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Game of September 24, 2012 at 23:21, 2 players
1. 180 pts Megaj64
2. 32 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdikls   H3    88    88   skaldic
 2. ?eioptx   5D   114   202   expiator
 3. ?adnoov   3C    74   276   advowson
 4. adehior   6A    38   314   rhodie
 5. eglnopr   A1    36   350   groper
 6. einrsuz   L1    65   415   zines
 7. adeiltu   1H    51   466   deutzia
 8. beelors   O1    81   547   slob
 9. abehmtv   6H    29   576   lah
10. aeegmos   4A    32   608   pome
11. aeinrtt   N3    65   673   tartine
12. aeilmot   B6    69   742   halimote
13. aefilwy   M7   106   848   lifeway
14. acefqtv   8A    42   890   clave
15. aginrsw   O9    92   982   rawings
16. eejnrtu  10J    27  1009   jure
17. egnqruu  12I    28  1037   quena
18. befnrty  A11    42  1079   benty

Remaining tiles: fgru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.3640 FileMegaj64     0 16:21  -899  180     1.7172 sunshine12  0  1:02 -1047   32 
  2.7172 Filesunshine12  0  1:02 -1047   32            Group: not rated
                                             1.3640 Megaj64     0 16:21  -899  180 

On 1st draw, SKALDIC H3 88 --- SKALD an ancient Scandinavian poet [adj] --- SKALDIC pertaining to an ancient Scandinavian poet [adj]
Other moves: SKALDIC H6 84, SKALDIC H8 82, SKALDIC H2 80, SKALDIC H4 80, SKALDIC H7 80

On 2nd draw, EXPIATO(R) 5D 114 --- EXPIATOR one that expiates [n]
Other moves: EXPLOIT(S) 6E 84, EXPO(S)ITS 3A 84, EXP(L)OITS 3A 84, EXPOSIT(S) 3D 68, EXTI(R)PS 3B 36

On 3rd draw, ADVO(W)SON 3C 74 --- ADVOWSON the right of presenting a nominee to a vacant church office [n]
Other moves: CO(R)DOVAN 9H 68, VINDA(L)OO 8G 61, (C)O(R)DOVAN K3 60, VA(U)DOO 4A 45, V(A)NDA 4A 39

On 4th draw, RHODIE 6A 38 --- RHODIE a rhododendron [n]
Other tops: HAE 4C 38, HAO 4C 38, HIE 4C 38, HOE 4C 38, RADIO 4A 38
Other moves: HADE 4A 35, HEARD 6J 35, HIDE 4A 35, HAIRDO 2I 33, HAIRED 2I 33

On 5th draw, GROPER A1 36 --- GROPER one that gropes [n]
Other moves: PERRON A4 33, PORGE A4 33, POLE 4A 32, PONE 4A 32, PORE 4A 32

On 6th draw, ZINES L1 65 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZEINS L1 65
Other moves: ZINS L2 43, REZ 2A 35, RIZ 2A 35, SIZER L5 32, INSURE L3 31

On 7th draw, DEUTZIA 1H 51 --- DEUTZIA an ornamental shrub [n]
Other tops: DUALIZE 1G 51
Other moves: LAZIED 1J 48, AZIDE 1K 45, ZATI 1L 39, ZEAL 1L 39, ZETA 1L 39
DILUTED 7H 11 Megaj64

On 8th draw, SLOB O1 81 --- SLOB a slovenly or boorish person [n]
Other tops: SORB O1 81
Other moves: SOBER O1 78, SLEER O1 72, SOLER O1 72, SOREE O1 72, SOREL O1 72
SCORE 9G 9 Megaj64

On 9th draw, LAH 6H 29 --- LAH the sixth note of the scale [n]
Other moves: ETH I7 28, HA 2F 27, HE 4C 27, HE 6J 27, THEMA I8 27
HABIT 8E 10 Megaj64

On 10th draw, POME 4A 32 --- POME a fleshy fruit with a core [n]
Other moves: SAM 7A 30, SOM 7A 30, PAGE 4A 29, MODGED D1 28, PASE 4A 26
HOMAGE B6 16 Megaj64

On 11th draw, TARTINE N3 65 --- TARTINE bread, butter and jam [n]
Other tops: NATTIER N3 65
Other moves: INTERACT 9B 63, AIDE 7F 16, NIDE 7F 16, RADE 7F 16, RIDE 7F 16
HEART B6 10 Megaj64

On 12th draw, HALIMOTE B6 69 --- HALIMOTE the court of a guild [n]
Other moves: TOMIAL O7 39, AMOLE O8 34, EMAIL O8 34, LAMENT 8J 33, LOMENT 8J 33

On 13th draw, LIFEWAY M7 106 --- LIFEWAY a way of living [n]
Other moves: LIFEWAY O9 103, WIFEY A11 58, FLAWY 8A 54, FYLE O7 52, WIFELY M9 47
FLAW 8A 42 Megaj64

On 14th draw, CLAVE 8A 42 --- CLAVE one of a pair of percussion sticks [n]
Other tops: CLEFT 8A 42
Other moves: CLEF 8A 39, FAVE L12 37, ALEFT 8A 36, AVINE 8K 36, FACE L12 35
FACE 12L 20 Megaj64

On 15th draw, RAWINGS O9 92 --- RAWING a second mowing of grass [n]
Other moves: RAWINGS F8 82, RAWINGS 14G 80, STRAWING 12A 80, WEARINGS 13A 78, RESAWING 13A 76
WEARING 13A 26 Megaj64

On 16th draw, JURE 10J 27 --- JURE by law [adv]
Other tops: JETE 10J 27, JUTE 10J 27
Other moves: JEER A11 26, JETE A11 26, J*W 11K 26, JURE A11 26, JUTE A11 26
VENTURE D8 20 Megaj64

On 17th draw, QUENA 12I 28 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other tops: QUERN K9 28, ROQUE 11A 28, TUQUE 12B 28
Other moves: QUERY 13I 27, QUA 12K 24, URGE A12 23, GREIN 2I 21, REG F8 19
OGRE 11B 10 Megaj64

On 18th draw, BENTY A11 42 --- BENTY like wiry grass [adj]
Other moves: YBET C10 35, FERNY C11 33, FEY A13 32, FRY A13 32, YRENT C10 31
FEY A13 32 sunshine12
RENTS 15K 6 Megaj64

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