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Game sheet of TwoFold (file), Game of September 22, 2012 at 19:16

Word find
Word played
1 DEEGOSU             GEODES H4 20 20  
2 ?AFIRRT             FIRE(B)RAT 5E 90 110  
3 AEGKLRV             GRAVEL 4A 31 141  
4 AAEIOPR GRAPE A4 24 -6 24 1/2 IGARAPE A3 30 171 3/3
5 AINSTUW WAIST M2 27 -9 51 2/2 TWAINS B9 36 207 2/3
6 ?AEGIIS GIES A12 30 -42 81 1/2 GAI(E)TIES L1 72 279 2/3
7 DEEHMNO HOED A12 49   130 2/2 HEED A12   328 2/3
8 AEILMNO ME C12 22 -63 152 1/2 MINEOLA M7 85 413 2/3
9 AENOPSX             EXPOS N9 65 478 2/3
10 ADJLNNO             JOANNA 2J 58 536 2/3
11 BEHIORT             BOTHIE O4 45 581 2/4
12 DIRRTUW             EXPOSIT N9 32 613 2/4
13 ADMOORU             DOORMAT 15H 39 652 2/4
14 BCDEINR             GIED 1L 31 683 2/4
15 BKNTUUZ             KANZU C3 38 721 2/4
16 BFNOTTU             FIN 3K 23 744 2/4
17 BLLOUVY             YOU 14J 33 777 3/4
18 ELTUUVY             VLY 10F 29 806 3/5
19 BCEQRTU             CLIQUE F3 37 843 3/5
20 BCLRTUW             BLOW 12L 26 869 3/5

Total: 152/869 or -717 for 17.49%
Rank: 6449

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