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Game sheet of TwoFold (file), Game of September 26, 2012 at 20:09

Word find
Word played
1 ABELNRR BARREL H4 22   22 1/1 BRANLE H4   22 1/1
2 ADEEITY YAE I7 25 -4 47 1/1 YAD I7 29 51 1/1
3 ?CDLSUU             CU(S)S 10F 27 78 1/1
4 ADEHLPS             PLASHED J2 87 165 1/1
5 DEEILOR             RECOILED F8 63 228 1/1
6 FHINOUW             NOURISH 5E 40 268 1/1
7 ?BEGIOT             BODGIE(S)T 15D 92 360 1/1
8 ACFILTW             FLAW 6C 33 393 1/1
9 FORSTTU             FOURS 1F 38 431 1/1
10 EGNORVY             RENVOY 2A 56 487 1/1
11 AEEIORT             AEROLITE 13B 70 557 1/1
12 ACEIMNT             EMICANT 12H 81 638 1/1
13 AEEIMRV             VIAMETER N7 88 726 1/1
14 AGIQSTX             TAXI 14A 40 766 1/1
15 IKNOSTU             KNIT 8L 39 805 1/1
16 INOPQSU             QUIPOS 11B 36 841 1/1
17 AGIJOOT             TAJ 4D 36 877 1/1
18 DEGIOOW             GOWDER 8A 39 916 1/1

Total: 47/916 or -869 for 5.131%
Rank: -

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