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Game sheet of raggedy01 (file), Game of September 26, 2012 at 18:39

Word find
Word played
1 ?CILOQT Q(U)ILT H4 46   46 2/2 Q(U)OIT H4   46 2/2
2 AEFHNPR HAP G7 26 -4 72 2/2 PHARE G6 30 76 2/2
3 ADIKLOT TALKED 10C 21 -30 93 3/3 DAKOIT H10 51 127 2/3
4 AEIMNOU QUINE 4H 28 -9 121 2/3 ANOMIE F7 37 164 2/3
5 AELLNTU             EQUANT 4G 30 194 2/3
6 ?ADGIOV             VA(L)GOID 3A 81 275 2/3
7 CELMNSY             LEVY A1 42 317 3/3
8 AEGIOTW             WIGGA D1 28 345 3/4
9 ABERSTY             BARYTES C5 68 413 3/4
10 AEELLVX             LAX I11 43 456 3/4
11 CEGIMOV             MOVIE B10 44 500 3/4
12 BEOOTUU             WOOBUT 1D 33 533 4/4
13 AHINPSS             ASPISH 15A 47 580 4/5
14 DEFILRU             UNRIFLED K3 74 654 4/5
15 DEFIRSZ             FRIZED A6 66 720 4/5
16 CEEJNTU             EJECT L10 31 751 4/5
17 CEGORSW             SCOW 15L 46 797 5/5
18 EELNRRU             RERUN 9J 22 819 5/5
19 EEGLNNN             GENES E11 20 839 5/5

Total: 121/839 or -718 for 14.42%
Rank: -

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