32, PODEX 12D 30, BARPS 6J 29, BARNS L1 28

On 8th draw, ALBER(G)O 14H 80 --- ALBERGO auberge [n]
Other moves: ALBER(G)O 4H 79, BLOA(T)ER 4I 76, EARLOB(E) 14H 72, (E)ARLOBE 14H 71, ALBI(C)ORE I2 70
(M)ARBLES B6 10 Megaj64

On 9th draw, MYALIST 4I 87 --- MYALIST one who practises myalism [n]
Other moves: MYALISTS B7 80, LAYTIMES K8 76, MYALISTS B5 73, AMYLIC 8A 42, MYSTIC 8A 42

On 10th draw, RETYING O2 33 --- RETIE to tie again, pr p RETYING, RETIEING [v]
Other moves: GENTRY O1 30, TIGERY O4 30, TRYING O4 30, TYEING O4 30, TYRING O4 30

On 11th draw, HADJI 11G 32 --- HADJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: GIDJEE K10 30, GIDJEE K9 30, JEDI 14A 29, JETS N1 28, JIRD L12 28
TIGERS B7 9 Megaj64

On 12th draw, BITTERNS B5 64 --- BITTERN a wading bird [n]
Other moves: TERBIC 8A 39, BEIN 6J 29, BENI 6J 29, BENT 6J 29, BIEN 6J 29
TRIBES B7 14 Megaj64

On 13th draw, WEET 6J 35 --- WEET to know [v] --- WEET wet [adj]
Other moves: WEE 6J 34, WET 6J 34, WE 6J 33, EWE A8 31, WOWF 4C 31
WET 6J 34 iwhist
SWEET 7H 12 Megaj64

On 14th draw, RAGEE A4 36 --- RAGEE an East Indian cereal grass [n]
Other moves: GEARE A6 33, AGEE A5 30, OGEE A5 30, GAIR A6 28, GEAR A6 28

On 15th draw, PAVIOR 2J 34 --- PAVIOR one that paves [n]
Other moves: QADI 14A 33, QAID 10K 29, QADI M1 28, QADI 10K 27, PAD 3K 26
PAIR 2L 12 Megaj64

On 16th draw, UNCIAE C1 25 --- UNCIA a coin of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: ANCE 12J 23, EINA 15L 21, EINE 15L 21, CUEIN(G) M9 20, ECU 1H 19
ACIN(G) M10 12 Megaj64

On 17th draw, QUAILED 1B 54 --- QUAIL to cower [v]
Other moves: EQUALI 1A 48, EQUID 1A 48, EQUAL 1A 45, QADI 14A 33, UGLIED 1C 30
EQUAL 1A 45 Megaj64
QI 1M 24 iwhist

On 18th draw, INDOOR 2B 51 --- INDOOR pertaining to the interior of a building [adj]
Other moves: DINGO 2A 41, WIND 2A 41, WING 2A 41, DING 2A 37, INGO 2B 37
WOOD N12 8 Megaj64

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