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Game of September 21, 2012 at 02:05, 1 player
1. 216 pts Megaj64

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceenqs   H4    48    48   queens
 2. ceeinov   I1    26    74   covin
 3. afgilps   2I    36   110   oflags
 4. aeelott   K1    66   176   allottee
 5. aijrttu   J8    28   204   raj
 6. ?defors  11E   100   304   fedoras
 7. abeinuw   L1    37   341   wain
 8. adeimtu   9A    65   406   taediums
 9. eiiknry  12D    42   448   kyrie
10. aeinotv   N2    63   511   stovaine
11. aacosty   O6    42   553   toys
12. dgiloru   A4    30   583   diglot
13. acimnnt   1D    39   622   mantic
14. bdehorr   B8    87   709   harbored
15. abcegnp  A12    55   764   peba
16. cehpruu   M9    38   802   perch
17. eginouz   L8    49   851   zo
18. aegluux   O3    36   887   ax
19. aeilnuw   2A    32   919   lawine

Remaining tiles: giuuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3938 FileMegaj64     0 18:34  -703  216     1.3938 Megaj64     0 18:34  -703  216 

On 1st draw, Q(U)EENS H4 48 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: Q(U)EEN H4 46, Q(U)EENS H7 30, Q(U)EENS H8 30, Q(U)EEN H8 28, Q(U)EENS H3 28
Q(U)EENS H8 30 Megaj64

On 2nd draw, COVIN I1 26 --- COVIN a conspiracy to injure or defraud [n]
Other tops: OVINE I2 26
Other moves: VINE I3 25, CINE I3 23, NEVI I1 22, VIN I3 22, (U)NVOICE 5H 22
(U)NVOICE 5H 22 Megaj64

On 3rd draw, OFLAGS 2I 36 --- OFLAG a prisoner of war camp for officers [n]
Other tops: SCALP 1H 36
Other moves: FISCAL 1F 33, FLEGS 6F 31, FASCI 1F 30, FLICS 1F 30, SCAPI 1H 30
CLASP 1I 10 Megaj64

On 4th draw, ALLOTTEE K1 66 --- ALLOTTEE one to whom something is allotted [n]
Other moves: TELCO 1F 26, ALCO 1G 23, LACE 1G 23, TACE 1G 23, TACO 1G 23

On 5th draw, RAJ J8 28 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: TAJ J8 28
Other moves: TAURIC 1D 27, URATIC 1D 27, OUIJA 4K 26, JAR G5 25, TAIRA L1 23
JITTER 7D 15 Megaj64

On 6th draw, FEDOR(A)S 11E 100 --- FEDORA a felt hat with a brim and a crease [n]
Other moves: DO(O)FERS L4 90, D(O)OFERS L4 90, FEDOR(A)S L8 88, FOD(D)ERS L8 88, FORD(O)ES L8 88
DEFROS(T)S 9A 15 Megaj64

On 7th draw, WAIN L1 37 --- WAIN a large, open wagon [n] --- WAIN to convey [v]
Other moves: UNCIAE 1G 35, ANEW 10C 33, NEW 10D 32, ANEW 12E 30, WAIN L4 30

On 8th draw, TAEDIUMS 9A 65 --- TAEDIUM the state of being tedious [n]
Other moves: TAMED 12D 37, REMADE 8J 36, REMEAD 8J 36, REMEID 8J 36, REMUDA 8J 36
ADMITS 9C 11 Megaj64

On 9th draw, KYRIE 12D 42 --- KYRIE a religious petition for mercy [n]
Other moves: KI 10F 39, KYRIE 12A 39, NITERY A7 39, KYNE 12D 35, KYTE A7 33
RINKED D4 24 Megaj64

On 10th draw, STOVAINE N2 63 --- STOVAINE a local anaesthetic [n]
Other moves: REVOTE 8J 39, VENATIC 1C 39, AVANTI B9 34, AVIATE B9 34, ENTIA 8A 34
STOVE N2 10 Megaj64

On 11th draw, TOYS O6 42 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other tops: SOYA O6 42
Other moves: OYS O7 37, SOY O6 37, STY O6 37, TOY O6 37, SATAY O7 34
TOASTY A9 10 Megaj64

On 12th draw, DIGLOT A4 30 --- DIGLOT a bilingual book or edition [n]
Other moves: OUTRIG A7 27, GOLD M7 25, DILUTOR A5 24, DORIC 1E 24, DUROC 1E 24

On 13th draw, MANTIC 1D 39 --- MANTIC having powers of prophecy [adj]
Other tops: CANTIC 1D 39
Other moves: MANTIC M9 34, ACMIC 1E 33, MANIC M9 32, MATIN M9 28, AMNIC 1E 27
CANINE C4 9 Megaj64

On 14th draw, HARBORED B8 87 --- HARBOR to shelter [v]
Other moves: BOH M7 39, HORDE M9 36, HORDE 12J 34, BORDER M9 32, HOB 12J 32
BORDER C5 10 Megaj64

On 15th draw, PEBA A12 55 --- PEBA a type of armadillo [n]
Other moves: BANE A12 47, GAPE A12 47, PANE A12 47, GANE A12 39, GENA A12 39
DANCE 4A 16 Megaj64

On 16th draw, PERCH M9 38 --- PERCH to sit or rest on an elevated place [v]
Other moves: PUCER M9 32, PEH G5 27, PRUH 2B 27, RUCHE M9 26, RUCHED D4 26

On 17th draw, ZO L8 49 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: GEOMANTIC 1A 42, MOZING D1 36, ZINGED D4 36, AGONIZE E1 34, DOZING 4A 34
DOZING 4A 34 Megaj64

On 18th draw, AX O3 36 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX O3 36
Other moves: EAUX 2B 35, ULEX 2B 35, LUXE 2C 30, AXE 2D 29, AXEL 2B 28

On 19th draw, LAWINE 2A 32 --- LAWINE an avalanche [n]
Other moves: UNLAW 2A 25, ALINE 2B 24, ANILE 2B 24, INULA 2B 24, LIANE 2B 24

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