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Game of September 23, 2012 at 17:32, 4 players
1. 450 pts susieq8182
2. 242 pts argomearns
3. 104 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eikllnt   H4    28    28   knell
 2. ?bdortu   6C    70    98   outbreed
 3. ?deiiot   E5    82   180   otitides
 4. deeiinv   8A    30   210   invite
 5. egilnsx  D12    40   250   ilex
 6. aaenswy   8H   104   354   laneways
 7. aenqruz   M8    52   406   azurean
 8. dginotu  15A    36   442   doux
 9. adgnops  12G    76   518   pondages
10. acegiot  14B    30   548   goetic
11. acegqrt  14J    32   580   tranq
12. aefijst  11K    41   621   jar
13. ceghors  15F    35   656   shore
14. ablmrty   N7    36   692   lyam
15. beefost   K2    31   723   beefs
16. aefhrty   L1    57   780   hefty
17. aaeimor   2I    32   812   ambeer
18. cegioru   1D    35   847   courie
19. aiioptw  J10    26   873   wad
20. ginoptv   A3    65   938   pivoting

Remaining tile: i

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7270 Filesusieq8182  2 14:11  -488  450     1.7270 susieq8182  2 14:11  -488  450 
  2.6984 Fileargomearns  0 11:27  -696  242            Group: intermediate
  3.5729 Filetonikay     2  5:24  -834  104     1.6984 argomearns  0 11:27  -696  242 
  4.2784 Filerainbow     0  1:45  -923   15            Group: novice
                                             1.5729 tonikay     2  5:24  -834  104 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.2784 rainbow     0  1:45  -923   15 

On 1st draw, KNELL H4 28 --- KNELL to sound a bell [v]
Other tops: KNELT H4 28
Other moves: TINKLE H3 22, TINKLE H4 22, TINKLE H7 22, TINKLE H8 22, INKLE H4 20
TINKLE H8 22 susieq8182

On 2nd draw, OUTBRE(E)D 6C 70 --- OUTBREED to interbreed relatively unrelated stocks [v]
Other tops: TURBOND(S) 5C 70
Other moves: TROUB(L)ED 6B 68, DOUBTER(S) 6C 66, OBDUR(A)TE 6A 66, OBTRUD(E) I8 66, OBTRUDE(D) 6B 64
(A)BOUT I2 19 susieq8182

On 3rd draw, OTITIDE(S) E5 82 --- OTITIS inflammation of the ear [n]
Other moves: OTITIDE(S) E3 66, EDITIO(N) G8 62, ODDITIE(S) J4 61, ODDITIE(S) J5 61, IDIOLE(C)T 8D 59
KITED 4H 20 susieq8182

On 4th draw, INVITE 8A 30 --- INVITE to request the presence of [v]
Other tops: VENITE 8A 30
Other moves: KNIVED 4H 28, ENDIVE 5G 27, EVENT 8A 27, ENDITE 8A 24, INDITE 8A 24
VINE(S) 12A 22 susieq8182, argomearns

On 5th draw, ILEX D12 40 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: SEXING K6 39, VEXINGS C8 38, VEXING C8 36, LEXIS K2 35, NIXES K2 35
EXING 5J 29 susieq8182

On 6th draw, LANEWAYS 8H 104 --- LANEWAY a narrow passageway [n]
Other moves: SWEENY 14A 40, WEENY 14B 38, ASWAY C10 36, AWAYES K1 35, SAWNEY K6 35
WANE C12 34 susieq8182

On 7th draw, AZUREAN M8 52 --- AZUREAN of the colour of azure [adj]
Other moves: ZA 7M 47, ZANDER 10B 38, ZERDA 10B 37, AZUREAN M3 36, KANZU 4H 36
ZA 7M 47 susieq8182

On 8th draw, DOUX 15A 36 --- DOUX very sweet -- used of champagne [adj]
Other moves: GUYOT N6 30, UNDOING 14H 26, UNDOING 5G 25, ONDING 5G 23, YON N8 23
DOUX 15A 36 susieq8182

On 9th draw, PONDAGES 12G 76 --- PONDAGE the capacity of a pond [n]
Other moves: YAP N8 35, SNEAP 14B 32, GASPED K4 31, PAGODS K1 31, PONGAS K1 29
YAP N8 35 susieq8182, argomearns

On 10th draw, GOETIC 14B 30 --- GOETIC pertaining to black magic [adj]
Other tops: ACTING 14I 30, COGITO B10 30
Other moves: YAG N8 29, OCTANE 14I 28, YATES N8 27, TOZE 9K 25, ANOETIC 5G 24
YAG N8 29 susieq8182
CADET J10 16 argomearns

On 11th draw, TRANQ 14J 32 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: YAREST N8 30, YAG N8 29, CARNET 14J 28, YATES N8 27, CRANE 14J 26
YAG N8 29 susieq8182

On 12th draw, JAR 11K 41 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other moves: JEAT 11H 40, JEATS K2 35, TAJES K2 35, JETS K3 33, JAI 15H 32
JAY N6 29 susieq8182, argomearns
JA I3 23 tonikay
AI A7 2 rainbow

On 13th draw, SHORE 15F 35 --- SHORE to prop up a past tense of SHEAR [v]
Other moves: COSHERY N2 34, SHOE 9H 34, SHOER 15H 34, CHOGS K2 33, CHORES K1 33
SHORE 15F 35 susieq8182, tonikay
SHOG 15F 33 argomearns
SOS O6 3 rainbow

On 14th draw, LYAM N7 36 --- LYAM a leash [n]
Other moves: YAM N8 35, BYRLAW L3 28, AMBRY 5J 27, YAM 9I 27, BYLAW L4 26
YAM N8 35 argomearns
YA I3 15 tonikay
MIL A7 5 rainbow

On 15th draw, BEEFS K2 31 --- BEEF the flesh of domestic cattle as food [n] --- BEEF to add bulk to [v]
Other tops: FEEBS K2 31
Other moves: FOBS K3 29, FETES K2 27, TEF 13F 27, BEE 13F 25, BEETS K2 25
BEEFS K2 31 tonikay
EPOCH G11 13 argomearns
BEE K7 5 rainbow

On 16th draw, HEFTY L1 57 --- HEFTY heavy [adj]
Other moves: FAERY L1 48, HERY 13F 44, YEAH L1 44, HAFT L1 41, HEFT L1 41
HARE L1 32 argomearns

On 17th draw, AMBEER 2I 32 --- AMBEER tobacco juice [n]
Other moves: HAEM 1L 27, HAME 1L 27, HARM 1L 27, HERM 1L 27, HOMA 1L 27
HOME 1L 27 argomearns

On 18th draw, COURIE 1D 35 --- COURIE (Scots) to nestle or snuggle [v]
Other moves: CERO 13F 30, EUOI 13G 28, COGIE 1E 26, COGUE 1E 26, GRICE 1E 26
CORE 1F 20 susieq8182

On 19th draw, WAD J10 26 --- WAD to form into a wad (a small mass of soft material) [v]
Other moves: WASP O6 25, WISP O6 25, PAD J10 23, WAT 9I 23, WOT 9I 23
OP 2E 22 susieq8182

On 20th draw, PIVOTING A3 65 --- PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v] --- PIVOTING the section of a machine which pivots [n]
Other moves: OP 2E 22, IN 15N 17, IO 15N 17, IT 15N 17, EFT 3K 16
OP 2E 22 susieq8182

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