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Game of September 21, 2012 at 02:51, 2 players
1. 551 pts Zweep
2. 164 pts Megaj64

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cehilsw   H4    36    36   wiches
 2. ?bddens   5D    94   130   beddings
 3. aeeintx   J2    68   198   exigeant
 4. ?aclorw   2G    74   272   lacework
 5. eiprsst   O2    93   365   sprites
 6. ehijrtu   L1    38   403   jour
 7. abefipz   1F    80   483   fez
 8. aeilmor   D5    80   563   bromelia
 9. aegnptv   M1    35   598   arpent
10. airtuvy   8A    30   628   atimy
11. diknoor   B2    44   672   drookit
12. aabegno   A1    34   706   beano
13. ehnoouy   C2    37   743   hey
14. degmruv  13B    36   779   mudger
15. afgilot  E11    30   809   fagot
16. aenoquu  15A    45   854   quant
17. eggilnt  15A    54   908   quanting
18. ellotuv  10I    26   934   levo
19. agilotu  12G    20   954   agouti

Remaining tiles: ilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6495 FileZweep       3 19:06  -403  551     1.6495 Zweep       3 19:06  -403  551 
  2.3901 FileMegaj64     0 20:32  -790  164            Group: not rated
                                             1.3901 Megaj64     0 20:32  -790  164 

On 1st draw, WICHES H4 36 --- WICH a tree [n]
Other moves: WELCH H4 34, WELCH H8 34, CHEWS H4 32, WHILES H3 32, WHILES H4 32
WHILES H4 32 Zweep

On 2nd draw, BEDDIN(G)S 5D 94 --- BEDDING articles used in making up a bed [n]
Other moves: SIDEB(A)ND 5G 72, BE(H)INDS 5E 36, B(A)SINED 5E 36, (R)EBINDS 5E 36, DESIN(E)D 5E 32
W(I)DENS 4H 18 Zweep
SEND 9H 6 Megaj64

On 3rd draw, EXI(G)EANT J2 68 --- EXIGEANT exacting [adj]
Other moves: EXTINE 6A 42, EXEAT 4A 36, EXEAT 6A 34, EXTINE I7 33, AXITE I7 32
TAXI 6C 31 Zweep
TEXAS 9D 13 Megaj64

On 4th draw, LACEWOR(K) 2G 74 --- LACEWORK a delicate openwork fabric [n]
Other moves: WARLOC(K) G8 73, CAL(L)OWER 2D 64, WARLOC(K)S 9A 63, CA(L)LOWER 2D 62, LACEWOR(K) E2 62
CRAWLS 9C 15 Megaj64
WAR G8 15 Zweep

On 5th draw, SPRITES O2 93 --- SPRITE an elf or fairy [n]
Other tops: ESPRITS O1 93, SITREPS O2 93, SPRIEST O2 93, STIRPES O2 93, STRIPES O2 93
Other moves: PERSIST 10I 80, STIRPES G7 73, ESPRITS K9 70, RESPITES E4 70, PHRASIEST 7G 69
STEP 1E 32 Zweep
PRIESTS 9B 11 Megaj64

On 6th draw, JOUR L1 38 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other tops: JET 1F 38
Other moves: REH 1F 35, JEHU 10I 33, EH 1G 32, JET 10I 29, JEU 10I 29
JET 1F 38 Zweep
BIRTH D5 11 Megaj64

On 7th draw, FEZ 1F 80 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: BEZ 1F 77, ZAP 1F 56, ZEP 1F 56, ZEA 1F 44, BAIZE N7 42
FEZ 1F 80 Zweep
PLEAD G1 14 Megaj64

On 8th draw, BROMELIA D5 80 --- BROMELIA a plant of the pineapple family [n]
Other moves: LOAMIER K7 74, ARMER M1 33, ORMER M1 33, MILOR 4A 30, MOLAR 4A 30
LAME 4C 27 Zweep
MARBLE D2 20 Megaj64

On 9th draw, ARPENT M1 35 --- ARPENT an old French unit of area [n]
Other moves: ARPEN M1 33, PATEN C9 33, VATMEN 8A 33, ARGENT M1 31, GAPE C7 30
PATEN C9 33 Zweep
PAGEANT 12C 11 Megaj64

On 10th draw, ATIMY 8A 30 --- ATIMY loss of honour [n]
Other tops: TRYMA 8A 30
Other moves: TAY C7 27, YAR C7 27, TIVY E11 26, AYU C6 25, YURTA 6B 25
TAY C7 27 Zweep

On 11th draw, DROOKIT B2 44 --- DROOKIT drenched [adj]
Other moves: DRINK 3C 42, DROOK 3C 42, KONDO 13A 34, KIND 13A 32, KOND 13A 32
KID C7 31 Zweep
INDOOR 11D 14 Megaj64

On 12th draw, BEANO A1 34 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other moves: BEAN A1 29, BEGAN 10I 27, BEANO 10I 26, BEGO 10I 26, GAEN A1 26
BEANO A1 34 Zweep
TANGO 9J 8 Megaj64

On 13th draw, HEY C2 37 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v] --- HEY used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HOOEY K7 31, HYEN C11 30, HEN C2 28, HEY 10I 28, HYE C11 28
HOOEY K7 31 Zweep
THON 9J 8 Megaj64

On 14th draw, MUDGER 13B 36 --- MUDGER one who confuses [n]
Other moves: MUDGE 13B 32, VERD 13A 30, DEGUM 10I 28, DEMUR 10I 27, DERV 10I 27
MEG C12 16 Zweep
GRAVED 12B 11 Megaj64

On 15th draw, FAGOT E11 30 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other moves: IF 14E 29, OF 14E 29, FIGO E11 28, FAG E11 26, FIG E11 26
OF 14E 29 Zweep

On 16th draw, QUANT 15A 45 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: TOQUE 15E 42, TUQUE 15E 42, AEON 10I 23, EOAN 10J 23, EAN 10J 22
TOQUE 15E 42 Zweep
QUEENY E3 22 Megaj64

On 17th draw, QUANTING 15A 54 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: QUANTILE 15A 51, LEGGIN 10I 29, ENGILT 10J 28, GENTIL 10I 28, ELINT 10J 26
EGG N8 11 Zweep

On 18th draw, LEVO 10I 26 --- LEVO turning towards the left [adj]
Other tops: VELL 10I 26, VETO 10I 26
Other moves: EVO 10J 25, LEV 10I 25, VET 10I 25, TELL 10I 23, ELL 10J 22
OUT I9 8 Zweep

On 19th draw, AGOUTI 12G 20 --- AGOUTI a burrowing rodent [n]
Other moves: KORAI 6B 18, KURTA 6B 18, VULGO K10 18, AGOUTI L8 16, GALOOT L7 16
VAULT K10 16 Zweep

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