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Game of September 21, 2012 at 05:57, 3 players
1. 397 pts EvilGrin
2. 184 pts fatcat
3. 55 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiiknov   H8    36    36   invoke
 2. aehinor  14F    33    69   hernia
 3. aeetuvw  15K    41   110   weave
 4. aimnsuz  15A   114   224   mizunas
 5. ?dloort   8H    74   298   idolator
 6. eelrstw   O1    86   384   wrestler
 7. aegiosy  C12    32   416   oyez
 8. aeilntu   2H    70   486   auntlier
 9. beijlnt   1E    66   552   benj
10. giioprt   3C    32   584   pirogi
11. ?cegips   K4    98   682   gemclips
12. cgilstu   4A    26   708   cuit
13. defiory   A2   101   809   recodify
14. aaabelo  B12    27   836   lobi
15. hnoqrsu  L11    31   867   house
16. ademnqt   2D    32   899   dam
17. aaadent   D8    28   927   adnate
18. aafgrtx  E10    38   965   ax

Remaining tiles: afgqrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7047 FileEvilGrin    2 10:57  -568  397     1.7047 EvilGrin    2 10:57  -568  397 
  2.5909 Filefatcat      1  8:14  -781  184            Group: intermediate
  3.6987 FileSQUAW1      1  1:43  -910   55     1.6987 SQUAW1      1  1:43  -910   55 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5909 fatcat      1  8:14  -781  184 

On 1st draw, INVOKE H8 36 --- INVOKE to appeal to for help [v]
Other moves: KNIVE H4 34, INVOKE H3 28, INVOKE H4 28, INVOKE H7 28, KOINE H4 28
INVOKE H8 36 EvilGrin

On 2nd draw, HERNIA 14F 33 --- HERNIA the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [n]
Other tops: HEROIN 14F 33
Other moves: HERON 14F 32, HERNIAE 13G 30, HEROINE 13G 30, HARE 14F 29, HARN 14F 29
NOH I11 27 EvilGrin

On 3rd draw, WEAVE 15K 41 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: VAWTE L10 32, WEAVE L10 32, WAVE L11 30, AWEE 13F 29, WEETE 13G 29
WEAVE 15K 41 EvilGrin

On 4th draw, MIZUNAS 15A 114 --- MIZUNA a Japanese mustard [n]
Other moves: NIZAMS 15C 108, ZINS 15E 91, MAINS 15D 82, AMINS 15D 76, MASU 15F 74
ZINS 15E 91 EvilGrin

On 5th draw, IDOL(A)TOR 8H 74 --- IDOLATOR one that worships idols [n]
Other moves: ROOT(H)OLD 11C 66, ROOT(H)OLD 11F 66, ROOT(H)OLD 11G 66, ROOTL(E)D G2 61, ROOTL(E)D I2 61
DOOR 13K 17 EvilGrin

On 6th draw, WRESTLER O1 86 --- WRESTLER one who takes part in hand to hand contests [n]
Other moves: WRESTLED I1 64, SWELLER K5 40, SWELTER K5 40, SWEERT 13J 29, TWEELS 13J 29
SWELTER K5 40 EvilGrin

On 7th draw, OYEZ C12 32 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other tops: GASEITY M3 32, GOALIES K5 32, SOILAGE K5 32
Other moves: GAYS 9L 31, G*YS 9L 31, AGIOS 9K 28, YOGEE L11 28, AYES N2 27
YEA 13G 24 EvilGrin

On 8th draw, AUNTLIER 2H 70 --- AUNTLY of or suggesting an aunt [adj]
Other tops: ALUNITE D6 70
Other moves: ALUNITES 4H 68, UNTAILED I1 61, UILLEAN K5 28, AUNTIE D8 23, OATLIKE 12C 22
TUNE D10 17 EvilGrin

On 9th draw, BENJ 1E 66 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: JIB 1F 48, JIBE 1E 45, TAJINE H1 42, JIBE 13K 39, JIBE D10 39
JIB 1F 48 EvilGrin

On 10th draw, PIROGI 3C 32 --- PIROGI a small dumpling with a filling [n]
Other moves: GIP 3G 28, GORP 3F 28, GRIP 3F 28, TOPI B12 27, TRIP 3F 27
TRIP 3F 27 EvilGrin
POOR 12A 18 fatcat

On 11th draw, GE(M)CLIPS K4 98 --- GEMCLIP (South Africa) a paperclip [n]
Other moves: PECKI(N)GS 12E 82, PIECI(N)GS D2 78, ESC(A)PI(N)G L5 72, PE(L)(A)GICS L5 72, PIG(F)(A)CES L4 72
C(R)IPE D9 29 EvilGrin
PL(A)CES L1 24 fatcat

On 12th draw, CUIT 4A 26 --- CUIT the ankle [n]
Other moves: CUITS D8 24, CULTI D8 24, CULTS D8 24, CUTIS D8 24, SCUG 13J 24
TUCK 12E 10 fatcat

On 13th draw, RECODIFY A2 101 --- CODIFY to put into the form of a code [v] --- RECODIFY to insert a new code [v]
Other moves: CODIFY A4 45, FIERY D8 40, DEIFY D8 38, CIDERY A4 36, COIFED A4 36
CRIED A4 24 fatcat

On 14th draw, LOBI B12 27 --- LOBUS a small lobe [n]
Other tops: BALU D12 27, BEAU D12 27
Other moves: BOLA 4F 26, BOLE 4F 26, ALBA D10 25, ALBE D10 25, LOBE D10 25
LOBE 13K 18 fatcat

On 15th draw, HOUSE L11 31 --- HOUSE to lodge in a house (a building in which people live) [v]
Other tops: HORSE L11 31
Other moves: HORNS D8 30, HOURS D8 30, SUQ 13K 30, HOURS D9 28, OH J5 27
QIS M1 24 fatcat

On 16th draw, DAM 2D 32 --- DAM to build a barrier to obstruct the flow of water [v]
Other moves: MANED D8 30, MATED D8 30, MENAD D8 30, NAM 2D 30, QAT D10 30
MIND M1 14 fatcat

On 17th draw, ADNATE D8 28 --- ADNATE joined to another part or organ [adj]
Other moves: ANTED D8 22, DANT M10 22, DATE D10 22, DENT M10 22, TAED B7 21
AGENTS 4J 14 fatcat

On 18th draw, AX E10 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: TAXA 5C 32, AX B9 30, RAX 5C 30, TAX 5C 30, AGAR E10 29
AX E10 38 SQUAW1, fatcat

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